Well it Tuesday again and its scenario night.. Any ways on with the game..
The Armies: Players choose armies to an agreed point’s total, with 3000 points per side recommended for play. A Supreme commander must be included in both armies.
The Battlefield: This battle is played on a 6 ft. x 4 ft. table divided into three sections as shown in the diagram below. Set up the terrain on the battlefield in a mutually agreed manner. At least three piece of terrain must be building type. Once the terrain is done, each player will place 2 VP markers in the area marked on the map. No VP marker can be closer than 25 cm’s to another VP marker.
Battlefield Terrain: Cryptic Constructions rules are to be used in this scenario.
Deployment:The army with the highest strategy rating deploys first and is call Force A and deploys its entire force in area marked on the map. Then Force B will deploy all his forces in the area marked on the map…
First Turn:Roll a D6 and add strategy rating to see who goes first.
Game Length:This mission lasts for four turns.
Victory Conditions:At the end of the game each side gains 2 Victory points for each VP objective they hold. Completely destroying the formation that has the Supreme commander is worth an additional Victory point.
Armies used
Hive Fleet Onachus Tyranids (NetEA v10.2.1 *APPROVED*)
1 Dominatrix, 3 Termagants, 3 Hormagants, Raveners
Hive Tyrant, 6 Hormagants, 4 Carnifex, Tyranid Warriors, 2 Zoanthrope (745.M41)
Two Tyranid Warriors, 8 Termagants, 2 Zoanthrope (745.M41), 4 Haruspex
6 Exocrine
Two Tyranid Warriors, 8 Termagants, Tyranid Warriors, 2 Zoanthrope (745.M41), 2 Raveners, Carnifex
Emperor's Children (4.0)
RETINUE [425] 1
6 Chaos Marine units, Sorcerer Lord, 6 Chaos Marine, Replace 4 chaos marine units with 4 Havok units
RETINUE [425] 2
6 Chaos Marine units, Sorcerer Lord, 6 Chaos Marine, Replace 4 chaos marine units with 4 Havok units
RETINUE [425] 3
6 Chaos Marine units, 6 Chaos Marine, Sorcerer Lord, Replace 4 chaos marine units with 4 Havok units
RETINUE [450] 4
6 Chaos Marine units, Chaos Warlord (Supreme Commander), 6 Chaos Marine, Replace 2 chaos marine units with 2 Havok units
6 Terminator, Sorcerer Lord
CHOSEN [125] V
4 Chaos Space Marine Chosen
CHOSEN [125] X
4 Chaos Space Marine Chosen
CHOSEN [125] Z
4 Chaos Space Marine Chosen
3 Hellblade Interceptors
- Table layout
- Emperor's Children deployment
- Hive Fleet Onachus Tyranids deployment
Turn 1
- Emperor's Children go first…
- Emperor's Children double move CHOSEN(Photo1)
- Hive Fleet Onachus double move EXOCRINE SWARM (M)(Photo1)
- Emperor's Children march move Retinue(Photo1)
- Hive Fleet Onachus march move TYRANID SWARM (S),(Photo1)
- Emperor's Children march move CHOSEN(Photo1)
- Hive Fleet Onachus double move NEXUS SWARM (sorry no picture)
- Emperor's Children double move Retinue(Photo1)
- Hive Fleet Onachus march move HIERODULE BIO-TITAN (745.M41)(Photo1)
- Emperor's Children bring in the HELLBLADE SQUADRON(BM from AA fire) and shoot NEXUS SWARM,giving it a BM,(Photo1)
- Elvan the chipmunk has a few words to the new neighbours about noise levels….(Photo1)
- Hive Fleet Onachus march move TYRANID SWARM (S),(Photo1)
- Emperor's Children march move CHOSEN(Photo1)
- Hive Fleet Onachus march move HIERODULE BIO-TITAN (745.M41)(Photo1)
- Emperor's Children march move Retinue(Photo1)
- Hive Fleet Onachus double move TYRANID SWARM (S),(Photo1)
- Emperor's Children move QUESTOR TITAN(Photo1) and shoot TYRANID SWARM (S), giving it a BM(Photo2).
