
Friday, July 11, 2014

Space Wolves 2.4.2 V’s Hive Fleet Onachus Tyranids


Well its Friday again and as always manage to get another epic game in. This time it was Space Wolves 2.4.2 V’s Hive Fleet Onachus Tyranids, 5000 points per side as always.

Armies used

Space Wolves 2.4.2

6 Grey Hunters, 2 Grey hunters, 2 Long Fangs, Rhinos, 2 Vindicator, Wolf Lord
6 Grey Hunters, Battle Leader, 2 Blood Claws, 2 Grey hunters, Rhinos, Hunter
6 Grey Hunters, Battle Leader, 2 Grey hunters, 2 Long Fangs, Rhinos
6 Sky Claws, Wolf Priest
6 Sky Claws, Wolf Priest
Space Wolves Landing Craft
6 Sky Claws, Wolf Priest
6 Sky Claws, Wolf Priest
Space Wolves Landing Craft
6 Grey Hunters, Battle Leader, 2 Grey hunters, 2 Blood Claws, Rhinos
4 Land Raider
4 Predator Annihilator
2 Marauders Bombers
2 Marauders Bombers

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Hive Fleet Onachus Tyranids (NetEA v10.2.1 *APPROVED*)

Two Tyranid Warriors, 6 Termagants, 6 Hormagants, Hive Tyrant, Zoanthrope (745.M41)
Two Tyranid Warriors, 6 Termagants, 6 Hormagants, Hive Tyrant, Zoanthrope (745.M41)
Two Tyranid Warriors, 6 Termagants, 6 Hormagants, Hive Tyrant, Zoanthrope (745.M41)
Two Tyranid Warriors, 6 Termagants, 6 Hormagants, Hive Tyrant, Zoanthrope (745.M41)
6 Lictor
6 Lictor
6 Exocrine
6 Exocrine
1 Dominatrix, 4 Trygon, 8 Gargoyles (745.M41), 4 Raveners, 6 Hormagants
1 Harridan, 6 Gargoyles (745.M41)
1 Harridan, 6 Gargoyles (745.M41)
Two Tyranid Warriors, 6 Termagants, 6 Hormagants, Hive Tyrant, Zoanthrope (745.M41)
Two Tyranid Warriors, 6 Termagants

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  • Space wolves deployment…and air units…

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  • Hive Fleet Onachus Tyranids deployment and teleporting units…..

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Turn 1

  • SW go first….
  • SW try and bring on Bombers and roll a one(Photo1)

fidaYS GAME 001

  • HFO march move tyranid swarm up to be on rocky out cop(Photo1&2)

fidaYS GAME 002fidaYS GAME 003

  • HFO try and retain turn and roll a one and so move the small tyranid swarm into the woods to cover the Blitz objective(Photo1)

fidaYS GAME 004

  • SW bring the second bomber unit and target the Exocrine unit(Photo1) and clip the tyranid swarm with the blast templates. So both the Exocrine & tyranid swarm, end up with 2 BM’s each(Photo2).

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  • HFO then do a marshalling action on the Exocrine unit and so move the unit up and then remove all BM’s(Photo1)

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  • HFO then do a marshalling action on the Tyranid swarm unit and so move the unit up and then remove all BM’s(Photo1)

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  • SW then double move predator unit(Photo1) and shoot the Exocrine unit, giving it a BM(Photo2)

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  • HFO try and activate Exocrine unit, rolls a one and so uses the SC reroll and rolls a one, so moves unit up(Photo1)

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  • SW then march move great company, to be near objective(Photo1)

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  • HFO then march move tyranid swarm into ruin city(Photo1)

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  • SW then march move great company to be near objective marker(Photo1)

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  • HFO then march move tyranid swarm into ruin city(Photo1)

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  • HFO then retain turn and march move tyranid swarm to be beside the ruin city(Photo1)

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  • SW then march move great company to be near objective marker(Photo1)

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  • HFO then march move Nexus swarm, so it between rocky outcrop and Ruin city(Photo1)

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  • SW double move Land raiders unit(Photo1) and shoot the tyranid swarm in rocky outcrop, giving it a BM(there is only one BM, not two as shown in photo)(Photo2)

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  • HFO march move HARRIDAN SWARM(Photo1) and place it so it on the land raiders flank(Photo2)

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  • SW then march move great company to be near objective marker(Photo1)

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  • HFO try and activate HARRIDAN SWARM, rolls a one and so moves unit up(Photo1)..

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  • SW bring the landing craft and target the small Tyranid swarm in a FF. The two swiftclaws units pile out to give the Landing craft support in the form of CC(Photo1). After the smoke clears the tyranid swarm is wipe from the board(Photo2)

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  • SW bring the landing craft and target the small HARRIDAN SWARM in a FF. The two swiftclaws units pile out to give the Landing craft support in the form of CC(Photo1). After the smoke clears the HARRIDAN SWARM is wipe from the board(Photo2)

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  • Both sides remove blast markers….

