Well last night was our miniatures night with the DND group(two of them turned up). So it was decide to do a epicA game and points was set at 8000 points a side. Since it was a large game and we had two players a side, we change the activations to allow 4 per side and so that meant two per player. So if one player failed a activation then it was pass to the other player.
Minervan Tank Legion 8000 points
2 x Super Heavy Tank Company 1000
2 x Super Heavy Tank Company 1000
2 x Super Heavy Tank Company 1000
Super Heavy Tank Company 600
Armoured Regiment Supreme Commander
4 x Mechanized Platoon 1200
10xImperial Guard Infantry
2 x Self Propelled Artillery Battery 500
2 x Self Propelled Artillery Battery 500
4 x Tank Platoon 1600
6xLeman Russ
2 x Vulture Squadron 600
Tyranids (110929) 8000 POINTS
1 Dominatrix, 4 Hierodule, Termagant
2 Tyranid Warrior, 8 Termagant, 2 Hive Tyrant, 8 Hormaguant, 4 Raveners
2 Hive Tyrants, 6 Carnifex, 8 Exocrines, 8 Termagant, 2 Raveners
9 Genestealer
Tyranid Warrior, 9 Termagant, Hive Tyrant, 6 Hormaguant, 3 Malefactor, 2 Raveners
8 Termagant, 4 Hormaguant, 4 Biovore, 6 Dactylis
1 Hive Tyrant, 3 Carnifex, 4 Malefactor, 3 Raveners, 6 Termagant
1 Hive Tyrant, 3 Carnifex, 6 Exocrines, 4 Termagant
7 Genestealer
1 Harridan and 0-4 Gargoyles, 2 Gargoyles
1 Trygon and 2 Raveners, 4 Ravener
1 Trygon and 2 Raveners, 4 Ravener
1 Trygon and 2 Raveners, 4 Ravener
1 Heirophant
1 Heirophant
7 Lictor
The Tryranids has four units that were going to teleport in not shown in the pictures below.
Turn one
Tyranids players teleport LICTOR SWARM swam and rolls Two 1’s and so get two blast markers.
The Tyranids win the initiative and move first. They double move the BIG ASSAULT SWARM into the ruins on the right side of the river. Then rolled again to double move the HARASSMENT SWARN into the ruins on the left side. Then rolled for their BIG NEST SWARM and failed to active the unit. The Minervan Tank Legion rolled to active a Manticore unit and shoots The BIG NEST SWARM and basically Kills some low life forms to add another blast marker to the unit. So they roll to active a Bombard unit and past and so target the BIG ASSAULT SWARM and basically Kills some low life forms to add another blast marker to the unit. So then the Minervan Tank Legion then active the 1st Vulture Squadron and target the HEIROPHANT BIO-TITAN and manage to get 6 hits, this lead to having two wounds on the unit. The last unit that the Minervan Tank Legion active is the 2nd Vulture Squadron and targets the DOMINATRIX SWARM gets 6 hits and they are all saved by the DOMINATRIX. The tyranids then active their LICTOR SWARM and engage the Manticore unit on the right flank, doing a incredible 14 hits on the unit, the responds from the Manticore unit was no hits. so the won buy the LICTOR SWARM. So the next unit active was the HEIROPHANT BIO-TITAN, it moved up and fired on 1st Vulture Squadron and manages to kill one. The tyranids then try to get the BRUTE SWARM on the left flank to move and it fails to active. Then the Minervan Tank Legion fire up a Leman Russ platoon on the right flank and double move it so that it can shoot HEIROPHANT BIO-TITAN, causing enough hits to wipe it off the board(does help if you roll your armour saves). Then the Minervan Tank Legion active a Stormsword company and move it to the edged of the city on the left and side and fire at the GENESTEALER SWARM that’s sitting on the objective marker, they fire everything they have and give them three blast markers and that was it. Then the Minervan Tank Legion try to fire another Leman Russ platoon and fail, doing that. The Tyranids active the other HEIROPHANT BIO-TITAN and it double moves so that it may shoot the Stormsword company and it add one blast marker. So then they try to active the BIG NEST SWARM and that fails. The Tyranids then active the NORMAL ASSAULT SWARM and march it into the city to gain a better cover save. So they try their luck again and fail to active the BIG BRUTE SWARM and so it sits behind cover. The Minervan Tank Legion active Bombard and targets the NORMAL ASSAULT SWARM and it also manages to get the HARASSMENT SWARN in the barrage. So again only killing low life's and place some blast markers. Then they active Mechanized Platoon and send it into the city edge on their right flank and did in. They try and active a Stormblade company and failed in doing that. So the Tyranids then active the GENESTEALER SWARM that’s sitting on the objective marker in the city on the left flank and give it engage