Well it Friday and manage another Epic game. This time it was the Knights world list(2.1) and White scars. As always its was a 5000 point game.
Army Lists
Knights World 2.1
3 Paladins + Baron
4 Errants + Seneschal
4 Errants + Seneschal
4 Errants + Seneschal
4 Errants + Seneschal
4 Errants + Seneschal
3 Lancers + Seneschal
3 Lancers + Seneschal
3 Lancers + Seneschal
3 Lancers + Seneschal
3 Castellan
Thunderbolt squads
Thunderbolt squads
Marauder squads
Marauder squads
White Scars (NetEA Tournament Pack 2013)
BIKE [425]
8 Bike Unit, Captain
BIKE [425]
8 Bike Unit, Chaplain
BIKE [425]
8 Bike Unit, Chaplain
BIKE [425]
8 Bike Unit, Chaplain
SCOUT [300]
4 Scouts, Chaplain, 4 Razorback
SCOUT [250]
4 Scouts, 4 Razorback
4 Terminators + 4 Land Raiders, Supreme Commander
2 Bombers
4 Destructor
4 Annihilator
4 Annihilator
2 Bombers
5 Landspeeder
5 Landspeeder, Chaplain
4 Annihilator, Chaplain
Turn 1
- WS: go first
- WS: Double move Predator unit up and target Lancer unit(Photo 1), doing a hit and then confirming a Critical. Which kills a lancer and gives the unit 3BM’s(Photo 2).
- WS: Retain turn…Double move Predator unit up and target Lancer unit(Photo 1), doing a hit and then confirming a Critical. Which kills a lancer and this enough to break unit(Photo 2). The unit flees back to its deployment zone(Photo 3)
- KWL: Do a engage action with Lancers(Photo 1) and target the Predator unit, in a FF, in front of them, they win the combat and the Predator unit flees back towards its deployment zone(Photo 2). Lancer unit takes a Hit and a BM(Photo 3)
- KWL:Retains turn. Errant unit near Blitz is put on overwatch(Photo 1).
- WS: Do a engage action with the Land speeders and target the Lancers in FF(Photo 1), after the smoke clears the lancers lose the FF and are wipe from the board. Again another critical confirm and that took the last DC off the unit(Photo 2).
- KWL: Bring in aircraft and target the scouts, on the objective(Photo 1). They manage to clip the land speeders with the barrage template. So the Land speeders get 2 BM’s and no kills on them. The scouts get 3 BM’s all up, since they lost a razorback(Photo 2)
- KWL: Retain the turn and March move Errant unit down their right flank, along the base line. So they were behind hill(Photo 1)(They take a DC, since one failed a DTT)
- WS: Do a engage action with the scouts and target the Lancer that are near the objective marker in a FF(Photo 1), after the smoke clears the scouts win, again another critical is confirmed(Photo 2). The lone Lancer moves back behind the woods in his Deployment area(Photo3).
- WS: Try and retain the turn and manage to roll a one, so the unit gets a BM and stays were it is(Photo 1)…
- KWL: Move the Castellan unit up and shoot(Photo 1) the scouts, so fire 6BP and manage to clip the land speeders with the barrage template(Photo 2). Land speeder unit loses a stand and breaks because of BM’S. the scout unit loses 2 Razorbacks and is broken because of BM’s(Photo 3). The scout unit moves to the other side of the woods(Photo 4) and the Land speeder unit ,moves to be behind the hill(Photo 5)
- WS: Move bike unit up their right flank(Photo 1)
- KWL: Bring in aircraft and target bike unit and manage to clip the Predator unit with the barrage template(Photo 1). the predator unit suffer 2 BM’s and the Bike unit suffer two kills and get a total of 4BM’s(Photo 2)
- KWL: Retain the turn and bring in Thunderbolt unit and target Land speeders(Photo 1). They manage to kill three stand and this breaks the unit, which flees back towards the objective marker behind it(Photo2)
- WS: try and bring aircraft and roll a one(Photo 1)
- KWL: Double move Errant unit up, so that it covered the objective marker(Photo 1), they shot the Predator unit in front of it and missed, so the unit receives a BM(Photo 2).
