
Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Alaitoc Craftworld (4.2.0) and Codex Astartes (NetEA Tournament Pack 2014)17/03/2016

Well we manage another game of epic. It was 3000 point per side and it was between Alaitoc Craftworld (4.2.0) and Codex Astartes (NetEA Tournament Pack 2014)

I played Alaitoc Craftworld (4.2.0) and Britt played the Codex Astartes (NetEA Tournament Pack 2014)

The below is the link to Alaitoc Craftworld (4.2.0)…

Yep, not up on taccom.. I’m still waiting on a fix, to allow me to log back in, after the 11th Feb hiccup..Winking smile

Changes that were tested..

  • Changes made to the Alaitoc Ranger Warhost.
  • Added War Walker Warhost.
  • Formation change on Nightwings and points cost.
  • Formation change on Phoenix Bombers and points cost.
  • Phoenix Bombers had stat change on BP weapon.
  • Pathfinders were brought in line with the UK version.


Armies used

Codex Astartes (NetEA Tournament Pack 2014)
4 Terminators, Chaplain
5 Landspeeder
4 Devastators, Supreme Commander, 2 Land Raider
4 Land Raiders, Hunter
6 Tacticals, Rhinos, Hunter
4 Terminators, Captain
4 Whirlwinds, Hunter
2 Thunderbolt Fighters

Alaitoc Craftworld (4.2.0)
8 Rangers
8 Rangers
8 War Walker
8 War Walker
4 Falcon, 2 Firestorms
2 Nightwing Interceptors
2 Phoenix Bombers

Farseer, 7 Guardians
3 Night Spinners
6 Pathfinder
Exarch, 6 Swooping Hawk



  • DEPLOYMENT of Codex Astartes, Alaitoc Craftworld and objective markers

Thursday 170316 001

  • Off board forces..

Thursday 170316 002Thursday 170316 003


Turn 1

  • Codex Astartes teleport in both terminators in(Photo1). Alaitoc Craftworld teleport in the Swooping Hawks and Pathfinder(Photo2)

Thursday 170316 004Thursday 170316 005

  • Alaitoc Craftworld wins SR and goes first.
  • Alaitoc do a engage action with swooping hawks and target the Whirlwinds(Photo1).The dice are rolled and the swooping hawks win the combat and the Whirlwinds are wiped from the board(Photo2).The swooping hawks consolidate a full move, so as to be behind the rocky out crop(Photo3)..was done to cut down on activations and kill his indirect fire

Thursday 170316 006Thursday 170316 007Thursday 170316 008

  • Alaitoc double move night spinner, so that it was behind the Rocky out crop(Photo1)…was done to save the formation

Thursday 170316 009

  • Alaitoc double move WAR WALKER WARHOST and shoot the Terminators, giving them a BM(Photo1)..Charge of the light formation, mainly done effect movement..

Thursday 170316 010

  • Codex Astartes do a engage action with Terminators(support from other terminators) and target the SoV(Photo1).The dice are rolled and the SoV(broken) wins the combat and the Terminators are broken(Photo2).The Terminators flee behind rocky out crop in corner of table. The SoV flees diagonal forward so it behind rocky crop. Supporting terminators get BM due to supporting fail assault.(Photo3)…done to cut down on Activations

Thursday 170316 011Thursday 170316 012Thursday 170316 013

  • Codex Astartes do a engage action with Terminators and target the WAR WALKER WARHOST(Photo1).The dice are rolled and the WAR WALKER WARHOST wins the combat and the Terminators are wiped from the board(Photo1).The WAR WALKER WARHOST consolidates a full move forward(Photo3)..he should have won this

Thursday 170316 014Thursday 170316 015Thursday 170316 016

  • Alaitoc place NIGHTWINGS on CAP(Photo1)..

Thursday 170316 017

  • Codex Astartes double move DEVASTATOR(Photo1) and shoot Swooping hawks, giving them a BM(Photo2).

Thursday 170316 018Thursday 170316 019

  • Alaitoc double move rangers, into the ruins to claim objective marker and get a better save(Photo1)..

