We manage another game of Imperious Dominatus warfare in the age of Horus. It was 3000 point per side and it was between Titan Legions and Imperator Class Titan..
So our third game with the Imperator Class Titan..
This game was to test the points and other concerns of the Imperator Class Titan, we know that it wont win, if it can’t control the objectives..This game is not about that, it was about to see if the points cost is right and other stuff.. ..My gut feeling is that it maybe between 500 to 1000 points to low..I gather, that will depend on want forces it faces..…
So were are test IMPERATOR-TITAN-B version..and time to test the CAF
Armies used
Titan Legions
Warhound Scout Titan (original metal version) 300 points
Weapons: Titan Plasma Blast Gun, Titan Vulcan Mega bolter
Battle Maniple:Lucius Pattern Warlord Titan(900 points)
Lucius Pattern Warlord Titan(900 points)
Weapons: 2 x Power Ram, 2 x Two Twin linked Vulcan Megabolters
Upgrades: 2 x 2 power: Add 5cm move, plus 1 power: +1 to damage table rolls for 1 weapon
Battle Maniple:Lucius Pattern Warlord Titan(900 points)
Lucius Pattern Warlord Titan(900 points)
Weapons: 2 x Power Ram, 2 x Two Twin linked Vulcan Megabolters
Upgrades: 2 x 2 power: Add 5cm move, plus 1 power: +1 to damage table rolls for 1 weapon
Battle Maniple:Lucius Pattern Warlord Titan(900 points)
Lucius Pattern Warlord Titan(900 points)
Weapons: 2 x Power Ram, 2 x Two Twin linked Vulcan Megabolters
Upgrades: 2 x 2 power: Add 5cm move, plus 1 power: +1 to damage table rolls for 1 weapon
Titan Legions
Imperator Class Titan 3000 points
Weapons: Hellstorm Cannon, Plasma Annihilator, 8 Secondary weapons,Volcano cannon,Main Battery, 4 Gun Towers, 2 Lascannons and 8 x Antipersonnel
The shirt said it all…for the enemy..
Turn 1
Initiative Phase: Strategy roll: Imperator Class Titan
Pre-turn Notes: Greg won int.
Movement Phase
[ICT] [Imperator Class Titan] - [FIRST FIRE]
[TL] [Scout Titan 1] - [MARCH MOVE]
[TL] [Lucius Warlord Titan 1] - [MARCH MOVE]
[TL] [Lucius Warlord Titan 2] - [MARCH MOVE]
Combat Phase
[ICT] [Imperator Class Titan] - [FIRSTFIRE HOLD] [target: Lucius Warlord Titan 2] Notes: "emperor titan targeting warlord 2, with everything Hellstorm Cannon, Plasma Annihilator (both of them at maximum power) into them, 4 Gun Towers, Volcano cannon tower and Main Battery. Shredding the shields off warlord 2."
[TL] [Lucius Warlord Titan 2] - [MARCH SHOOT] [target: Imperator Class Titan] Combat Results: hits(8) saves(4) Notes: "emperor titan loses four shields from warlord titan 2."
[TL] [LWT3] - [MARCH SHOOT] [target: Imperator Class Titan] Combat Results: hits (8) saves(4)Notes: "emperor titan loses another 4 shields."
[TL] [Lucius Warlord Titan 1] - [MARCH SHOOT] Notes: "can't shoot due to line of sight and probably range."
[TL] [Scout Titan 1] - [MARCH SHOOT] Notes: "can't shoot due to LOS and range."
End phase
Post-Turn Notes: emperor titan raises one shield’s, titan legion warlord titan 2 rises a shield’s.
Turn 2
Initiative Phase: Titan Legions
Pre-turn Notes: Trent wins the int roll.
Movement Phase
[TL] [LWT3] - [MARCH MOVE] Notes: "March move through terrain made test."
[ICT] [Imperator Class Titan] - [FIRST FIRE]
[TL] [Lucius Warlord Titan 2] - [MARCH MOVE] Notes: "March through terrain rolls on chart get a 2 make the save roll and moves half."
