Well we manage another game of epic. It was 3000 point per side and it was between Ghazgkhull Thraka's War Horde (NetEA Tournament Pack 2013)Vs Biel-Tan Craftworld(v4.2)… Jeff Played the Biel-Tan Craftworld(v4.2) and I played the Ghazgkhull Thraka's War Horde…
Armies used
Ghazgkhull Thraka's War Horde (NetEA Tournament Pack 2013)
4 Nobz, 12 Boyz, 4 Grotz, Oddboy, Flakwagon, Big Gun, Warlord
2 Nobz, 6 Boyz, 2 Grotz, Oddboy, Flakwagon, Big Gun
2 Nobz, 6 Boyz, 2 Grotz, Oddboy, Big Gun
LANDA [200]
8 Warbike
4 Fighta Bomba
5 Big Gunz, Oddboy, Flakwagon
4 Fighta Bomba
16 Skorcha
4 Fighta Bomba
16 Skorcha, Flakwagon
Biel-Tan Craftworld(v4.2)
Avatar [0pts]
Guardian Warhost c/w 6 Guardians, 1 Farseer, 1 Hvy Wpn Platform and 4 Wave Serpents [350pts]
Guardian Warhost c/w 6 Guardians, 1 Farseer, 1 Hvy Wpn Platform and 4 Wave Serpents [350pts]
Aspect Warrior Warhost c/w 8 Shining Spears, +Exarch, +Autarch [400pts]
Rangers Troupe c/w 4 Rangers [100pts]
Swords of Vaul c/w 3 Falcons, 2 Firestorms [250pts]
Swords of Vaul c/w 3 Falcons, 2 Firestorms [250pts]
Swords of Vaul c/w 3 Falcons, 2 Firestorms [250pts]
Engine of Vaul c/w 1 Scorpion [250pts]
Engine of Vaul c/w 1 Scorpion [250pts]
Engine of Vaul c/w 1 Void Spinner [275pts]
Engine of Vaul c/w 1 Void Spinner [275pts]
Turn 1
- Ghazgkhull Thraka’s War Horde – Win the SR and go first
- Ghazgkhull Thraka’s War Horde – Bring on FIGHTA SKWADRON (2K/3BM’s from AA fire) and shoots SoV on right flank, killing 1 and giving it 2 BM’s…
- Ghazgkhull Thraka’s War Horde – Retain and Bring on FIGHTA SKWADRON and shoots SoV on right flank, killing 1 and breaking it and so it flees.….
- Biel-Tan Craftworld (v4.2) – Do sustain fire with void spinner and shoots KULT OF SPEED (BIG), killing 3 and doing 5 BM’s
- Ghazgkhull Thraka’s War Horde – Do engage action with LANDA and KULT OF SPEED, so targets the EoV and calls intermingled and drags in the Void spinner…The dice are rolled and the EoV and Void spinner wins the combat. The LANDA is destroyed and the KULT OF SPEED is broken and flees... (Talk about shit dice rolls)….
- Biel-Tan Craftworld (v4.2) – EoV double moves and shoots Broken KULT OF SPEED, killing 4 all up..
- Ghazgkhull Thraka’s War Horde - Bring on FIGHTA SKWADRON and shoots broken SoV on right flank, killing 1 all up….
- Biel-Tan Craftworld (v4.2) – Do sustain fire with void spinner and shoots WARBAND, killing 2 and doing 3 BM’s…
- Ghazgkhull Thraka’s War Horde - Double moves KULT OF SPEED (BIG), with BMs up..
- Biel-Tan Craftworld(v4.2) - EoV double moves and shoots KULT OF SPEED(BIG), killing 2 and giving it 3BM’s
- Ghazgkhull Thraka’s War Horde – Place MEKBOY GUNZMOB on overwatch, near Blitz
- Biel-Tan Craftworld(v4.2) – Move SoV and shoots Warband in woods, behind pond, giving them a BM..
- Ghazgkhull Thraka’s War Horde – Place Warband (big) (SC) will go on overwatch, in woods..
- Biel-Tan Craftworld(v4.2) – Place Rangers on overwatch…
- Ghazgkhull Thraka’s War Horde – Move KULT OF SPEED (BIG),up behind hill on their right flank..
- Biel-Tan Craftworld(v4.2) - March move Aspect Warrior Warhost(Shinning spears)(SC)
- Ghazgkhull Thraka’s War Horde – Keep Warband on over watch
- Biel-Tan Craftworld(v4.2) – Double move Guardian Warhost and shoots Warband, giving it a BM..
- Ghazgkhull Thraka’s War Horde – Fail to activate Warband and so regroup, removing 2 BM’s all up..
- Biel-Tan Craftworld(v4.2) – Double move SoV and shoot Warband, giving it a BM
- Biel-Tan Craftworld(v4.2) – Fail to activate Guardian Warhost and so regroup..
- Rally Phase
- Ghazgkhull Thraka’s War Horde – Don’t rally KULT OF SPEED and KULT OF SPEED(Big) don’t remove BM’s
- Biel-Tan Craftworld(v4.2) – Don’t rally SoV
- No AC were lost in the disengage section.