- Emperor's Children place Retinue on overwatch(Photo1)
- Both sides removed Blast markers.
- Emperor's Children lose Hellblade Interceptor in the disengaged section.
Turn 2
- Emperor's Children teleport in terminators(Photo1)
- Emperor's Children go first…
- Emperor's Children do sustain fire with QUESTOR TITAN(Sorry no pic) and shoot the TYRANID SWARM (S), giving it a BM(Photo1)
- Emperor's Children do engage action with EMPEROR'S CHILDREN TERMINATORS and target the NEXUS SWARM get support fire from 2 x TYRANID SWARM (S),and a HIERODULE) (Photo1).The dice are rolled and the NEXUS SWARM(3DC) is broke due to losing combat and the EMPEROR'S CHILDREN TERMINATORS is broken due to BM’s(Photo2).The NEXUS SWARM flees to other building, the supporting formations for the Tyranids gets BM for losing combat and the EMPEROR'S CHILDREN TERMINATORS, flees to the wood hill(Photo3)
- Hive Fleet Onachus fail to activate HIERODULE BIO-TITAN (745.M41) (Photo1) and shoots CHOSEN, manages to clip the Retinue behind it with Blast template, killing 1 in each and giving each 2 BM’s(Photo2)
- Emperor's Children do marshalling action with Retinue and so move and then remove all BM’s(Photo1)
- Hive Fleet Onachus double move EXOCRINE SWARM (M)(Photo1) and shoot retinue, killing 2 and giving the formation 3 BM’s(Photo2)
- Emperor's Children do marshalling action with Retinue(Photo1) and so shoot the EXOCRINE SWARM (M), killing 1 and giving it 2 BM’s(Photo2), then manages to remove 4 BM’s(Photo3)
- Hive Fleet Onachus does a engage action with TYRANID SWARM (S), and target the CHOSEN(Photo1),The dice are rolled and the TYRANID SWARM (S) is the winner and the CHOSEN are wiped from the board(Photo2).
- Emperor's Children move Retinue(Photo1) and so shoot the EXOCRINE SWARM (M), killing 1 and breaking the formation due to BM’s and so it flees behind Titan(Photo2),
- Hive Fleet Onachus fail to activate HIERODULE BIO-TITAN (745.M41) and regroups(Photo1)
- Emperor's Children move CHOSEN(Photo1) and shoot TYRANID SWARM (S), giving it a BM(Photo2)
- Hive Fleet Onachus does a engage action with TYRANID SWARM (S), and target the CHOSEN and calls intermingled and drags in the Retinue.The dice are rolled and the TYRANID SWARM (S) is the winner and the CHOSEN are wiped from the board and the Retinue is broken(Photo1).The Retinue flee back towards hill(Photo2)
- Emperor's Children sustain fire Retinue and shoot TYRANID SWARM (S), giving it a BM(Photo1)
- Hive Fleet Onachus move TYRANID SWARM (S)(get BM from OWF)(Photo1), and shoots Retinue giving it a BM(Photo2)
- Emperor's Children fail to activate the HELLBLADE SQUADRON(Photo1)
- Hive Fleet Onachus don’t rally EXOCRINE SWARM (M). Both sides removed Blast markers.
- No aircraft were shot down in the disengaged section.