Thursday 170316 020

  • Codex Astartes bring thunderbolts and target the broken SoV, killing 1 all up(Photo1)..was hoping to wipe it off the board

Thursday 170316 021

  • Alaitoc place pathfinders on over watch(Photo1)..Guard duty

Thursday 170316 022

  • Codex Astartes bring in Thunder hawk(1DC and 2BM’s CAP)( CAP suffer BM from AA FIRE) and shoots the Swooping Hawks, killing 2 and breaking them(Photo1).They flee to the other side of the ruin(Photo2)..cutting down on activation

Thursday 170316 023Thursday 170316 024

  • Alaitoc bring PHONIEX BOMBERS(BM from AA fire) and shoot the TACTICAL, killing 1 and giving them 3 BM’s(Photo1)..wanted to make it harder to activate

Thursday 170316 025

  • Codex Astartes double move TACTICAL up, to claim Objective marker(Photo1)..

Thursday 170316 026

  • Alaitoc double move WAR WALKER WARHOST up, to denie ground(Photo1)..

Thursday 170316 027

  • Codex Astartes double move land raiders up(Photo1) and shoots the WAR WALKER WARHOST, killing three and giving it 4 BM’s(Photo2)..

Thursday 170316 028Thursday 170316 029

  • Alaitoc place GUARDIANS on over watch(Photo1)..Guard Duty

Thursday 170316 030

  • Codex Astartes keep land speeders on over watch(Photo1)..Guard Duty

Thursday 170316 031

  • Alaitoc double move EoV(Photo1) and shoot land speeders, killing 1 and giving them 2 BM’s(Photo2)..was hoping to break them..

Thursday 170316 032Thursday 170316 033

  • Alaitoc double move EoV(Photo1) and shoot land speeders, killing 1 and breaking the formation, due to BM’s, when flee it shot by OWF, killing another and formation flees to objective marker(Photo2)..was hoping to break them..

Thursday 170316 034Thursday 170316 038

  • Codex Astartes fail to rally LANDSPEEDERS and Alaitoc fail to rally the Swooping hawks.Both sides remove BM’s.
  • No aircraft were shot down in the disengage section..


Thursday 170316 039


Turn 2

  • Codex Astartes wins SR and goes first.
  • Codex Astartes do sustain fire with Land raiders(Photo1) and shoots the WAR WALKER WARHOST, killing it out right(Photo2)..done to cut down on activations

Thursday 170316 040Thursday 170316 041

  • Codex Astartes do sustain fire with TACTICAL(Photo1) and shoot EoV, doing two DC and breaking it due to BM’s. It flee behind rocky out crop(Photo2)..done to cut down on activations

Thursday 170316 042Thursday 170316 044

  • Alaitoc do sustain fire with Night spinners(Photo1) and target the TACTICAL, killing 1 and giving it 2 BM’s(Photo2)..done to place BM’s

Thursday 170316 045Thursday 170316 046

  • Alaitoc fail to activate EoV(no picture) and shoot DEVASTATOR, killing 1 and giving them 2 BM’s(Photo2)..start of trying to break the BTS

Thursday 170316 047

  • Codex Astartes bring in Thunder hawk and shoots the broken Swooping Hawks, killing one all up(Photo1)…was hoping to wipe the formation off the board

Thursday 170316 048

  • Alaitoc double move WAR WALKER WARHOST (Photo1) and shoot the Terminators, killing 1 and breaking the formation, which flees down the baseline(Photo1)..done to cut down on activations

Thursday 170316 049Thursday 170316 050

  • Codex Astartes do a engage action with DEVASTATOR(2bm from OWF)and target the pathfinders(Photo1).The dice are rolled and the pathfinders(broken) wins the combat and the DEVASTATOR are broken(Photo2).The DEVASTATOR flee into rocky out crop behind them. The pathfinders flees diagonal forward so it in rocky crop(Photo3)…done to clear blitz

Thursday 170316 051Thursday 170316 052Thursday 170316 053

  • Alaitoc march move rangers, so to claim two objective markers (Photo1)..done to claim the Blitz

Thursday 170316 054

  • Codex Astartes bring thunderbolts and target the broken EoV, killing it outright(Photo1)..wanted to gains some kill points

Thursday 170316 055

  • Alaitoc double move SoV up, to claim objective marker (Photo1)..

Thursday 170316 056

  • Alaitoc march move rangers, so to claim two objective markers (Photo1)..

