Well we manage another game of epic. It was 3000 point per side and it was between Legio Gryphonicus (NetEA) and Death Korps of Krieg (NetEA DKoK 2.0).. Trent played the Legio Gryphonicus (NetEA), Me and Britt played the Death Korps of Krieg (NetEA DKoK 2.0)..
Armies used
Legio Gryphonicus (NetEA v3.24 *APPROVED*)
2 Laser Burner, Legate, Veteran Princeps, Carapace Multi-Lasers, Sacred Icon, 2 Melta Cannon
3 Gatling Blaster, Veteran Princeps, Carapace Multi-Lasers, Sacred Icon, Single Weapon System Surcharge
2 Vulcan Megabolter, Single Weapon System Surcharge, Veteran Princeps
2 Inferno Gun, Single Weapon System Surcharge, Veteran Princeps
2 Thunderbolts
2 Secutor, 8 Hypaspists
2 Secutor, 8 Hypaspists
Death Korps of Krieg (NetEA DKoK 2.0)
Death Korps Commander, 19 Death Korps Infantry
Death Korps Commander, 19 Death Korps Infantry
Death Korps Commander, 19 Death Korps Infantry
5 Leman Russ Demolisher, Leman Russ Vanquisher
4 Quad Launchers, 4 Centaurs
4 Quad Launchers, 4 Centaurs
Death Korps Deathstrike Missile Silo
6 Death Korps Rough Riders (with 'scout' ability)
80cm of Trenches, 20cm of Razor Wire, 4 Bunkers
2 Warhounds
2 Thunderbolts
Deployment of Death Korps of Krieg, Legio Gryphonicus and objective markers…. 
Turn 1
Death Korps of Krieg win the SR and go first.. Death Korps of Krieg fail to activate LIGHT SUPPORT BATTERY and so regroup(Photo1) 
Legio Gryphonicus bring on THUNDERBOLT SQUADRON and shoot the INFANTRY COMPANY,Killing 1 and giving it 2 BM’s(Photo1).. 
Death Korps of Krieg march move DEATH RIDER SCOUT PLATOON up the right flank(Photo1) 
Legio Gryphonicus place SKITARII DEMI-CENTURY on overwatch(Photo1)… 
Death Korps of Krieg place LIGHT SUPPORT BATTERY on overwatch(Photo1).. 
Legio Gryphonicus double move WARHOUND(Photo1) and shoot INFANTRY COMPANY, killing1 and giving it 2 BM’s(Photo2).. 

Death Korps of Krieg double move WARHOUND(Photo1) and shoot WARHOUND, taking shield down and giving it a BM(Photo2).. 

Legio Gryphonicus double move REAVER TITAN(Photo1) and shoots the WARHOUND, taking shield down and giving it a BM(Photo2).. 

Death Korps of Krieg double move TANK PLATOON(Photo1) and shoot WARHOUND, taking shield down, doing 2DC and breaking it, so it flees back to it deployment area(Photo2).. 

Legio Gryphonicus place SKITARII DEMI-CENTURY on overwatch(Photo1)… 
Death Korps of Krieg fail to activate INFANTRY COMPANY and regroup(Photo1)… 
Legio Gryphonicus double move WARHOUND(Photo1) and shoot INFANTRY COMPANY, killing 3 and giving it 5 BM’s(Photo2).. 

Legio Gryphonicus march move WARLORD up(Photo1) 
Death Korps of Krieg double move INFANTRY COMPANY up into ctiy(Photo1)… 
Death Korps of Krieg do marshalling action on INFANTRY COMPANY, so move and than remove all BM’s(Photo1).. 
Death Korps of Krieg double move WARHOUND PACK(Photo1) and shoot WARLORD, taking 5 shields down and giving it a BM(Photo2).. 

Death Korps of Krieg bring in THUNDERBOLT SQUADRON, which is blown out of the sky(Photo1)..yeah he need 6’s and rolled double 6 
Death Korps of Krieg do sustain fire with DEATHSTRIKE SILO(Photo1), and shoots Warhound, killing it out right(Photo2)… 

Both side remove BM’s.. No aircraft were shot down in the disengage section.. END OF TURN SHOT
Turn 2
Legio Gryphonicus win the SR and go first.. Legio Gryphonicus do sustain fire with Warhound(Photo1) and shot INFANTRY COMPANY, killing 1 and giving it 3 BM’s(Photo2)… 

Legio Gryphonicus doe engage action with WARLORD and target the INFANTRY COMPANY and calls intermingled and drags in the warhound pack(Photo1).The dice are rolled and the WARLORD wins the combat and the INFANTRY COMPANY&WARHOUND PACK is broken and both flee behind the woods(Photo2).. 

Death Korps of Krieg fail to activate DEATH RIDER SCOUT PLATOON and regroup(Photo1) 
Legio Gryphonicus bring on THUNDERBOLT SQUADRON and shoot the DEATHSTRIKE SILO, giving it a BM(Photo1).. 
Legio Gryphonicus move REAVER TITAN(Photo1) and targets the TANK PLATOON, killing 4 and breaking it, so it flees up onto the hill(Photo2).. 

Death Korps of Krieg do sustain fire with DEATHSTRIKE SILO(Photo1), and shoots Warlord, giving it a BM(Photo2) 

Legio Gryphonicus keep SKITARII DEMI-CENTURY on overwatch(Photo1)… 
Death Korps of Krieg fail to activate INFANTRY COMPANY and regroup(Photo1)… 
Legio Gryphonicus place SKITARII DEMI-CENTURY on overwatch(Photo1)… 
Death Korps of Krieg double move LIGHT SUPPORT BATTERY(Photo1) and shoot the WARHOUND, giving it a BM(Photo2).. 

