Well we manage another game of epic. It was 3000 point per side and it was between Fir Iolarion Eldar Titan Clan 4.2.1 and Thousand Sons (6.0.2)
Trent used the Thousand Sons (6.0.2) and I used the Fir Iolarion Eldar Titan Clan 4.2.
LINK TO Fir Iolarion Eldar Titan Clan 4.2 list…
Armies used
1 Warlock Titan, Psychic Lance, Power Fist, Titan Autarch
1 Phantom Titan, 1 D-Cannons, Titan Pulsar
Revenant Titan[425]
2 x Revenant Pulse Laser and Single Weapon System
One Farseer and seven Guardians and three Support Weapon Platform.
5 War Walker
6 War Walker
6 War Walker
Wraith gate[50]
Thousand Sons (6.0.2)
Sorcerer, 6 Thousand Sons Marines units., Daemonic Pact, 3 Rhino, Icon Bearer
Sorcerer, 6 Thousand Sons Marines units., 3 Rhino, Daemonic Pact, Icon Bearer
4 Land Raider
4 Land Raider
Sorcerer, 9 Disc Riders, Daemonic Pact
Sorcerer, 9 Disc Riders, Daemonic Pact
Sorcerer, 6 Thousand Sons Terminator, Daemonic Pact
Greater daemon (Lord of Change), 6 Lesser Daemons (Horror, Screamer, Flamer and Daemonic Beast units)
Firelord Bombers
3 Doomwing Fighters

- Deployment of Thousand Sons,FIR IOLARION ELDAR TITAN CLAN and objective makers…

Turn 1
- FIR IOLARION ELDAR TITAN CLAN won the SR and went first..
- FIR IOLARION ELDAR TITAN CLAN single move Phantom(Photo1) and shoot SEKHMET DISC RIDERS, killing 2 and giving the formation 3 BM’s(Photo2).Then the Phantom, moves back to it deployment zone(Photo3)..was done to make the activation harder.

- FIR IOLARION ELDAR TITAN CLAN double move Revenant Titan(Photo1)..was hoping to move up walkers and form a line, but passed it over since I would need a 3 to activate..

- Thousand Sons do a engage action with the RUBRIC FELLOWSHIP and targets the Revenant Titan(Photo1).The dice are rolled and the RUBRIC FELLOWSHIP(1BM)wins the combat and the Revenant Titan(1DC) is broken(Photo2).The Revenant Titan flee into the woods(Photo3)…want to break the formation, very risky move that going straight through the ruins, mounted in rhinos.He didn’t fail 1 DDT.

- FIR IOLARION ELDAR TITAN CLAN keep WAR WALKER TROUPE, on overwatch near objective marker(Photo1)..I didn't move them since i wanted to hold the line now and slow his movement down.

- Thousand Sons bring on DOOMWING FIGHTERS and shoot the WAR WALKER TROUPE, giving it a BM(Photo1)..chose it since it was not under the AA cover and was hoping to at least kill some.

- FIR IOLARION ELDAR TITAN CLAN keep WAR WALKER TROUPE, on overwatch near objective marker(Photo1)..

- Thousand Sons move THOUSAND SONS ARMOR(Photo1) and shoot the WAR WALKER TROUPE,Killing 2 and breaking the formation and it flees behind the woods(Photo2)

- FIR IOLARION ELDAR TITAN CLAN place WAR WALKER TROUPE, on overwatch near their Blitz(Photo1)

- Thousand Sons bring on FIRELORD BOMBER and shoot the WAR WALKER TROUPE, giving it a BM(Photo1)..chose it since it was not under the AA cover and was hoping to at least kill some.

- FIR IOLARION ELDAR TITAN CLAN march move warlock up the left flank(Photo1)..was done to entice TS to engage me.

- Thousand Sons do a engage action with the RUBRIC FELLOWSHIP and targets the Warlock(Photo1).The dice are rolled and the RUBRIC FELLOWSHIP(3BM) wins the combat and the warlock(1DC) is broken and flee back towards its deployment zone(Photo2)…I lost by 1 pip

- FIR IOLARION ELDAR TITAN CLAN fail to bring on Guardians through the wraith gate(Photo1)

- Thousand Sons march move SEKHMET DISC RIDERS up on their right flank(Photo1)..wanted to make rally harder for Warlock and get ready for turn 2

- Thousand Sons move THOUSAND SONS ARMOR(Photo1) and shoot the WAR WALKER TROUPE,Killing 1 and giving it 2 BM’s(Photo2)

- Thousand Sons march move SEKHMET DISC RIDERS(BM from OWF) up on their left flank(Photo1)..

- FIR IOLARION ELDAR TITAN CLAN don’t rally WAR WALKER TROUPE.Both sides remove BM’s..
- No aircraft were shot down in the disengage section.
Turn 2
- Thousand Sons teleport in THOUSAND SONS WARCOVEN(Photo1)

- FIR IOLARION ELDAR TITAN CLAN won the SR and went first..
- FIR IOLARION ELDAR TITAN CLAN double move Phantom(Photo1) and shoot THOUSAND SONS WARCOVEN, killing 2 and breaking the formation, which flees into the woods behind it(Photo2).done to break formation and save the Warlock..

- FIR IOLARION ELDAR TITAN CLAN engage action with the Warlock and target the broken THOUSAND SONS WARCOVEN(Photo1) and the dice were rolled and I mean rolled, out 9 normal rolls, got 2 hits(Photo2).The end result was warlock wins and the broken THOUSAND SONS WARCOVEN was wiped from the board(Photo3)..was done to claim BTS goal..

