Britt played the Emperor’s Children and Trent used the Deathwatch…
I took pictures, just watched and Trent wrote the report up..
Armies used
Emperor’s Children
One of the Questors hasn’t been corrupted by Chaos much yet, and looks like a Warhound. The bikes are very corrupted, and look like Juggernauts! My Hellblades have always looked like Doomwings
Death Watch(V1.4B)
4 Assault Bike, Chaplain, 4 Corvus Black Stars
8 Inquisitorial Storm Trooper, 4 Chimeras, Hydra,
Inquisitor, 6 Warrior Acolyte, 3 Chimeras
4 Vanguard Assault Veteran , Chaplain, 2 Corvus Black Stars
6 Warrior Acolyte, 3 Chimeras, Inquisitor
4 Watch Terminator, 4 Corvus Black Stars, Watch Master
6 Warrior Acolyte, 3 Chimeras, Inquisitor
THUNDERBOLT FIGHTERS [175]2 Thunderbolt Fighters
2 Thunderbolt Fighters
2 Thunderbolt Fighters
2 Thunderbolt Fighters
Turn 1
Strategy roll: Emperor's Children
Pre-turn Notes: the EC player got lucky with dice roll and wins int.
[Emperor's Children ] [HELLBLADE SQUADRON1] - [CAP SET] Notes: "actives and puts it on cap."
[Emperor's Children ] [RETAIN] [HELLBLADE SQUADRON2] - [CAP SET]Notes: "actives and puts it on Cap, EC rolls a six, oh emperor I hope this not a sign of what to come."
[Death Watch] [INQUISITORIAL WARBAND 3] - [DOUBLE] Notes: "actives and double to shot at RETINUE 2, killing a stand and dealing 2BM’s."
[Emperor's Children ] [CHOSEN4] - [MARCH] Notes: "actives and march towards an held objective 4. but not contesting it yet."
[Death Watch] [THUNDERBOLT FIGHTERS1] - [GROUND ATTACK] Notes: "actives and blow out of the sky by Cap hellblade1. "
[Emperor's Children ] [ RETINUE 2] - [ENGAGE] Notes: "actives and does engagement with INQUISITORIAL WARBAND 3, RETINUE 2 kills three stand, INQUISITORIAL WARBAND 3 kills a stand, roll off EC wins 10 – 9.. just by point..
[Death Watch] [THUNDERBOLT FIGHTERS] - [CAP SET]Notes: "actives and goes on Cap, learning from the past mistakes is a wise move."
[Emperor's Children ] [QUESTOR TITAN 2] - [ADVANCE] Notes: "actives and advance pass the hill to open fire on INQUISITORIAL WARBAND 1, missing with AT shots, but AP shredding infantry, killing 4, which gives enough BMs to break and so it flees.."
[Death Watch] [INQUISITORIAL STORM TROOPER PLATOON] - [OVERWATCH SET]Notes: "actives and goes on overwatch. DW wanting to see what EC does."
[Emperor's Children ] [RETINUE 1] - [OVERWATCH SET]Notes: "actives and goes on over watch."
[Death Watch] [THUNDERBOLT FIGHTERS 3] - [AIR ATTACK] Notes: "actives and targets Hellblade 1 with an air attack, giving it a BM."
[Emperor's Children ] [QUESTOR TITAN2] - [ADVANCE] Notes: "actives and advance up close to the hill to target INQUISITORIAL WARBAND 2, killing two stand and dealing three BMs."
[Death Watch] [THUNDERBOLT FIGHTERS 4] - [GROUND ATTACK] Notes: "actives and target Chosen 1, killing a stand and dealing 2 BM’s."
[Emperor's Children ] [ CHOSEN1] - [MARCH] Notes: "actives and march towards blitz, "
[Death Watch] [DW Watch Terminator 3] - [DOUBLE] Notes: "actives and double moves close to objective 2, over watch fire happens’ the RETINUE 4 manage to kill a Blackstar, DW Watch Terminator 3 shoots and missing it shots but dealing a BM."
[Death Watch] [DW Vanguard Assault Veteran 2] - [MARCH]Notes: "actives and march move up the flank to attack from different angle."
[Emperor's Children ] [RETINUE3] - [ADVANCE]Notes: "actives and advance the squad to get the most amount of shooting at DW Watch Terminator 3, RETINUE3 killing three Terminator , are you !@#$%%^ kidding, by the bloody Emperor this shall not pass."
[Death Watch] [DW Assault Bike 1] - [ENGAGE] Notes: "actives and does an engagement with ECC1, DW1 killing two stands, ECC1 kills a bike, roll off DW wins 12 - 6. by the Emperor this is more LIKE IT. "
[Emperor's Children ] [RETINUE3] - [ENGAGE]Notes: "actives and does an engagement with Watch Terminator(BST), RETINUE3 kills 1 black stars, DW Watch Terminator 3, kills a stand, supporting fire killing the reminding black stars, roll off EC wins 12 - 6, the difference is too great for the watch master and he dies..."