[TL] [Lucius Warlord Titan 1] - [MARCH MOVE]
[TL] [Scout Titan 1] - [MARCH MOVE]
Combat Phase
[ICT] [Imperator Class Titan] - [FIRSTFIRE HOLD] [target: Lucius Warlord Titan 2] Notes: "emperor titan target Warlord titan 2 with everything Hellstorm Cannon, Plasma Annihilator (both of them at maximum power), 4 Gun Towers, Volcano cannon tower, Lascannons and Main Battery, losing remaining shield and taking 3DR, but no critical and the Aint-personal into warlord 3 taking out two shield’s."
[TL] [Lucius Warlord Titan 1] - [MARCH SHOOT] [target: Imperator Class Titan] Notes: "Warlord titan 1 target emperor with two mega bolter, it losing three shield’s."
[TL] [Scout Titan 1] - [MARCH SHOOT] [target: Imperator Class Titan] Notes: "target with mega bolter, taking out remaining shield’s."
[TL] [Lucius Warlord Titan 2] - [MARCH SHOOT] [target: Imperator Class Titan] Combat Results: hits(11) saves(9) Notes: "warlord titan2, target with two mega bolter at emperor tian. Dealing 2 DR"
[TL] [LWT3] - [MARCH SHOOT] [target: Imperator Class Titan] Combat Results: hits(11) saves(10) Notes: "warlord 3 dealing a DR to emperor."
End phase
Post-Turn Notes: Emperor Titan rise 3 shield’s, titan legion, warlord titan 2 rise a shield’s, warlord 3 rises a shield’s.
Turn 3
Initiative Phase: Imperator Class Titan
Pre-turn Notes: Greg wins the roll
Movement Phase
[ICT] [Imperator Class Titan] - [MARCH MOVE] Notes: "into warlord 3"
[TL] [Lucius Warlord Titan 2] - [MARCH MOVE]
[TL] [Scout Titan 1] - [MARCH MOVE]
[TL] [Lucius Warlord Titan 1] - [MARCH MOVE]
Combat Phase
[ICT] [Imperator Class Titan] - [CLOSE COMBAT] [target: Lucius Warlord Titan 2] Notes: "after round of combat did a DR warlord titan 1 and Titans pass morale..Round 2: Point of DR to warlord 2, point of DR to warlord 3, plus critical weapon hit right mega bolter.. Warlord 2 fail morale and retreats. Round three warlord 3 took a DR, and fail morale and retreats…Round 4 nothing happen, Round 5 nothing, Round 6 nothing happen, Round 7 warlord titan fails morale and the knock out table is rolls and is knock back..End of Close combat..
End phase
Post-Turn Notes: emperor titan rise three shield’s, warlord titan 2 rise three shield’s, warlord titan 3 does not raise shields. We realize that we forget to shoot with Warhound…..
Turn 4
Initiative Phase: Titan Legions
Movement Phase
[TL] [Scout Titan 1] - [MARCH MOVE]
[ICT] [Imperator Class Titan] - [FIRST FIRE]
[ICT] [Imperator Class Titan] - [FIRSTFIRE OVERWATCH] [target: Scout Titan 1] Notes: "emperor titan kills Warhound scout."
[TL] [Lucius Warlord Titan 1] - [MARCH MOVE]
[TL] [Lucius Warlord Titan 2] - [MARCH MOVE]
Combat Phase
[TL] [Lucius Warlord Titan 1] - [CLOSE COMBAT] [target: Imperator Class Titan] Notes: "round 1, Warlord 1 takes a DR, Warlord 2 takes a DR all warlord make their morale, Round 2 warlord 1 takes a DR, Warlord 2 get punch in the face and takes a DR, Warlord three same warlord 2,They all failed morale and all fall back, with Warlord 3 taking extra DR..called game there…
End phase
Post-Turn Notes: emperor titan rise 2 shield’s, titan legion warlord 2 rise none shield’s.