- WS: Double move Predator unit(Photo 1) and shoot the castellans unit and manage to do a DC to a unit, so the unit all received 2BM’s(Photo 2)(Ignore extra BM in Photo)
- WS: Try and retain turn and bring in aircraft and rolls a 1(Photo 1)
- KWL: Double move paladin unit(Photo 1) and shoots the scout unit, giving the unit a BM(Photo 2).
- WS: Try and activate the Predator unit and roll a 1(Photo 1)
- KWL: Bring Thunderbolts and targets the broken land speeders, managing to kill one of them(Photo 1)
- WS: Try and activate a bike unit and failed rolled a one(Photo 1). So unit moves behind the hill(Photo 2)
- KWL: Move Errant down to support, the other knight unit(Photo 1)
- WS: Try and activate Bike unit and fail, rolling a 1(Photo 1), and so move the unit behind woods to it left flank(Photo 2)
- WS: March move bike unit, to crater(Photo 1)
- WS: Double move Terminator unit up and shoot the Castellan unit(Photo 1), managing to do Kill one of the W/E and Break the unit because of BM’s. They then flee back behind hill(Photo 3).
- WS don’t rally Land speeder unit. KWL don't rally a Lancer unit. Both sides remove Blast Markers..
Turn 2
- WS go first…
- WS: Double move Predator unit up and shoot errant unit (Photo 1), Killing one(another confirm critical) and giving the unit 3 BM’s(Photo 2)
- WS: Retain the turn and do a engage action with the bike unit(Photo 1), they target the Errant unit and the Predators give supporting fire(Photo 2), after the smoke clears the Errant unit is destroyed, the bike unit loses 3 stands(Photo 3)
- KWL: Move Errant unit, so that more Knights can shoot(Photo 1), and shoot the predator unit in front of it, killing two of the predators and giving the unit 3BM’s all up(Photo 2)
- KWL: Try and retain turn. So try and activate the Paladin unit and fail, rolling two 1’s in a row and so shoot the scout unit, giving it a BM(Photo 1)
- WS: Bring aircraft and target the Paladin unit, giving the unit 2 BM’s(Photo 1)
- KWL: March move Errant unit(Photo1) to their left flank, placing it between hill and the woods(Photo 2)
- WS: Double move terminators(Photo 1), and target the Lancer unit(Photo 2). After the smoke clears the Lancers are broken(Photo 3)(another confirm critical), and so lone Lancer flees back to it deployment zone(Photo 4).
- WS: Retain turn and do marshalling action with predators and so shot the Errant unit and give it a BM and they manage to remove 2 BM’s(Photo 1)
- KWL: Move the Castellan unit from behind hill(Photo 1) and shoot terminator unit, killing two and giving the unit 3BM’s(Photo 2)
- WS: Bring aircraft and target the Paladin unit(Photo 1) and manage to kill one of the W/E(another confirm critical), this breaks the unit because of BM’s and flees back towards its Deployment zone(Photo 2)
- KWL: Bring Thunderbolt unit and target Bomber unit(Photo 1), and manages to shot down one of the bombers(Photo 2)
- KWL: Retain turn and bring the other Thunderbolt unit and target the other bomber unit(Photo 1), and they manage to shoot down one of the bombers(Photo 2)
- WS: March move scout unit to claim objective marker in their half of the table(Photo 1).
