
Friday, July 4, 2014

Space Wolves 2.4.2 V’s Scarab Conflict Necron


Well finally manage a game of epic, as always it was a 5000 point game per side. This time, we took the Space Wolves (2.4.2) and Scarab Conflict Necron out for a drive. Any ways on with the report…


Army List

Space Wolves 2.4.2

6 Grey Hunters, Battle Leader, 2 Grey hunters, 2 Blood Claws, Rhinos, Hunter
6 Grey Hunters, Battle Leader, 2 Grey hunters, 2 Blood Claws, Rhinos, Hunter
6 Grey Hunters, Battle Leader, 2 Grey hunters, 2 Blood Claws, Rhinos, Hunter
4 Predator Annihilator
4 Predator Annihilator
4 Land Raider
6 Blood Claws, 2 Blood Claws, Rhinos, 2 Vindicator
4 Long Fangs, 4 Razorbacks, Battle Leader
4 Land Speeder, Land Speeder Tornado, Battle Leader
4 Land Speeder, Land Speeder Tornado
4 Land Speeder, Land Speeder Tornado
2 Marauders Bombers
2 Marauders Bombers
2 Thunderbolt Fighter-Bombers
6 Fenrisian Wolves, Rune Priest
6 Swiftclaw Bikes
6 Fenrisian Wolves

Scarab Conflict Necron  4970

    Warrior Phalanx                                      405
        Necron Lord                                        
        6xNecron Warriors                                  

    Warrior Phalanx                                      325
        Necron Lord                                        
        6xNecron Warriors                                  

    Warrior Phalanx                                      285
        Necron Lord                                        
        6xNecron Warriors                                  

    Warrior Phalanx                                      285
        Necron Lord                                        
        6xNecron Warriors                                  

    Warrior Phalanx                                      285
        Necron Lord                                        
        6xNecron Warriors                                  

    Warrior Phalanx                                      325
        Necron Lord                                        
        6xNecron Warriors                                  

    Warrior Phalanx                                      285
        Necron Lord                                        
        6xNecron Warriors                                  

    Monolith Phalanx                                     375

    Monolith Phalanx                                     375

    Monolith Phalanx                                     375

    Pylon                                                200

    Pylon                                                200

    Pylon                                                200

    Venator Maniple                                      200
        6xFlayed Ones                                      

    Venator Maniple                                      200
        6xFlayed Ones                                      

    Warbarque                                            350
        Supreme Commander                                  

    Warbarque                                            300


  • Space Wolves Deployment, shown from the left to right flank

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  • Space Wolves Scout Deployments, and airpower…….

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  • Scarab Conflict Necron forces…………

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Turn 1

  • Scarab Conflict Necron forces get first turn…….
  • Teleporting units are Monolith unit(Photo1),Warbarque(SC)&Pylon(Photo2),Monolith unit& Warbarque(Photo3)

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  • SCN move a warrior unit into the ruin city to claim a objective marker(Photo1)

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  • SW double move GREAT COMPANY into ruin city and deploy(Photo1)

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  • SCN then do a engage action with Venator Maniple and do CC with GREAT COMPANY(Photo1), the Venator Maniple win combat by one(Photo2) and so the GREAT COMPANY breaks, and flees behind the ruin city(Photo4), the Venator Maniple also break, because BM’s and so move back to the corner of the ruin city(Photo3)…

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  • SW then march move Fenrisian Wolves up into the ruin city(Photo1)

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  • SCN then move Warbarque(Photo1) and shoot the land speeders and manage to give the unit a BM(Photo2)

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  • SW the double move Predator unit(Photo1) and shoot Warbarque and manage to do a hit and confirm a Critical hit, so Warbarque destroyed(Photo2)

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  • SCN then do engage action with monolith unit and target the Fenrisian Wolves in a FF(Photo1) and after the smoke clears the Fenrisian Wolves win the FF(Photo2)

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  • SW then try and active the land speeders and fail with a one and so move then up(Photo1)…

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  • SCN then portal in a warrior unit and shoot the land speeders and give them a BM(Photo1)

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  • SW then move land speeder unit up(Photo1) and shoot the warrior unit and manage to kill 2 and give the unit 3 BM’s(Photo2)

