Well we manage another game of epic. It was 3000 point per side and it was between Red Corsairs (3.4) and Emperor's Children (4.0)
I played the Red Corsairs (3.4) and Britt Played the Emperor's Children (4.0)..
Link to the Emperor's Children (4.0)..
Link to the Red Corsairs (3.4)…
Red Corsairs (3.4)
4 Terminator unit, Sorceror Lord
5 Terminator unit, Sorceror Lord
4 Havoc units, 4 Thousand Sons units, Chaos Warlord
Chaos Lord, 4 Havoc units, 4 Thousand Sons units
1 Chaos Thunderhawk Gunship
1 Chaos Thunderhawk Gunship
4 Defilers
4 Defilers
CHOSEN [230]
6 Chaos Space Marine Units - all have the Scout ability, 3 Chaos Rhino
CHOSEN [200]
6 Chaos Space Marine Units - all have the Scout ability

Emperor's Children (4.0)
CHOSEN [125]
4 Chaos Space Marine Chosen
CHOSEN [125]
4 Chaos Space Marine Chosen
6 Chaos Marine units, 5 Chaos Marine, Chaos Warlord (Supreme Commander)
6 Chaos Marine units, 5 Chaos Marine, Sorcerer Lord
6 Chaos Marine units, 5 Chaos Marine, Sorcerer Lord
6 Chaos Marine units, 4 Chaos Marine, Sorcerer Lord
6 Chaos Marine units, 4 Chaos Marine, Sorcerer Lord
3 Hellblade Interceptors
3 Hellblade Interceptors
5 Hell-Scourge

Deployment of Red Corsairs, Emperor's Children and objective markers.. 
Off board forces

Red Corsairs teleport in terminators(Photo1) 
Red Corsairs win SR and go first… RC do engagement action with terminators and use the commander ability and take in other terminators and target the RETINUE(SC)(support from QUESTOR TITAN and RETINUE)(Photo1).The dice are rolled and the 2x terminators win the combat and the RETINUE is wiped from the board. The QUESTOR TITAN and RETINUE get a BM each for supporting a failed assault(Photo2). The terminator thts is broken due to BM’s flees to behind hill and the other consolidates 5(Photo3)….after BTS 

Red Corsairs bring in CHAOS THUNDERHAWK&RENEGADE WARBAND and target the RETIUNE and call intermingled and drags in the QUESTOR TITAN (Photo1).The dice are rolled and the RETIUNE & QUESTOR TITAN wins the combat and the RENEGADE WARBAND is broken and the CHAOS THUNDERHAWK is destroyed(Photo2)The RENEGADE WARBAND flees back into the buildup area (Photo3)..was trying to cut down on activations for next turn 

Emperor's Children do sustain fire with QUESTOR TITAN and shoots the broken RENEGADE WARBAND, killing it out right (Photo1)…Was cutting down on activations
Emperor's Children place HELLBLADE SQUADRON on CAP(Photo1)..
Red Corsairs place chosen on over watch(Photo1)…Guard Duty 
Emperor's Children do sustain fire with RETIUNE (Photo1) and shoot the broken terminators, killing them out right(Photo2). Was cutting down on activations 

Red Corsairs move DEFILER ASSAUT FORCE to their right(Photo1) and shoot chosen, giving them a BM(Photo2)…was hoping to kill a few and break it 

Emperor's Children bring on HELLBLADE SQUADRON and shoots the terminators, breaking them (Photo1).They flee and get shot by Retinue, who’s on over watch and are wiped out(Photo2)…Clearing back line 
Red Corsairs fail to activate DEFILER ASSAUT FORCE and so regroup(Photo1)…Oh yeah 
Emperor's Children do a engage action(1 killed and 2 BM’s from OWF)with Retinue and target the chosen(Photo1)The dice are rolled and the retinue wins the combat and the Chosen are wiped from the board(Photo2).The Retinue consolidates 5(Photo3).. 

Red Corsairs bring in HELLBLADE INTERCEPTORS and target the chosen, killing 2 and breaking the formation(Photo1).Chosen flee down the road into the buildup area(Photo2)..cutting down on activations 
Emperor's Children march move retinue up their left flank to take objective marker(Photo1).. 
Red Corsairs bring in CHAOS THUNDERHAWK&RENEGADE WARBAND (BM from CAP, CAP lose one to AA fire) and target the RETIUNE and call intermingled and drags in the QUESTOR TITAN (Photo1).The dice are rolled and the CHAOS THUNDERHAWK&RENEGADE WARBAND wins the combat and the RETIUNE is broken and the QUESTOR TITAN is destroyed (Photo2).The RENEGADE WARBAND flees back into the to its BLITZ and the RENEGADE WARBAND consolidates 5 (Photo3)..was trying to cut down on activations for next turn 