action and they CC the Stormsword company. The CC was a very close run thing not, my sub-commander roll well on the armour saves(thank god for re-enforce armour). The Stormsword company won the combat and they went fleeing back like scared rabbits. They they active the DOMINATRIX SWARM and double moved it and shot the Leman Russ platoon on the right flank and only manage to do a blast marker. They did hit but the Leman Russ platoon made all its saves. So the Tyranids then try and active the GENESTEALER SWARM behind the hill, near the a objective marker and they fail to do it. So from now on, its all Minervan Tank Legion, so they start off buy moving the Mechanized Platoon on left flank in to the edge of the city and dig in. They active another Mechanized Platoon, it fails and just sits there looking stupid. Then they active the last Mechanized Platoon and do a march platoon up the left flank. They active the Stormsword company on the right flank and move it into the city on the right flank to support the infantry. The other Stormblade company and it goes on over watch. They they active the Shadowsword company and its shoots the DOMINATRIX SWARM killing one of the beasts in the unit. The Baneblade company manages to active and shoot the LICTOR SWARM to pieces. So on the Left Flank they active the Leman Russ Platoon and double move it so that may shoot the HEIROPHANT BIO-TITAN and manage to do 1 wound to the creature. So then they active the other Leman Russ Platoon and double move and shoot the HEIROPHANT BIO-TITAN, causing no hot as such. The last unit was a Baneblade company and it move a normal move and that was it. So onto the end phase of the turn. The Tyranids manage to remove all their blast markers and the Minervan Tank Legion almost followed suit, so only one unit of theirs didn't remove blast markers. The Tyranids also rally the GENESTEALER SWARM that was broken.
Turn Two
Tyranids players teleport SUBTERRANEAN SWARM swam and rolls Two 1’s and so get two blast markers. Then they teleport another SUBTERRANEAN SWARM and get no blast markers.
The Tyranids win the initiative and move first. The Tyranids first action was to active the SUBTERRANEAN SWARM in front of the Bombard unit and Close combat it, the SUBTERRANEAN SWARM won, but not after rolling a double on on the 2d6’s. They were saved by the fact it was 12/2 in count. They then activated the BIG NEST SWARM and so targets the Mechanized Platoon on left flank and manage to kill one stand of infantry. So they try and active the HEIROPHANT BIO-TITAN and failed to do so. The Minervan Tank Legion pounced on the fact that the Tyranids didn’t active the other SUBTERRANEAN SWARM and when in for the Kill and started a Fire Fight, with support from the Bombard unit for good measure. After the smoke cleared the SUBTERRANEAN SWARM was no more. There was great shout of joy from the artillery men. Then they tried to active the Leman Russ platoon, that was close to the rough terrain that had the other SUBTERRANEAN SWARM, and they were activated. So they fired at the Swarm with every thing they had, including the empty beer cans. They manage to kill a couple, but did break it. The Minervan Tank Legion then activated the Leman Russ Platoon and fire at the DOMINATRIX SWARM and it manages to kill a beast in the unit and a low life form. Then Minervan Tank Legion try and activate the Shadowsword company and failed twice, roll a 1 and then another 1. The Tyranids then activate the DOMINATRIX SWARM and do so. They move it into Close combat with the Leman Russ Platoon.The leman Russ gets support from the 1st Vulture Squadron as a add bonus. After the smoke, blood, metal and beer cans settled to the ground there were three dead Leman Russ and the other three were fleeing back to their deployment zone. The DOMINATRIX SWARM had suffered hits too. Then they passed the next activation and got the HARASSMENT SWARN to engage the 1st Vulture Squadron in a Fire Fight, so after the smoke cleared the HARASSMENT SWARN had mange to wipe the floor with them.They then activate the BRUTE SWARM and move it into the city on the left flank. Next they tried to activate the NORMAL ASSAULT SWARM and rolled a 1. The Minervan Tank Legion then activated the Leman Russ Platoon and fire at the HEIROPHANT BIO-TITAN on the left flank. The unit manage to get a blast marker on and all hits are save, but the HEIROPHANT BIO-TITAN is broken. Then the Stormsword then actives and fires again at the NORMAL ASSAULT SWARM in the city and places more blast