Turn 2

  • SW go first(again)…..
  • Teleporting units and both units get a BM for teleporting(Not shown in pic)(Photo1&2).

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  • SW do sustain fire with land raider and shoot the lictors(Photo1), and manages to kill four of them(Photo2)

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  • SW retain the turn and do engage action with great company and so use the commander rule and bring another great company and do CC&FF against the Nexus swarm, the SW calls intermingled and drags in another Tyranid swarm(Photo1). So the combat begins with both sides resolving hits and saves(Photo2&3), after the dice are rolled the HFO are the winners by 1 pip and so both great companies break and flee back towards their deployment zone(Photo4).

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  • HFO then move tyranid swarm(Photo1) and shoot the Land raider, giving it a BM(Photo2)

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  • HFO retain the turn and do a engage action with the HARRIDAN SWARM and target the Land raider unit(Photo1) and after the smoke clears the HARRIDAN SWARM wins the FF(Photo2) and so the land raiders flee back to their deployment zone(Photo3)

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  • SW then do sustain fire with Predators(Photo1) and target the HARRIDAN SWARM and wipe it off the board(Photo2)

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  • SW retain the turn and use the commander rule and take in 2 Great companies & Predator unit(Photo1), and engage the Exocrine unit, calling intermingled they manage to drag in Tyranid swarm and another Exocrine unit(Photo2). So the combat begins with both sides resolving hits and saves(Photo3&4).after the dice are rolled the HFO are the winners by 4 pip’s and so both great companies& predator unit, break and flee back towards their deployment zone(Photo5).

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  • HFO try and activate Tyranid swarm, rolls a one and so uses the SC reroll and rolls a one, so moves unit up(Photo1)

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  • SW then use the swiftclaw unit and do a engage action, against the Exocrine unit(Photo1), So the combat begins with both sides resolving hits and saves(Photo2), after the noise and smoke clears the Exocrine unit wins combat(Photo3)

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  • HFO then do marshalling action with Nexus swarm, so move the unit and manage to remove all BM’s(Photo1)

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  • HFO then retain the turn and march move tyranid swarm, so that its between two hills and near a objective marker(Photo1)

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  • SW bring bombers and target Tyranid swarm(Photo1), killing two life bugs, unit breaks because of BM’s(Photo2) and so flees into the building(Photo3)

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  • HFO try and activate Exocrine unit, rolls a one and so moves unit up(Photo1)

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  • SW bring the landing craft and target the Exocrine unit in a FF. The swiftclaw units pile out to give the Landing craft support in the form of CC(Photo1). After the smoke clears the Exocrine unit is wipe from the board and the Swiftclaw get a BM due to suffering a hit(Photo2)

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  • HFO then march move tyranid swarm, so that its in front of the Broken SW units(Photo1)

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  • HFO then move tyranid swarm into ruin city(Photo1)

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  • SW bring the second bomber unit and target the Exocrine unit(Photo1) and manage to give it 2 BM’s(Photo2)

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  • HFO try and activate Lictor unit, rolls a one and so moves unit up(Photo1)

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  • SW bring the landing craft and target the Exocrine unit in a FF and call intermingled and drags in the broken Tyranid swarm. The swiftclaw units pile out to give the Landing craft support in the form of CC(Photo1).So the combat begins with both sides resolving hits and saves(Photo2). After the smoke clears the Tyranid swarm is wipe from the board and the Exocrine unit is broken and flees back to it deployment zone. One of the Swiftclaw get a BM due to suffering a hit(Photo3)

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  • HFO don’t rall a Exocrine unit and a Lictor swarm. The SW don’t rally 2 Great companies and a Predator unit. Both sides removed Blast markers….

Turn 3

  • SW go first (again)
  • SW bring the landing craft and target the Tyranid swarm in a FF. The swiftclaw units pile out to give the Landing craft support in the form of CC. The Great company that's has rallied lends FF support too(Photo1). After the smoke clears the Tyranid swarm is wipe from the board and the Swiftclaw get a BM’s due to suffering a hit(Photo2)

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  • HFO then double move tyranid swarm up and contest the Blitz objective marker(Photo1)

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  • HFO retain the turn and use the commander rule and bring the other Tyranid swarm in a FF&CC on the broken great company and calls intermingled to drag in the other great company(Photo1). The SW player calls intermingled too and manages to drag in the Swiftclaws into the CC&FF. The landing craft gives FF support(Photo2). So the combat begins with both sides resolving hits and saves(Photo3&4).After the dice are rolled the HFO are the winners by 8 pip’s and so the broken great company is destroyed and the Great company(SC) and swiftclaws are broken(Photo5) and flee back down their base line(Photo6).