Death Korps of Krieg move WARHOUND up and shoot REAVER TITAN, taking a 3 shield down and giving it a BM(Photo1).. 
Death Korps of Krieg do engage action with INFANTRY COMPANY(Support from WARHOUND) and target the REAVER TITAN(Photo1).The dice are rolled and the REAVER TITAN wins and the INFANTRY COMPANY is broken(Photo2).The INFANTRY COMPANY flee back into the building.The WARHOUND gets BM and the REAVER TITAN consolidate 5(Photo3).. 

Death Korps of Krieg do sustain fire with LIGHT SUPPORT BATTERY(Photo1) and shoot the SKITARII DEMI-CENTURY, killing 3 and giving it 4 BM’s(Photo2).. 

Death Korps of Krieg don’t rally INFANTRY COMPANY..Both side remove BM’s No aircraft were shot down in the disengage section.. END OF TURN SHOT
Turn 3
Death Korps of Krieg win the SR and go first.. Death Korps of Krieg fail to activate WARHOUND PACK and so regroup(Photo1).. 
Legio Gryphonicus doe engage action with WARLORD and target the LIGHT SUPPORT BATTERY (Support from INFANTRY COMPANY)(Photo1).The dice are rolled and the WARLORD wins the combat and the LIGHT SUPPORT BATTERY is wiped from the board(Photo2).. 

Legio Gryphonicus bring on THUNDERBOLT SQUADRON and shoot the DEATHSTRIKE SILO, doing a DC and then confirming a critical, destroyed(Photo1).. 
Death Korps of Krieg do a engage action with DEATH RIDER SCOUT PLATOON(lose 1 to DTT) and target the SKITARII DEMI-CENTURY(Photo1).The dice are rolled and the SKITARII DEMI-CENTURY(3BM) win combat and the DEATH RIDER SCOUT PLATOON is wiped from the board(Photo2) 

Legio Gryphonicus do sustain fire with Warhound and shot INFANTRY COMPANY, killing 7 and giving it 9 BM’s(Photo1)… 
Legio Gryphonicus move REAVER TITAN(Photo1) and targets the Warhound, doing 2 DC and breaking it, so it flees forward(Photo2).. 

Death Korps of Krieg do marshalling action on INFANTRY COMPANY, so move and than remove all BM’s(Photo1).. 
Legio Gryphonicus march move SKITARII DEMI-CENTURY, and claim another objective marker(Photo1) 
Death Korps of Krieg do sustain fire with LIGHT SUPPORT BATTERY(Photo1) and shoot the SKITARII DEMI-CENTURY, killing 1 and giving it 2 BM’s(sorry no pic).. 
Legio Gryphonicus does marshalling action with SKITARII DEMI-CENTURY, so moves and remove all BM’s(Photo1).. 
Death Korps of Krieg fail to activate TANK PLATOON and breaks and flees behind building(Photo1)… 
Death Korps of Krieg do march move with INFANTRY COMPANY and spread out to contest two objective markers(Photo1) 
Death Korps of Krieg don’t rally WARHOUND..Both side remove BM’s No aircraft were shot down in the disengage section.. END OF TURN SHOT
Turn 4
Legio Gryphonicus win the SR and go first.. Legio Gryphonicus double move Warhound up(Photo1) and shoots the LIGHT SUPPORT BATTERY, killing 3 and breaking it, due to BM’s.So it flees closer to the blitz marker(Photo2) 

Legio Gryphonicus fail to active SKITARII DEMI-CENTURY(Photo1) and so shoot the INFANTRY COMPANY, killing 2 and giving it 3 BM’s(Photo2).. 

Death Korps of Krieg move WARHOUND pack(Photo1) and shoot WARLORD, taking down a shield, doing DC and giving it 2 BM’s(Photo2) 

Legio Gryphonicus doe engage action with WARLORD and target the WARHOUND PACK(Support from INFANTRY COMPANY)(Photo1).The dice are rolled and the WARHOUND PACK(Broken) win the combat and the WARLORD(4DC), is broken(Photo2)..The WARLORD flees back and the WARHOUND PACK stay put(Photo3).. 

Legio Gryphonicus fail to bring on THUNDERBOLT SQUADRON (Photo1).. 
Death Korps of Krieg march move INFANTRY COMPANY, back towards blitz(Photo1)… 
Legio Gryphonicus place SKITARII DEMI-CENTURY on overwatch(Photo1)… 
Death Korps of Krieg fail to activate INFANTRY COMPANY and regroup(Photo1)… 
Legio Gryphonicus do sustain fire with REAVER TITAN(Photo1) and targets the broken Warhound killing it out right(Photo2).. 

Death Korps of Krieg fail to activate TANK PLATOON and breaks and flees behind building(Photo1)… 
Death Korps of Krieg fail to activate INFANTRY COMPANY and regroup(Photo1)… 
Death Korps of Krieg don’t rally LIGHT SUPPORT BATTERY and WARHOUND PACK..Both side remove BM’s No aircraft were shot down in the disengage section.. Legio Gryphonicus wins on count back 925 to 1465..
Victory Condition | Death Korps of Krieg | Legio Gryphonicus |
1. Blitz | NO | no |
2. Break their sprit | NO | NO |
3. Defend the Flag | NO | no |
4. Take and Hold | No | no |
5. They Shall not Pass | NO | no |
Ok..very interesting game..Trent rolling ability can make you think, should have taken up chess. In turn one I said to Britt, I will use the fighters to strip the last shield off the warlord and you can than hit it with the silo, he said yep let do it..Yeah right, didn't happen..
I’m happy we manage to make it a count back win the Legio Gryphonicus…
Think I found the cause of all the bad dice rolling on our part….to busy looking out the window..

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