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  • SCN then move Warbarque(SC) moves up(Photo1) and shoots the land speeders on the other hill, killing one and giving the unit 2 BM’s(Photo2)

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  • SW double move Great company up to be in front of hill(Photo1) and shoot the Warbarque(SC), giving it a BM(Photo2)

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  • SCN do a engage action with warriors and target the great company in a FF, the great company win by one point, the warriors leave the table through portal(Photo1)

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  • SCN then retain the turn and do a engage action with Venator Maniple and do CC with GREAT COMPANY(Photo1), The Venator Maniple wins the combat(Photo2) and is broken due to BM’s and so flees over the hill(Photo3) and the great company flees behind hill(Photo4)

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  • SW try and active the land speeders and manages to roll a one and so moves the unit back(Photo1)

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  • SCN then double move warrior unit through portal and place the unit in the woods(Photo1)

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  • SW double move predator unit up(Photo1) and shoot the Warbarque(SC)(Photo2), and break the unit, which flees back over the hill(Photo3)

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  • SCN portal a warrior unit onto the table by double moving and shoot the predator unit, giving it a BM(Photo1)

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  • SW bring bomber unit and one is shot down by Pylon and so the lone one manage not to do anything to the Warbarque(SC)(Photo1)

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  • SCN put Monolith unit on overwatch(Photo1)

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  • SW then march move Fenrisian Wolves up to be in front of the warrior unit(Photo1)

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  • SW then double move SWIFTCLAW BIKES PACK to be in front of the broken Great company(Photo1)

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  • SW then double move Long fangs to be in the Ruin city(Photo1)

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  • SW then double move BLOOD CLAWS PACK to be in the Ruin city(Photo1)

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  • SW then March move the Great company to be beside the Land speeders(Photo1)

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  • SW then double move land raider unit up(Photo1) and shoot the warrior unit with AP fire, killing one and giving the unit 2 BM’s(Photo2)

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  • SW bring bomber unit in and target broken Monolith unit, managing to kill two of them(Photo1)

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  • SW try and bring on fighter unit and failed(Photo1)..

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  • Both side rally units and both sides remove Blast Markers………

Turn 2

  • SW get first turn
  • Teleporting Monolith unit(Photo1),Monolith unit(Photo2) and 2 Pylons(Photo3)

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  • SW double move Predator unit(Photo1) and shoot the Monolith unit and give it a BM(Photo2)

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  • SW use the pack mentally rule and bring in a great company, Land speeders and the SWIFTCLAW BIKES PACK and FF the monolith unit(Photo1) and get support from the Predator unit. The first round of combat is a draw and so both side stand their ground(Photo2) and round two is on, after the smoke clears the SW win hands down the second round of FF, wiping the monolith unit off the board(Photo3)..

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  • SCN then do engage action with warrior unit(Photo1) and FF the Fenrisian Wolves, after the smoke clears and the Fenrisian Wolves are broken(Photo2) and flee back to the woods(Photo3)

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  • SW then do engage action with BLOOD CLAWS PACK and target warrior unit in CC(Photo1), after  the dice rolls the BLOOD CLAWS win the combat and take 3 BM’s for loses. the warrior unit is wiped from Board(Photo2)

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  • SCN then do a engage action with Warrior unit and target the BLOOD CLAWS PACK in FF, after the smoke clears the BLOOD CLAWS PACK is broken and flees back to it deployment zone(Photo1)

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  • SW then do a engage action with Fenrisian Wolves and target warrior unit in CC(Photo1), after the dice rolls the Fenrisian Wolves are wiped from the table(Photo2)

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  • SW use the pack mentally rule and bring in a great company, Land speeders and FF the Warrior unit(Photo1), after the smoke clears the SW win hands down, and wiping the warrior unit off the board(Photo2)..