- WS: Retain turn and double move predator unit(Photo 1) and shoot the Errant unit, giving a BM(Photo 2)
- KWL: Double move Errant unit so that its on Blitz Objective(Photo 1), they shoot bike unit and give it a BM(Photo 2)
- WS: Double move predator unit(Photo 1) and shoot Errant unit, giving it a BM(Photo 2)
- WS: Retain the turn and do a engage action with Bike unit(Photo 1), they target the Errant unit in CC(Photo 2). After the smoke clears the Errant unit wins the combat(Photo 3). The bike unit is broken and flees to the ruins on the hill, the Errant unit is broken due to BM’s at the end of the engagement, so flees back to its deployment zone(Photo 4)
- KWL: Try and bring on aircraft and roll a 1(Photo 1).
- WS: March move bike unit to be on the Objective marker(Photo 1)
- KWL: Bring on aircraft and target terminators unit(Photo 1),Killing one unit and giving it 3BM’s(Photo 2)
- WS: March move bike unit so that its on the hill, near the Errant unit(Photo 1)
- WS: Then put scouts on over watch(Photo 1)
- WS: Then put Land speeder on over watch(Photo 1)
- WS don’t rally bike unit, KWL don’t rally Paladin and Lancer unit. Both sides remove Blast Marker
Turn 3
- WS go first again
- WS: Do sustain fire with Predator(Photo 1) unit and target Errant unit in front of it. They manage to Kill three of the W/E(yep another confirmed critical)(Photo 2), they lone Errant flees back towards the Blitz marker.
- WS: Retain turn and do engage action with bikes and does a CC with the Castellan unit(Photo 1), after the smoke clears the castellan unit is wiped from the board(Photo 2)
- KWL: Bring aircraft and target the Terminators unit(Photo 1), killing one and giving the unit 3BM’s all up(Photo 2)
- KWL: Retain turn and bring thunderbolts and manage to add a BM to the terminator unit(Photo 1)
- WS: Then do sustain fire with Predator unit(Photo 1) and target the Errant unit in front of it, killing one of the W/E and giving the unit 3 BM’s(Photo 2)
- WS: Retain the turn and double move another predator unit (Photo 1) and shoot the Errant unit, giving it a BM(Photo 2)
- KWL: Do a Marshalling action with Errant unit and shoot the Predator unit(Photo 1), They manage to kill one of the Predators and that breaks the unit, which flees to be near the woods(Photo 2). The Errant unit manage to remove all BMs
- WS: Do marshalling action with Land speeders, so the land speeders move to beside the hill and remove all BM’s(Photo 1)
- KWL: March move lancer to be in WS side of the table and manage to be behind the hill, on the right flank(Photo 1)
- WS: Confirm again that scouts are on over watch(Photo 1)
- KWL: Bring in thunderbolt unit and target the terminators unit, giving the unit a BM(Photo 1)
- WS: Bring aircraft and target the lone lancer and manage to give it a BM(Photo 1)
- WS: Retain turn and march move predator unit to be behind the woods(Photo 1).
- KWL: Put Lancer on overwatch, near the Blitz marker(Photo 1)
- WS: Bring aircraft and target the Lancer again on their left flank, they manage to break the unit because of BM’s. It flees to be in the ruins on the hill(Photo 1).
- WS: March move bike unit(Photo 1) and move it so it next to the objective marker(Photo 1)
- WS: Do a marshalling action with terminators unit and so move unit back and manage to remove 3 BM’s(Photo 1)
- WS: Move bike unit, so that it forms a line from the Blitz, into the ruins(Photo 1)..
- WS rally all units.The KWL don’t rally lancer unit in Ruins. Both sides remove BM.
- White scars win 3-0.
Victory Condition | Knights World 2.1 | White Scars |
1. Blitz | no | no |
2. Break their sprit | no | no |
3. Defend the Flag | no | Yes |
4. Take and Hold | no | Yes |
5. They Shall not Pass | no | Yes |
Total | 0 | 3 |
Well that was a interesting game. I have never seen the some many failed saves, by the Knights. It didn’t help either with the number of critical I rolled. Tonight I rolled more critical’s then I have rolled in the past 12 months(Oh yeah). So some more testing is still needed on the Lancers etc. So will try another game soon, with the same Knights list.
May the dice roll high for you