
Friday, May 1, 2015

Biel-Tan Craftworld (NetEA 4.2) Vs. Steel Legion (v2014) Take 2


Well it Friday night again and we manage another epic game…

So the following will be tested..

1) In the Strategy Phase of any turn place the Avatar within 15cm of a unit with the Farsight ability , before making a strategy roll. The Avatar counts as its own formation and may only enter play in this manner. In the End Phase of that turn remove the Avatar before rallying formations. Once the Avatar has been removed it may not return.

2) Swords of Vaul: Replace any number of Falcons with an equal number of Fire prisms for free.
3) Engine of Vaul: The second engine cost is now 200 points

Game 19

The game was 3000 points and was between Biel-Tan Craftworld (NetEA 4.2) played by Trent Vs. Steel Legion (v2014) played by Me

Armies used

Steel Legion (v2014)
Supreme Commander, 12 Infantry, 7 Chimera, Hydra, 1 Sniper
10 Leman Russ, Hydra
3 Manticores
3 Manticores
2 Marauders
2 Thunderbolts
2 Thunderbolts

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Biel-Tan Craftworld (v4.2)
Autarch, Exarch, 8 Shining Spear
2 Exarch, 8 Shining Spear
Farseer, 6 Guardians, Heavy Weapon Platform
8 Ranger
Void Spinner

Void Spinner
2 Cobra
2 Scorpion

2 Cobra

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  • Biel-Tan Craftworld deployment from Right(Photo1) to Left(Photo2) flank and scouts(Photo3), off board forces(Photo4)

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  • Steel Legion deployment from Right(Photo1) to Left(Photo3) flank and off board forces(Photo4)

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  • Biel-Tan Craftworld go first…
  • Biel-Tan do sustain fire with the VOID SPINNER(Photo1) and shoots the ARTILLERY BATTERY and gets 1 kill and is given 3 BM’s, which break the formation and so it flees forward to the woods(Photo2)

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  • Biel-Tan do sustain fire with the VOID SPINNER(Photo1) and shoots the ARTILLERY BATTERY, giving it a BM(Photo2)

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  • Biel-Tan move ASPECT WARRIOR WARHOST(Photo1)

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  • Steel Legion do sustain fire with the ARTILLERY BATTERY(Photo1) and shoots EoV, Doing 1 DC and giving it 2 BM’s(Photo2)

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  • Biel-Tan double move EoV(Photo1)

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  • Steel Legion place shadowsword on overwatch(Photo1)

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  • Biel-Tan Double move EoV(Photo1), and shoot TANK COMPANY, killing 3 and giving it 4 BM’s(Photo2)

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  • Steel Legion move TANK COMPANY(Photo1) and shoots EoV,Doing 1 DC and giving it 2 BM’s(Photo2)

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  • Biel-Tan Double move ASPECT WARRIOR WARHOST(Photo1)

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  • Steel Legion double move warhound(Photo1) and shoot EoV, giving it a BM(Photo2)

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  • Biel-Tan Double move EoV, fail a DTT and then have critical confirmed(BM from OWF) (Photo1),and then shoots warhound, killing the W/E out right(Photo2)

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  • Steel Legion double move Shadowsword(suffer a DC due to failed DTT)(Photo1) and shoot EoV, giving it a BM and breaking it due to BM’s and so it flees back to it deployment zone(Photo2)

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  • Biel-Tan March move GUARDIAN WARHOST, up to objective marker(sorry no pic)
  • Steel Legion double move REGIMENTAL HQ(Photo1) and shoot EoV, giving it a BM(Photo2)

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  • Steel Legion bring in MARAUDER BOMBERS and shoot Broken EoV. doing a DC, Killing the Broken EoV, due to BM’s(Photo1)

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  • Biel-Tan keep RANGERS on overwatch(Sorry no pic).
  • Steel Legion bring in THUNDERBOLT SQUADRON and shoot Void Spinner,doing a DC and giving it 2 BM’s(Photo1)

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  • Steel Legion bring in THUNDERBOLT SQUADRON and shoot Void Spinner, breaking it due to BM’s, so it flees forward(Photo1)

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  • Both side remove BM’s
  • No aircraft were shoot down in the disengage section.