[Death Watch] [INQUISITORIAL WARBAND2] - [ENGAGE]Notes: "actives and does engagement action with CHOSEN4, INQUISITORIAL WARBAND 2 kills a stand, CHOSEN4 kills a stand, roll off INQUISITORIAL WARBAND 2 wins 9 - 5." then consolidates back 5
[Emperor's Children ] [CHOSEN3] - [ADVANCE]Notes: "actives and advances and targets DW Vanguard Assault Veteran 2, not kill anything make my saves, chaplain was up front,my mistakes but made my saves and deals a BM."
[Emperor's Children ] [BIKE COMPANY] - [MARCH] Notes: "actives and march into DW end of the table trying to get close to blitz, Storm trooper fire overwatch killing a Bike and dealing two BM."
Post-Turn Notes: HELLBLADE SQUADRON 1 fly off with no more BMs, DW; Thunderbolt 3 get a BM for flying off wrong edge, Thunderbolt 4 fly off with no more BMs,
EC rally; RETINUE2 removes all BM, BIKE COMPANY removes all BM’s, RETINUE 2 removes BM
DW rally; INQUISITORIAL WARBAND 1 fails to rally and move into cover losing a AV to DDT rolls, Assault Bike remove BM’s, INQUISITORIAL WARBAND 3 rallies, Vanguard Assault Veteran removes BMs, INQUISITORIAL WARBAND 2 removes BMs, THE EMPEROR PROTECT!!!!
Turn 2
Strategy roll: Emperor's Children
Pre-turn Notes: the EC player win's the int, the vision are coming true!!.
[Emperor's Children ] [BIKE COMPANY] - [ENGAGE]Notes: "actives and does engagement with Storm trooper squad, BIKE COMPANY kill four stands, INQUISITORIAL STORM TROOPER PLATOON kill 2, roll off ECB wins 11 - 6. THE BUGS HAVE DRAIN THE DICE OF THEIR ROLLS.
[Emperor's Children ] [RETAIN] [QUESTOR TITAN1] - [ADVANCE] Notes: "actives and moves to get cross fire targeting DW2, killing three stand and dealing 5 BMs almost break the assault squad.
[Death Watch] [DW Assault Bike1] - [ENGAGE]Notes: "actives and does an engagement with BIKE COMPANY, Assault Bike kills two stand, BIKE COMPANY kills three this include chaplain, roll of DW wins 10 - 4."
[Death Watch] [RETAIN] [DW Vanguard Assault Veteran 2] - [ENGAGE]Notes: "fails to actives and gain enough BM’S to brake and retreats back behind the hill."
[Emperor's Children ] [QUESTOR TITAN1] - [ADVANCE]Notes: "actives and moves up to target INQUISITORIAL WARBAND 3, killing the reminding infantry which gives enough BM’s to break it and then flees.."
[Death Watch] [THUNDERBOLT FIGHTERS2] - [GROUND ATTACK]Notes: "actives and target RETINUE 2, HELLBLADE SQUADRON 2 does Cap action first and the Cap kills the thunderbolt squad 2 before they could job."
[Emperor's Children ] [CHOSEN2] - [MARCH]Notes: "actives and march move onto objective 5."
[Death Watch] [THUNDERBOLT FIGHTERS4] - [GROUND ATTACK]Notes: "fails to actives"
[Emperor's Children ] [RETINUE4] - [DOUBLE]Notes: "actives and double towards objective 4. targeting Vanguard Assault Veteran, hits but Vanguard Assault Veteran make their saves."
[Death Watch] [INQUISITORIAL WARBAND 2] - [MARSHAL MOVE]Notes: "actives and does a marshals move around the objective 4 to protect it. "
[Emperor's Children ] [CHOSEN 3] - [MARCH] Notes: "actives and move to fortify objective 2."
[Death Watch] [THUNDERBOLT FIGHTERS 3] - [CAP SET] Notes: "stay on CAP"
[Emperor's Children ] [HELLBLADE SQUADRON1] - [CAP SET] Notes: "actives and put it on CAP."
[Emperor's Children ] [RETINUE3] - [DOUBLE] Notes: "actives and double moves and target Storm Trooper, missing hits but a kill due to BM."
[Emperor's Children ] [RETINUE2] - [DOUBLE]Notes: "actives and double move to do a condo line between objective 3 and 5."
[Emperor's Children ] [RETINUE 1] - [OVERWATCH SET]Notes: "stays on over watch."
Post-Turn Notes: EC aircraft; HELLBLADE SQUADRON get no BM,
EC rally; CHOSEN 2 removes BM..
DW rally time; INQUISITORIAL WARBAND1 fail to rally, INQUISITORIAL WARBAND 3 fail to rally DW Assault Bike fails to remove BM, Storm Troopers rallies something to do with an Inquisitor in the mist, DW Vanguard Assault Veteran rallies.
Final Notes: DW player concede…
Victory Condition | Emperor’s Children | Deathwatch |
1. Blitz | yes | no |
2. Break their sprit | yes | NO |
3. Defend the Flag | yes | no |
4. Take and Hold | yes | no |
5. They Shall not Pass | yes | no |