markers on the unit. Then they activate the Baneblade company on the right flank and it fires at the DOMINATRIX SWARM, causing enough hits, to break the unit. Minervan Tank Legion then activate the Mechanized Platoon on the left flank and marched up to with in 30cms of the HEIROPHANT BIO-TITAN.Then they activate the Baneblade company on the left flank, do a double move and target the SUBTERRANEAN SWARM in the rough terrain. The smoke cleared and there was nothing left. So back to the Tyranids and they activate the BIG NEST SWARM and they target the Mechanized Platoon, killing two Chimera and a few bases of infantry. The Mechanized Platoon hold their ground. Then they activate the BIG ASSAULT SWARM that's on the right flank in the city, to overwatch. then the last unit they activated was the BIG BRUTE SWARM and they march move it to the left flank to give support to that unit. Minervan Tank Legion activate the Stormblade company on the right flank and double move it and shoots the HARASSMENT SWARN and kills the Gargoyles around the Harridan. They they activates the 2nd Vulture Squadron and targeting the HARASSMENT SWARN adding a blast marker and that was it. So from now on, its all Minervan Tank Legion again, were they activated their spare units. These entailed main going on over watch, this was the two Mechanized Platoon that were in the city(both side of the river). The Stormsword company marched moved and put its self closer to the action. A Leman Russ Platoon placed on one watch on the left flank. The end phase entailed that the Tyranids rallied the HEIROPHANT BIO-TITAN, but failed to rally the DOMINATRIX SWARM. Then they cleared all blast marks from their units on the table. The Minervan Tank Legion was not so lucky, they fail to rally the Leman Russ Platoon. they removed all blast markers from their units, except one unit which was the Armoured Regiment Supreme Commander.
Turn Three
Tyranids players teleport SUBTERRANEAN SWARM swam and rolls Two 1’s and so get two blast markers.
The Tyranids win the initiative and move first (wow three turns in a row, I may need to talk to my sub-commander and his die rolling). So off the bat they activate the SUBTERRANEAN SWARM and did a engage action into the Shadowsword company, this unit had the Armoured Regiment Supreme Commander. So combat was afoot or claw, buy the time the smoke cleared from the blast of one of the super heavies exploding (This manage to take a bug or two), the Bug had won the combat. So they activated the HEIROPHANT BIO-TITAN and did engage action and took on the Mechanized Platoon. The battle should have been one side, but it was not and the poor bloody infantry men took the beast down, both side had done enough to kill each other. Wow the Tyranids go into a engage action again and this time its the BIG ASSAULT SWARM on the right flank in the city assaulting a Stormsword company that was in range, the bugs didn’t have all of it there own way. The exploding Stormsword took a few with them. Then on their next activation they do a marshalling action on the the GENESTEALER SWARM. The Minervan Tank Legion open up with the Manticore unit on the BIG ASSAULT SWARM, placing blast markers and killing enough, so that the unit broke and retreated. They activated the Leman Russ platoon, on the left flank and do a march move, up the left flank. So then the Minervan Tank Legion activated the Stormblade company on the left flank and double move it and shoot the BIG NEST SWARM, killing a few low life forms and placing a blast marker. Then they activated the 2nd Vulture Squadron and target the SUBTERRANEAN SWARM, they manage to kill the war engine in the unit and break the unit at the same time. The first activation for the Tyranids is the BIG BRUTE SWARM and so they march move it, back over to the right side of the board to help with wants happing over there. Then they activate the HARASSMENT SWARN and target the 2nd Vulture Squadron, placing a blast marker on the unit. So the Tyranids next activation is the NORMAL ASSAULT SWARM and so they engage the Stormblade company on the left flank. The close combat lasted three rounds and by the time it was over there were not many bugs left. They won the combat but and destroyed the Stormblade company. They were left out in the open. So the Tyranids activate the GENESTEALER SWARM and engage the Baneblade company on the right flank. Combat was on, but after 28 dice rolls and some wonderful saves by the Baneblade company. The GENESTEALER SWARM lost the combat and