Thursday 170316 057

  • Alaitoc fail to bring on PHONIEX BOMBERS(Photo1) having a stiff drink

Thursday 170316 059

  • Alaitoc bring on Nightwings and target the THUNDERBOLTS, giving them a BM(Photo1).. yes, only need to hit them,umm that didn’t happen

Thursday 170316 060

  • Alaitoc keep GUARDIANS on over watch(Photo1)..guard duty

Thursday 170316 084

  • Alaitoc fail to rally the Swooping hawks and Pathfinders.Both sides remove BM’s.
  • No aircraft were shot down in the disengage section..


Thursday 170316 061


Turn 3

  • Alaitoc Craftworld wins SR and goes first.
  • Alaitoc do sustain fire with Night spinners(Photo1) and target the TACTICAL, giving it 3 BM’s(Photo2)…was hoping to cut the number of activations

Thursday 170316 062 Thursday 170316 063

  • Alaitoc fail to activate rangers(Photo1) and shot the DEVASTATOR, giving them a BM(Photo2)..was hoping to cut the number of activations

Thursday 170316 064Thursday 170316 065

  • Codex Astartes double move land raiders up(Photo1) and shoots the Night spinners, killing one and breaking the formation, which flees side ways to rocky out crop.(Photo2)..wanted to break it

Thursday 170316 066Thursday 170316 068

  • Codex Astartes do sustain fire with TACTICAL (Photo1) and shoot EoV, doing one DC and breaking it due to BM’s. It flee behind rocky out crop(Photo2)…wanted to break it

Thursday 170316 069Thursday 170316 071

  • Alaitoc do engage action with WAR WALKER WARHOST and target the Terminators (Photo1) The dice are rolled and the WAR WALKER WARHOST wins the combat and the Terminators are wiped from the board(Photo2)…was hoping to cut the number of activations

Thursday 170316 072Thursday 170316 073

  • Alaitoc bring PHONIEX BOMBERS and shoot the DEVASTATOR, killing 1 and giving them 3 BM’s, which is enough to break it(Photo1).It flees straight back to the rock out crop(Photo2)..

Thursday 170316 074Thursday 170316 075

  • Alaitoc bring on Nightwings and target the broken DEVASTATOR, doing nothing(Photo1)..was hoping to claim the BTS

Thursday 170316 076

  • Codex Astartes bring in Thunder hawk and shoots the broken Pathfinders, killing all of them(Photo1).wanted to get them off the Blitz

Thursday 170316 077

  • Alaitoc double move SoV and shoots broken DEVASTATOR, doing nothing(Photo1)..was trying to claim BTS

Thursday 170316 079

  • Codex Astartes bring thunderbolts and target the RANGER, killing 1 and giving it 2 BM’s(Photo1).. wanted to push me off the Blitz

Thursday 170316 080

  • Alaitoc fail to activate rangers and so regroup(Photo1)..great

Thursday 170316 081

  • Codex Astartes fail to activate landspeeder and so it breaks due to BM’s and flees back to objective marker(Photo1)..dammmm

Thursday 170316 083

  • Alaitoc keep GUARDIANS on over watch(Photo1)..guard duty

Thursday 170316 084

  • Alaitoc fail to rally the Swooping hawks, EoV and Night spinners. Codex Astartes fail to rally DEVASTATOR and LANDSPEEDERS. Both sides remove BM’s.
  • No aircraft were shot down in the disengage section..
  • Alaitoc win on count back(Sorry lost the numbers)(call due to time)
Victory Condition Alaitoc Codex Astartes
1. Blitz no no
2. Break their sprit NO NO
3. Defend the Flag Yes no
4. Take and Hold No no
5. They Shall not Pass NO no

Thursday 170316 085



Another enjoyable game..Although the number of six’s I rolled was a concern, I had Britt checking dice…I guess in the end he won’t be using termies any time soon..

Anyways on with it..

Changes made to the Alaitoc Ranger Warhost: They did want I expect from Rangers. The main concern is whether they have upgrade added and the points cost

Added War Walker Warhost: Like all LV they do come with their disadvantage, and advantages. Again it weather they need to have upgrades added and the points cost

Formation change on Nightwings and points cost: They seem to work fine, in the last two games. The points cost is the main factor 225, more testing is needed.

Formation change on Phoenix Bombers and points cost: They seem to work fine, in the last two games. The points cost is the main factor 275, more testing is needed.

Phoenix Bombers had stat change on BP weapon: I didn’t want a 6BP Disrupt formation and so thought 4 BP Disrupted was better option. So the best way was to drop the size and small points drop and increase the BP.

Pathfinders: They didn’t do much today, apart from hold the blitz briefly


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