Emperor's Children move KNIGHT PACK(Photo1) and shoots the RENEGADE WARBAND, killing 5 and breaking the formation, which flees to the bottom of the hill(Photo2) 

Emperor's Children keep chosen on over watch(Photo1) 
Emperor's Children fail to rally Retinue.Both sides remove BM’s. No aircraft were shot down in the disengage section.. END OF TURN SHOT
Turn 2.
Emperor's Children win SR and go first… Emperor's Children move retinue up on their left flank, so it’s in the RC half of the table(Photo1) and shoots the DEFILER ASSAUT FORCE, killing 1 and giving it 2 BM’s(Photo2)…wanted to make it hard to activate 

Red Corsairs bring in HELLBLADE INTERCEPTORS and target the KNIGHTS PACK, giving it BM(Photo1)..wanted to make it hard to activate 
Emperor's Children place HELLBLADE SQUADRON on CAP(Photo1)..Oh joy cap 
Red Corsairs double move DEFILER ASSAUT FORCE (Photo1) and shoot Retiune, killing 1 and giving them 2 BM’s(Photo2)..again hoping to make it harder to activate 

Emperor's Children bring on HELLBLADE SQUADRON and shoots the RENEGADE WARBAND, breaking them.They flee into the woods(Photo1)…was trying to make sure it was broken 
Red Corsairs fail to bring in chaos thunderhawk, SC reolled used (Photo1)..dam.. 
Emperor's Children do sustain fire with RETIUNE (Photo1) and shoot the DEFILER ASSAUT FORCE, giving them a BM(Photo2)… again was looking at try kill a few 

Red Corsairs fail to activate DEFILER ASSAUT FORCE and so it breaks due to BM’s and so it flees behind the hill(Photo1)…oh yeah 
Emperor's Children do sustain fire with chosen(Photo1) and shoot the DEFILER ASSAUT FORCE, giving them a BM(Photo2).again was looking at try kill a few 

Red Corsairs Keep chosen on over watch(Photo1)..Guard duty 
Emperor's Children place RETIUNE on over watch(Photo1)...Guard duty 
Emperor's Children keep chosen on over watch(Photo1)...Guard duty 
Emperor's Children double move KNIGHT PACK(Photo1).Guard duty 
Both sides remove BM’s. No aircraft were shot down in the disengage section.. END OF TURN SHOT
Turn 3
Red Corsairs win SR and go first… Red Corsairs bring in HELLBLADE INTERCEPTORS, which are jumped by CAP and so they use junk save, two are blown out of the sky(Photo1)...Oh well that didnt work, 4+ jink save 
Red Corsairs fail to bring in chaos thunderhawk, SC reroll used(Photo1)..
Emperor's Children bring on HELLBLADE SQUADRON and shoots the RENEGADE WARBAND, killing 1 and breaking them .They stay put due to fearless(Photo1).This was done so they could claim TSNP 
Emperor's Children do sustain fire with RETIUNE (Photo1) and shoot the DEFILER ASSAUT FORCE, giving them a BM(Photo2)…. trying to make it harder to activate the formation 

Red Corsairs fail to activate DEFILER ASSAUT FORCE and so regroup(Photo1)…Oh yeah 
Emperor's Children march move RETIUNE onto their blitz, so they could claim the defend the flag goal(no photo) Red Corsairs move DEFILER ASSAUT FORCE to their right(Photo1) and shoot chosen, giving them a BM(Photo2)…was hoping to break it 

Emperor's Children move KNIGHT PACK(Photo1) and shoots the Broken RENEGADE WARBAND, killing it out right(Photo2)..This was done so they could claim TSNP 

Red Corsairs Keep chosen on over watch(Photo1)..Guard duty 
Emperor's Children do sustain fire with RETIUNE (Photo1) and shoot the DEFILER ASSAUT FORCE, killing 1 and breaking it due to BM’s and so it flees behind the hill(Photo2)…Was hoping to break them 

Emperor's Children keep chosen on over watch(Photo1)…..Guard duty 
Emperor's Children move chosen, down road to be closer to objective marker (Photo1)…Guard duty 
Emperor's Children keep RETIUNE on over watch(Photo1)….Guard duty 
Both sides remove BM’s. No aircraft were shot down in the disengage section.. Emperor's Children win 4-1(TAH,DTF, TSNP AND BTS)(RC-WAS BTS) END OF TURN SHOT
That was fun game and yeah I should have waited on the terminators till turn 2, which meant he would have moved stuff up and the blitz would have been less defended. I was not going to allow the BTS to get away from me..
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