- FIR IOLARION ELDAR TITAN CLAN bring in the Guardians through wraith gate, into the ruins(Photo1) and shoots the THOUSAND SONS ARMOR, giving it a BM(Photo2)…done to contest objective markers

- Thousand Sons do a engage action with the SEKHMET DISC RIDERS(summons 5 demons) and targets the Warlock(Photo1).The dice are rolled and the SEKHMET DISC RIDERS wins the combat and the warlock(2DC and critical confirmed) is broken and flee behind the woods(Photo2)…was hoping to break it

- Thousand Sons do a engage action with the RUBRIC FELLOWSHIP(summons 1 demon and greater demon) and targets the WAR WALKER TROUPE, calls intermingled and drags in the Revenant Titan(Photo1).The dice are rolled and the RUBRIC FELLOWSHIP(lose greater demon, critical confirmed) wins the combat and the WAR WALKER TROUPE and Revenant Titan are broken(Photo2).The WAR WALKER TROUPE and Revenant Titan flee behind woods(Photo3)…want to break the formations

- FIR IOLARION ELDAR TITAN CLAN keep WAR WALKER TROUPE, on overwatch near their Blitz(Photo1)

- Thousand Sons bring on DOOMWING FIGHTERS and shoot the Guardians, giving it a BM(Photo1)..chose it since it was not under the AA cover and was hoping to at least kill some.

- Thousand Sons fail to bring on FIRELORD BOMBER(Photo1)

- Thousand Sons double move RUBRIC FELLOWSHIP to their blitz(Photo1)…

- Thousand Sons march move SEKHMET DISC RIDERS to behind the broken formations(Photo1)..wanted to make rally harder

- Thousand Sons move THOUSAND SONS ARMOR(losing 1 to DTT)(Photo1) and shoot the Phantom, giving it a BM(Photo2)

- Thousand Sons move THOUSAND SONS ARMOR(Photo1) and shoot the Guardians, giving it a BM(Photo2)

- FIR IOLARION ELDAR TITAN CLAN don’t rally Revenant Titan and WAR WALKER TROUPE.Both sides remove BM’s..
- No aircraft were shot down in the disengage section.
Turn 3
- FIR IOLARION ELDAR TITAN CLAN won the SR and went first..
- FIR IOLARION ELDAR TITAN CLAN single move Phantom and shoot SEKHMET DISC RIDERS, killing 5 and breaking the formation(Photo1).The SEKHMET DISC RIDERS, flee back to it deployment zone(Photo2)..done to break formation

- FIR IOLARION ELDAR TITAN CLAN single move WARLOCK TITAN(Photo1) and shoot THOUSAND SONS ARMOR, killing 1 and breaking the formation.The THOUSAND SONS ARMOR, flee back to it deployment zone(Photo2)..done to break formation

- FIR IOLARION ELDAR TITAN CLAN do a engage action with the Guardians and targets the THOUSAND SONS ARMOR(Photo1).The dice are rolled and the Guardians(4BM), win the combat and the THOUSAND SONS ARMOR is broken(Photo2).The THOUSAND SONS ARMOR flees back behind some ruins and the Guardians consolidate in away to claim other objective marker(Photo3)…done to break formation and claim objective marker for TAH goal.

- Thousand Sons double move RUBRIC FELLOWSHIP to claim objective marker on their left flank(Photo1)

- Thousand Sons double move SEKHMET DISC RIDERS to claim objective markers on their left flank(Photo1)

- FIR IOLARION ELDAR TITAN CLAN fail to activate WAR WALKER TROUPE, which flees forward, after it breaks Due to BM’s(Photo1)

- Thousand Sons keep RUBRIC FELLOWSHIP on overwatch on their blitz, good old guard duty(Photo1)

- FIR IOLARION ELDAR TITAN CLAN keep WAR WALKER TROUPE, on overwatch near their Blitz(Photo1)

- Thousand Sons bring on DOOMWING FIGHTERS and shoot the Guardians, killing 1 and breaking the formation(Photo1) and so it flees forward into the Thousand Sons deployment zone(Photo2)

- Thousand Sons bring on FIRELORD BOMBER and shoot the broken Guardians, wiping the formation off the board(Photo1)

- FIR IOLARION ELDAR TITAN CLAN don’t rally 2 X WAR WALKER TROUPE.Thousand Sons don’t rally THOUSAND SONS ARMOR.Both sides remove BM’s..
- No aircraft were shot down in the disengage section.
- Thousand Sons win 2-1
Victory Condition | FIR IOLARION ELDAR TITAN CLAN | Thousand Sons |
1. Blitz | NO | no |
2. Break their sprit | YES | NO |
3. Defend the Flag | NO | no |
4. Take and Hold | No | YES |
5. They Shall not Pass | NO | YES |
Well that could have went better, I was look at the point killed and I was in front, but goal wise I was not. It may have went to turn four if my lone walker had rally and I had contested the TAH goal on the Thousand sons. May have had a different result with the extra turn. So I guess a rematch is on..
As to the FIR IOLARION ELDAR TITAN CLAN and the changes made in 4.2.1:
The single Revenant Titan restriction could be more like the Guardians restriction set at 1 for every 1500 points.
List building is fairly straight forward with the 1 to 3 restriction.
Happy to see the increase points on some of the weapons and the Single Weapon System charge.
As always more play testing is needed against different opponents, before any changes are made..