Turn 2
- Ghazgkhull Thraka’s War Horde - Win the SR and go first
- Ghazgkhull Thraka’s War Horde – Bring FIGHTA SKWADRON and shoots SHINNING SPEARS, killing three and giving it 4 BM’s
- Ghazgkhull Thraka’s War Horde - RETAIN and do a engage action with KULT OF SPEED (BIG), and will target the shinning spears and calls intermingled and Drags in the EoV…The dice are rolled and it’s a tie…So onto the next round, so the Orks manage to critical the EoV in the second round of combat and manage to do few more hits two….So the dice are rolled and the KULT OF SPEED (BIG)(Broken) wins the combat and flees back…The EoV and Shinning spears are wiped from the board..
- Biel-Tan Craftworld (v4.2) – Fail activate Void spinner and so regroup..
- Ghazgkhull Thraka’s War Horde - Bring on FIGHTA SKWADRON and shoots Void Spinner on right flank, doing a DC and then confirming a critical, which destroyed it..
- Biel-Tan Craftworld (v4.2) - Do sustain fire with void spinner and shoots WARBAND, killing 2 and doing 4 BM’s
- Ghazgkhull Thraka’s War Horde – Do sustain fire with Warband will sustain fire at SoV, killing three and breaking it, so it flees.
- Biel-Tan Craftworld (v4.2) – Move SoV and shoots Warband, killing 1 and giving it 2 BM’s
- Ghazgkhull Thraka’s War Horde – Fail to bring FIGHTA SKWADRON...
- Biel-Tan Craftworld (v4.2) – Move EoV and shoots MEKBOY GUNZMOB, killing 1 and giving it 2 BM’s
- Ghazgkhull Thraka’s War Horde – Double move KULT OF SPEED (BIG), up their right flank.
- Biel-Tan Craftworld (v4.2) – Do engage action with Guardian Warhost and target the Warband. The dice are rolled and the Guardian Warhost (2BM’s) wins the combat and consolidates a full move back…The Warband is broken and flees behind hill (losing a AV to DTT)
- Biel-Tan Craftworld (v4.2) – Move Rangers and shoot KULT OF SPEED (BIG),killing 1 and giving it 2 BM’s
- Ghazgkhull Thraka’s War Horde – Keep warband (big) on overwatch
- Biel-Tan Craftworld (v4.2) – Double move Guardian Warhost and shoots KULT OF SPEED (BIG),killing 3 and giving it 4 BM’s
- Ghazgkhull Thraka’s War Horde – Double move Warband, so it between two objectives..
Rally Phase
- Ghazgkhull Thraka’s War Horde – Don’t rally KULT OF SPEED, WARBAND and don’t remove BM from MEKBOY GUNZMOB
- Biel-Tan Craftworld(v4.2) – Don’t rally SoV
- No AC were lost in the disengage section.
Turn 3
- Biel-Tan Craftworld (v4.2) –Deploy the Avatar
- Biel-Tan Craftworld (v4.2) – Win the SR and goes first….
- Biel-Tan Craftworld (v4.2) – Do engage with Avatar brings in Guardians using Commander and targets the KULT OF SPEED (BIG).The dice are rolled and the Avatar& Guardians(BM) wins the combat and consolidate a full move forwards and the KULT OF SPEED (BIG) is wiped from the board..
- Biel-Tan Craftworld (v4.2) - Retain engage with Guardians and targets the Warband…The dice are rolled and the Guardians (BM) wins and they consolidate a full move. The warband is broken and flees behind hill..
- Ghazgkhull Thraka’s War Horde - Bring on FIGHTA SKWADRON and shoots broken SoV on hill and kills it out right.
- Ghazgkhull Thraka’s War Horde - Bring on FIGHTA SKWADRON and shoots SoV on blitz and kills it out right.
- Biel-Tan Craftworld(v4.2) – Moves EoV and shoots KULT OF SPEED (BIG), killing 2 and breaking it, so it flees forwards, then the EoV moves again, so it near blitz..
- Ghazgkhull Thraka’s War Horde - Bring on FIGHTA SKWADRON and shoots EoV , doing DC and giving it 2 BM’s
- Biel-Tan Craftworld (v4.2) – Fail to activate Void spinner sustain and so move up and take BM..
- Ghazgkhull Thraka’s War Horde – Keep MEKBOY GUNZMOB on over watch
- Ghazgkhull Thraka’s War Horde –March move rangers up
- Ghazgkhull Thraka’s War Horde – Keep Warband (big) stays on overwatch..
- Biel-Tan Craftworld(v4.2) – Place SoV on overwatch
Rally Phase
- Ghazgkhull Thraka’s War Horde – Don’t Rally KULT OF SPEED and KULT OF SPEED (BIG)
- Biel-Tan Craftworld(v4.2) – Don’t remove BMs from EoV
Victory Condition | Ghazgkhull Thraka's | Biel-Tan Craftworld |
1. Blitz | NO | no |
2. Break their sprit | Yes | NO |
3. Defend the Flag | NO | Yes |
4. Take and Hold | No | Yes |
5. They Shall not Pass | NO | Yes |
Yep need to win the third turn SR..and not have my KULT OF SPEED of speed(Big) Broken on the left flank of mine.I didn't move the WARBAND(BIG) either and that would have brought it down to 2-1..Still fun and tough game through…I did have some bad dice rolls, but I think that was more than made up in turn 2 of rolling, were I manage to take out 3 activations..
Till next time..