  • Steel Legion go first…
  • Steel Legion do a engage action with REGIMENTAL HQ and target the EoV(Photo1).The dice are rolled and the REGIMENTAL HQ wins the combat and the EoV is broken(Photo2). The REGIMENTAL HQ consolidates 5 cm and gets 2 BM’s(Photo3) and the EoV, flees back to it deployment zone and behind the woods(Photo4)

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  • Steel Legion move shadowsword(Photo1) and shoots the EoV, killing the W/E out right(Photo2)

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  • Biel-Tan do a engage action with ASPECT WARRIOR WARHOST and target the REGIMENTAL HQ(Photo1). The dice are rolled and the REGIMENTAL HQREGIMENTAL HQ win the combat and the ASPECT WARRIOR WARHOST is broken(Photo2).The REGIMENTAL HQ consolidate 5 cm and gets a BM and the ASPECT WARRIOR WARHOST flees into the woods(Photo3)

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  • Biel-Tan do sustain fire with the VOID SPINNER(Photo1) and shoots the REGIMENTAL HQ ,killing 5 and is given 6 BM’s(Photo2)

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  • Biel-Tan fail to activate VOID SPINNER and so it breaks due to BM’s and flees back into it deployment zone(SC rerolled used)(Photo1)

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  • Steel Legion double move TANK COMPANY(Photo1)

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  • Biel-Tan march move ASPECT WARRIOR WARHOST to hill(Photo1)

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  • Steel Legion march move shadowsword(Photo1)

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  • Biel-Tan double move GUARDIAN WARHOST(Photo1) and shoot TANK COMPANY, giving it a BM(Photo2)

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  • Biel-Tan Craftworld keep RANGERS on overwatch(Photo1)

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  • Steel Legion place ARTILLERY BATTERY on overwatch(Photo1)

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  • Steel Legion fail to activate ARTILLERY BATTERY and it breaks due to BM’s(Photo1)

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  • Steel Legion bring in THUNDERBOLT SQUADRON and shoot Broken void spinner, giving it a BM and so doing a DC(Photo1)

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  • Steel Legion bring in THUNDERBOLT SQUADRON and shoot Broken EoV, doing a DC and killing the formation out right(Photo1)

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  • Steel Legion bring in MARAUDER BOMBERS and shoot GUARDIAN WARHOST, killing 2 and giving it 4 BM’s(Photo1)

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  • Biel-Tan Craftworld don’t rally Void Spinner.Both side remove BM’s.
  • No aircraft were shoot down in the disengage section.



  • The avatar is summon(Photo1)

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  • Biel-Tan Craftworld goes first..
  • Biel-Tan do a engage action with the Avatar and use the commander ability and bring in the ASPECT WARRIOR WARHOST& GUARDIAN WARHOST and target the TANK COMPANY(Photo1),The dice are rolled and the Avatar, ASPECT WARRIOR WARHOST&GUARDIAN WARHOST win the combat and the TANK COMPANY is wiped from the board(Photo2). The Avatar&GUARDIAN WARHOST consolidate full move back towards the objective behind the hill. The ASPECT WARRIOR WARHOST consolidate full move forward towards the blitz objective(No pic)

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  • Biel-Tan do sustain fire with the VOID SPINNER(Photo1) and shoots the ARTILLERY BATTERY, giving it a BM(Photo2)

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  • Biel-Tan Craftworld move the ASPECT WARRIOR WARHOST, so that it was closer to the objective to contest it(Photo1)

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  • Steel Legion do sustain fire with the ARTILLERY BATTERY(Photo1) and shoots GUARDIAN WARHOST, killing 3 and breaking the formation which flees back to it deployment zone(Photo2)

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  • Biel-Tan Craftworld keep RANGERS on overwatch(Photo1)

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  • Steel Legion march move shadowsword, into the Eldar half of the table(Photo1)

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  • Steel Legion fail to activate ARTILLERY BATTERY and it breaks due to BM’s(Photo1)

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  • Steel Legion double move shadowsword(Photo1), and shoots void spinner, killing it out right(Photo2)

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  • Steel Legion do a marshalling action on the REGIMENTAL HQ and so move and remove all BM’s(Photo1)

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  • Steel Legion fail to bring in THUNDERBOLT SQUADRON(Photo1)

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  • Steel Legion bring in THUNDERBOLT SQUADRON and shoot ASPECT WARRIOR WARHOST, Giving it a BM and breaking the formation(Photo1), so the it flees to the ruins in front of it(Lose one to DTT)(Photo2)

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  • Steel Legion bring in MARAUDER BOMBERS and shoot ASPECT WARRIOR WARHOST, killing 2 and giving it 3 BM’s(Photo1)

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  • Biel-Tan Craftworld don’t rally Void Spinner and ASPECT WARRIOR WARHOST, Steel Legion don’t rally ARTILLERY BATTERY.Both side remove BM’s.
  • No aircraft were shoot down in the disengage section.
  • Biel-Tan Craftworld concedes and Steel legion win… count back was 975 to 1925


Victory Condition

Victory Condition Biel-Tan Craftworld Steel Legion
1. Blitz no NO
2. Break their sprit Yes Yes
3. Defend the Flag no no
4. Take and Hold no no
5. They Shall not Pass no no


Well that was very interesting game. I’m enjoying the second game on the Friday, since it allows me to play the other side. I think that the SL winning the SR on the second turn, really tip the game in the SL favour.

1) SoV-  This was not used at all in this game.

2) Warlock and farsight- This was not used at all in this game.

3) EoV-  Ok I still believe the “The second engine cost is now 200 points ”. is the right way to go.



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