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  • SW then move land raider unit up and shoot the Tyranid swarm in the woods, they lose one to DTT(Photo1) and after the smoke clears the tyranid swarm is broken, due to BM’s

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  • HFO put Tyranid swarm on overwatch(Photo1)

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  • SW march move Great company to claim the Blitz marker(Photo1)

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  • HFO then do a engage action with the Lictor swarm and do CC with the Great company(Photo1). The combat is bloody and the SW lose and are broken and flee back towards their Deployment zone. the Lictor swarm is broken due to BM’s(Photo2)

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  • SW try and bring on a bomber unit and fail to do so, sorry no photo.
  • HFO then double move tyranid swarm in ruin city and stretch it out in a line to claim a objective(Photo1)

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  • SW try and bring on a bomber unit and fail to do so(Photo1)

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  • SW bring the landing craft and target the Exocrine unit in a FF. The swiftclaw unit pile out to give the Landing craft support in the form of CC(Photo1). After the smoke clears the Exocrine unit is wipe from the board(Photo2).

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  • HFO don’t Lictor swarm, SW don't rally Great company(SC). Both sides remove blast markers.

Turn 4

  • SW go first (again)
  • SW move land raider up(Photo1) and shoot tyranid swarm, and only manage to give the unit a BM(Photo2)

 friday ga4 001friday ga4 002

  • HFO does a engage action with the Nexus swarm(Photo1) and targets the broken Great company(SC)(Photo2). So the combat begins with both sides resolving hits and saves(Photo3).After the dice are rolled the HFO are the winners, and the Great company is destroyed(BTS). The nexus swarm gets 3 BM’s(Photo5).

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  • SW double move predators(Photo1) and shot nexus swarm giving it a BM(Photo2)

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  • SW retain turn and move Great company(Photo1) and shoot the tyranid swarm and it manages to give them a BM(Photo2)

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  • HFO then does engage action with tyranid swarm and targets land raider unit(Photo1), after the smoke and noise clears the HFO are the winners and the Land raider unit destroyed(Photo2).

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  • SW bring on the bomber unit and target nexus swarm(Photo1), managing to kill a few low life bugs and a 1 that counted, so total of 3 BM’s was added(Photo2)

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  • SW retain the turn and brought second bomber unit onto table and targets nexus swarm(Photo1),the unit manages to do enough BM’s to break the nexus swarm(Photo2)

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  • HFO does a marshalling action with tyranid swarm(Photo1), so it shoots the Great company and manages to kill a stand and give the unit 2BM’s all up(Photo2) and then manage to remove all BM’s(Photo3)

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  • SW do engage action with swiftclaws and targets Lictors in CC(Photo1),So the combat begins with both sides resolving hits and saves(Photo2). SW win the combat and take a BM, because of hit(Photo3)

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  • HFO put Tyranid swarm on overwatch in the ruin city(Photo1)

friday ga4 024

  • SW double move great company and contest a objective(Photo1)

friday ga4 025

  • SW bring the landing craft and target the Tyranid swarm in a FF(Photo1). After the smoke clears the SW have won the FF and the tyranid swarm is destroyed(Photo2)

friday ga4 026friday ga4 028

  • SW bring the landing craft and target the Broken nexus swarm in a FF. The swiftclaws units pile out to give the Landing craft support in the form of CC(Photo1). So the combat begins with both sides resolving hits and saves(Photo2). After the smoke clears the nexus swarm is wipe from the board and the swiftclaws are broken due to BM’s(Photo3)

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  • SW put swiftclaws on overwatch(Photo1)

friday ga4 033

  • HFO fail to rally Lictor swarm and SW fail to rally swiftclaws. Both sides remove Blast markers.
  • Game called on count back the HFO were 4200 and the SW were 2725. So win to the SW…..


Victory Conditions

Victory Condition Space Wolves 2.4.2 Hive Fleet Onachus Tyranids
1. Blitz Yes no
2. Break their sprit Yes Yes
3. Defend the Flag no no
4. Take and Hold no no
5. They Shall not Pass no no
Total 2 1

A few words from the SW player…

That was certainly one of the hardest fought games of Epic A I've had all year. Those Tyrannids are certainly a tough opponent and Trent played them well. While we lost 3 of the 4 major fights, all were 'near run things with both sides taking excessive casualties. As I'll explain at my Court Martial (!), when I first surveyed the Space Wolves Army I got the impression that it was extremely tough, but lacked small units to hold objectives compared to my more conventional Ironclaw SMs. I certainly liked using the Landers though.
Since I lacked small holding forces, and could ill afford to task a big unit with holding my Blitz marker, my battle-plan was to destroy the enemy on my right, sieze the bug blitz marker with the Lander,  then turn 90 degrees and roll toward the previously uncontested city, retaking my own Blitz on the way. Some of my plan worked, some didn't, but the game was a lot of fun regardless. My thanks to you & Trent.

Other points…. The tyranid play forgot for the whole game to spawn…….

  • Swiftclaws are real surprise in a Landing craft Smile. In saying that, in a normal SM force, you could have three unit in the landing craft all with chaplains. So IMHO better then the Swiftclaws, since you get a extra activation and extra inspiring. Also you don't need to worry about taking a great company on top of that…
  • The army list did ok, even tho there were 8 activations sitting off the table. 
  • At one point in turn four the HFO were 3/1 in front, so the SW did well to get it back to 2/1.

May the dice roll high for you


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