was broken and fled back to were they come from. Then the initiative was passed to the Minervan Tank Legion, since the Tyranids had move all units on the table. The first unit that the Minervan Tank Legion activate is the Baneblade company on the right flank and they target the HARASSMENT SWARN causing enough blast markers to break the unit and make flee back to the base line. Minervan Tank Legion then activates the Leman Russ Platoon on the left flank that's near the city and so targets the NORMAL ASSAULT SWARM and do enough hits and have the Tyranids fail save. Which let more blast markers and then they broke and fled. At this point all other units on over watch were left on them. Some other units failed to activate and so did nothing, but stand around looking like ducks in a pond. The end phase the Tyranids rallied their DOMINATRIX SWARM and the BIG ASSAULT SWARM, all other units failed to rally. Then they manage to remove the blast markers off the units that were not broken.The Minervan Tank Legion fail to rally the Leman Russ Platoon again, but cleared all blast markers off the units that had them.
Turn Four
The Tyranids win the initiative and move first(wow again). They activated the BIG BRUTE SWARM first and march moved it so that it was near the objective marker on their side of the board. Then the next unit to activate was the DOMINATRIX SWARM and they march moved it so that it was near the objective marker on their side of the board too. They activated the unit on the left side of the board in the city, there was some confusion on which unit was want and the order was a reshuffle to make it easier to see the two units. Them they activated the BIG NEST SWARM which targeted the Leman Russ Platoon, coming up the left flank. They manage to do nothing in the ways of a hit and so one blast marker was added. The Minervan Tank Legion started off with the Leman Russ Platoon on the left flank and fired into the city at the BRUTE SWARM, hoping to kill some and add blast markers it add some. Then the Minervan Tank Legion activated the Leman Russ on the left flank and got it to do a double move and this allowed it to shoot the BIG NEST SWARM giving it a blast marker. Minervan Tank Legion then tried the Stormsword and failed, it shoot all of its weapons at the BRUTE SWARM, adding more blast markers and killing a few low life forms. So the first unit the Tyranids activate is the BIG ASSAULT SWARM and they march move its so that its in the Minervan Tank Legion half of the table, on the way it trips a overwatch unit, so it loses a unit and gains a blast marker. The next unit that they activate is the BRUTE SWARM and so they pop it on overwatch. They then active the GENESTEALER SWARM and make it march move to the BIG NEST SWARM. Well were back were the Minervan Tank Legion do all the moving now. so the first unit they move is the Baneblade company on the left flank and double move it into the city and they fire very thing. Killing bugs and placing blast markers, when the smoke clears they are still there. there were two units that didn't activate and stood around doing nothing. The units left on over watch were left there, the next unit they activated was the Baneblade company on the right flank and double move it up the hill near the objective and it target the DOMINATRIX SWARM and they mange to kill another beast and that caused the unit to break and so flee the scene, back to the base line. Then they tried to shoot out the BIG ASSAULT SWARM in the ruins so that the Tyranids could not claim a victory condition. So they double move a Leman Russ Platoon and on the way went through terrain it need to roll for and so two tanks disappeared. The rest of the unit fired into the BIG ASSAULT SWARM giving its a blast marker. At that point we called it as a draw.
Victory Conditions
Victory Condition | Minervan Tank Legion | Tyranids (110929) |
1. Blitz | no | no |
2. Break their sprit | no | yes |
3. Defend the Flag | Yes | No |
4. Take and Hold | no | no |
5. They Shall not Pass | Yes | Yes |
Total | 2 | 2 |
A very good game, with the lead changing a couple of times. If the Tyranids had setup on the other side of the table. It may have been a different game. The game took about 6.5 hours, that doesn't include the set of table or deployment of units. The initiative going to the tyranid players every turn, help out, . So I look forward to another game of epic soon, with the DND guys. So may the dice roll high for you.
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