
Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Another update on paint war games factory 28mm figures

Hi everyone,

Been a while so time for a another update, I have manage to get done 47 skirmishers, 4 roman bolt throwers, 24 Numidian light cavalry (lazy man style), 72 Numidian warriors, 48 trained Numidian warriors and 24 imitation legion.

So here are the pictures.
                                                             Total over view

47 skirmishers, 4 roman bolt throwers

24 Numidian light cavalry (lazy man style), 72 Numidian warriors, 48 trained Numidian warriors and 24 imitation legion

Trained Numidian warriors

24 imitation legion

Numidian warriors

Numidian light cavalry (lazy man style),

Welll all I have to do now in numbers is about 300 foot and about 60 cav.



  1. What is this "Numidian light cavalry (lazy man style)" Are you heating the sprue and bending the legs to the horses?

  2. Sorry for the slow reply. all I have done is take the light Celt rider from the celtic cavalry box and the horses. Then add a numidian head and arm. Then use numbidian sheild and jav. thats it. I didn't do any heating of sprues or cutting as such.