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  • SCN then march move the Warbarque(SC)(Photo1)

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  • SW then double move Predators around the city ruin(Photo1) and shoot the monolith unit, breaking the unit because of BM’s(Photo2)

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  • SCN then double move Monolith unit, over hill(Photo1) and shoot the land raider unit, killing one and giving the unit 2 BM’s all up(Photo2)

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  • SCN then retain turn and portal warrior unit onto table to FF the land raiders(Photo1) and after the smoke clears the land raiders are wipe off the board(Photo2)

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  • SW then do marshalling action on Great company and move and then manage to remove 5BM’s(Photo1)

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  • SCN then do marshalling action with warrior unit and manage to move onto table and then remove all BM’s(Photo1)

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  • SW then move land speeder unit back to cover objective marker(Photo1)

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  • SCN then put pylon on over watch near Blitz(Photo1)

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  • SW then do a engage action with Long Fangs, which do a FF with Warrior unit(Photo1), after the smoke clears the warriors are wiped from the board(Photo2)

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  • SCN then put pylon on over watch near Blitz(Photo1)

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  • SW bring aircraft and manage to get through the AA fire(Photo1) and they target the Pylon and the blast templates manage to clip warrior unit. The warrior unit get’s 2 BMs and that it(Photo 2), the pylon is broken because of BM’s(Photo3)

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  • SCN then put warrior unit on over watch in the woods(Photo1)

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  • SW then bring another Bomber unit, and manage to do nothing to the Broken Pylon(Photo1)

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  • SW bring fighter unit and target broken Pylon and manage to do nothing(Photo 1)

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  • SW don't rally BLOOD CLAWS PACK,and Both sides remove Blast markers….

Turn 3

  • SW get first turn
  • Teleporting venator Maniple (Photo1),and Monolith unit(Photo2)

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  • SW do sustain fire with Predators(Photo1) and target monolith unit and manage to break the unit(Photo2)

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  • SW try and retain turn and fail to do so, rolling a one and so stay were they are(Photo1)

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  • SCN then does a engage action and targets the Predators(Photo1), after the smoke clears the Predators are wiped from the board(Photo2)

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  • SCN then retain turn and double move the Warbarque(SC)(Photo1) and shoot the predator unit and manage to kill two of them and give the unit 3 BM’s(Photo2)

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  • SW try and move the great company and roll a one(Photo1) and so move the unit across, to cover the objective marker(Photo2)

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  • SCN then do engage action and FF the great company, after the smoke clears the Great company is broken and flees back behind the hill(Photo1)

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  • SW bring bomber unit on table and lose one to AA fire, and so place a BM on the Pylon(Photo1)

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  • SCN double move warrior unit through portals(Photo1) and then shoot the Predator unit and manage to break the unit, which flees around the corner(Photo2)

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  • SCN then do marshalling action on warrior unit, so move unit and then manage to add 3 units(Photo1)..

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  • SW bring fighter unit on table and so place a BM on the Pylon(Photo1)

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  • SCN then put pylon on over watch near Blitz(Photo1)

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  • SW do a engage action with great company and target the warrior unit in front of it(Photo1), after the smoke clears the warrior units are wiped from the board(Photo2)

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  • SCN then double move monolith unit up towards the Objective marker(Photo1)

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  • SW try and active land speeder unit and fail to do so, so they basically stay were they are(Photo1)

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  • SCN then do engage action with venator Maniple and target the broken Great company(Photo1) and after the CC was over the Great company was no more(BTS)(Photo2)

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  • SW then do a FF with the Bikes on the Pylon(Photo1), the bikes win the combat and the Pylon is destroyed(Photo2)

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  • SCN then shot with the Pylon at the  SW bike unit and manage to kill one and give the unit 2 BM’s(Photo1)

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  • SW then move long fangs(Photo1) and shoot the Warbarque(SC)and manage to do 1DC and give the unit 2 BM’s(Photo2)

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  • SW the move land speeder unit and the shoot the Warbarque(SC) and manage to kill the W/E(Photo1)

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  • SW then double move great company(Photo1) and shoots the Pylon and manage to break the unit(Photo2)

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  • SW then put land speeders on over watch(Photo1)

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  • SCN don't rally monolith unit and pylon unit, both sides remove BM’s.
  • Game to SW due to SCN conceding the game, like the SCN had only 5 activation left on the board…..
Victory Conditions

Victory Condition Space Wolves 2.4.2 Scarab Conflict Necron
1. Blitz no no
2. Break their sprit no Yes
3. Defend the Flag Yes no
4. Take and Hold no no
5. They Shall not Pass no no
Total 0 0

Well that was interesting game. I like the feel of the SW force, and so look forward to fielding it more…

May the dice roll high for you


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