Turn 3
- Emperor's Children go first…
- Emperor's Children do sustain fire with QUESTOR TITAN(Photo1) and shoot the TYRANID SWARM (S), giving it a BM(Photo2)
- Emperor's Children do engage action with Retinue(SC) and get supporting fire from the QUESTOR TITAN and target the TYRANID SWARM (S)(Photo1).The dice are rolled and the TYRANID SWARM (S), is broke due to losing combat and the Retinue(SC) gets 2 BMs due to hits suffered(Photo2).The TYRANID SWARM (S), flees behind building(Photo3) and the Retinue(SC) consolidates 5 cms(Photo4)
- Hive Fleet Onachus does a engage action with TYRANID SWARM (S), and target the Retinue(Photo1),The dice are rolled and the TYRANID SWARM (S) is the winner and the Retinue is broken(Photo2).The retinue flees back up to the hill into the woods(Photo3)
- Emperor's Children move CHOSEN(Photo1) and shoot HIERODULE BIO-TITAN (745.M41), giving it a BM(Photo2)
- Hive Fleet Onachus moves HIERODULE BIO-TITAN (745.M41) (Photo1) and shoots Retinue, killing 1 and giving it 2 BM’s. In the process it manages to clip the QUESTOR TITAN, taking down a shield and doing a BM(Photo2)
- Hive Fleet Onachus does marshalling action on NEXUS SWARM(Photo1) and shoots EMPEROR'S CHILDREN TERMINATORS, breaking them due to BM’s(Photo2).The NEXUS SWARM then removes all BM’s(Photo3)
- Emperor's Children move Retinue into building(Photo1)
- Hive Fleet Onachus move TYRANID SWARM (S), onto objective marker(Photo1)
- Emperor's Children do marshalling action with Retinue(Photo1) and so shoot the TYRANID SWARM (S), killing 1 and giving it 2 BM’s(Photo2), then manages to remove all BM’s(Photo3)
- Hive Fleet Onachus sustain fire HIERODULE BIO-TITAN (745.M41) (Photo1) and shoots Retinue, killing 2 and giving it 3 BM’s(Photo2)
- Emperor's Children bring in the HELLBLADE SQUADRON(lose 1 to AA Fire)(Photo1) and shoot TYRANID SWARM (S), giving it a BM, which cause it to break and flee into the woods(Photo2)
- Hive Fleet Onachus don’t rally EXOCRINE SWARM (M). Emperor's Children don’t removed Blast markers from Retinue 1.
- No aircraft were shot down in the disengaged section.
Turn 4
- Emperor's Children go first…
- Emperor's Children do engage action with Retinue(SC) and so use it command ability and bring the QUESTOR TITAN and target the HIERODULE BIO-TITAN (745.M41)(Photo1).The dice are rolled and the HIERODULE BIO-TITAN (745.M41) is killed out right, due to critical suffered(3 DC and then 2 critical) and the Retinue(SC) gets 2 BMs due to hits suffered(Photo2) and the Retinue(SC) consolidates 5 cms(Photo3)
- Hive Fleet Onachus does a sustain fire with NEXUS SWARM(Photo1) and shoots EMPEROR'S CHILDREN TERMINATORS, breaking them due to BM’s and so it flees back to the building(Photo2)
- Emperor's Children march move CHOSEN(Photo1)
- Hive Fleet Onachus fail to activate HIERODULE BIO-TITAN (745.M41) and regroups(Photo1)
- Emperor's Children move Retinue(Photo1) and shoot TYRANID SWARM (S), giving it a BM(Photo2)
- Hive Fleet Onachus places TYRANID SWARM (S), on overwatch(Photo1)
- Emperor's Children sustain fire Retinue(Photo1) and shoot TYRANID SWARM (S), giving it a BM(Photo2)
- Hive Fleet Onachus places TYRANID SWARM (S), on overwatch(Photo1)
- Emperor's Children move Retinue(Photo1) and shoot TYRANID SWARM (S), giving it a BM(Photo2)
- Hive Fleet Onachus does marshalling action on TYRANID SWARM (S) and so moves and then removes three BM’s(Photo1)
- Emperor's Children fail to activate the HELLBLADE SQUADRON(Photo1)
- Both sides removed Blast markers.
- No aircraft were shot down in the disengaged section.
- Game called and the Hive Fleet Onachus wins 2-0
Well that was a fun game, look like the Tyranids were going to win by a bigger score, than wants posted above. They were at end of turn three 6 points, but some nice foot work by the chosen and winning the engagement on the left flank help the Emperor's Children, pull the score back. We stuff up on the right flank at the end and should have moved in to contest objective markers.
We will be trying the scenario next week again…