
Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Epic "Battle of Xeno Ruins", May 29


Any ways last night a 4000 point a side of epic was played between the Armorbreaker W/E list and the Ironclaws Space marine forces. Anyways a few words from the Space marine commander………

The “Xeno Ruins” east of Alabaster Lake are like 2 giant anthills made by some long-forgotten race of intelligent insects. It was also the place of a hard fought battle between the Adamentine Guild of the Kaldrak Armorbreakers (Greg) and the Ironclaw Chapter of the Space Marines (Trent & Britt) in 42,013. The battle was truly memorable for several reasons:

* It was the first use of multiple (three) Terminator units in a 4000 point army. While they caused damage and destruction turn one, they ultimately had only one surviving stand left from the 12 that went in.

* Massive losses by the Ironclaws. They just couldn’t seem to get the damage needed to take out the huge Squat War Engines. We started the game with 13 Marine activations and finished with about half of that..

* We got in a full 4 turns. In truth, the Ironclaw’s were winning 2 to 1 at the end of turn 3, but by turn 4 that had changed to a 0 to 2 loss. Game ended at 11PM..

* First clear victory for the Kaldrak using this army list. They wisely abandoned their Land Train.
* First BTS with the loss of a Warhound Unit. These usually get shot up pretty badly, but until tonight, always somehow survived.

Tonight’s game was excellent , with lots of fun, strategy, tension, and laughter. I look forward to my next Epic Armageddon game.

Army lists

Iron claws forces:
1 Tactical Detachment
3 Terminator Detachment(two units had chaplains)
2 Scouts Detachment
4 Predators Detachment
5 Warhounds Titans

Armorbreaker forces

2 Colossus

3 Overlord squad(1 overlord)

2 Rockbreaker League

1 Goliath mega-cannon battery

1 Leviathan &1 Hearthguard & 8 Warriors and upgrade of thunders

1 Cyclops…

1 Khondgin Trikers

1 iron eagle squadron

The Game

so click on the link. That is under each turn heading, so you see want happen in that turn…..

Turn 1

Turn 2

Turn 3

Turn 4

Victory Conditions

1. Blitz no no
2. Break their sprit no Yes
3. Defend the Flag no Yes
4. Take and Hold no no
5. They Shall not Pass no no
Total 0

A very interesting game. It was nice to get the extra turn and claw back the game to a win.
Any ways may the dices roll high for you.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Battle of Brue Plains, Epic Armageddon


Well manage to get a game in today, so did a 4000 points game…….I started by about 12:30pm and had manage to have it finish by 3pm…Which is pretty good going….


Fir Iolarion Titan Clan (NetEA Army Compendium v20120208 *EXPERIMENTAL*)

PHANTOM TITAN [750] 2 Titan Pulsar
WARLOCK TITAN [850] Power Fist, Fusion Lance
REVENANT TITAN HOST [650] Revenant Pulse Lasers, 2 Revenant Titan
REVENANT TITAN HOST [650] Revenant Pulse Lasers, 2 Revenant Titan
REVENANT TITAN HOST [650] Revenant Sonic Lances,2 Revenant Titan
RANGER TROUPE [150] 6 Ranger
GUARDIAN TROUPE [300] 5 Guardian Units, 5 Support Weapon units

Armorbreaker forces

1 Colossus
1 Overlord squad (two overlords)
1 Rockbreaker League
1 Goliath mega-cannon battery
1  Leviathan &1 Hearthguard & 8 Warriors.
1  Land Train, 3 Dragon Battle Cars and 3 Berserker Battle Car
1 Gravebellows League.
1 Sky sweepers unit.
2 Iron hawk recon squadron
1 Cyclops…
1 Azdak sappers…

Well the turn section is like the last AAR done, so click on the link. That is under each turn heading, so you see want happen in that turn…..

Turn 1

Turn 2

Turn 3

Turn 4


Victory Conditions

Victory Condition Fir Iolarion Titan Clan ARMORBREAKER WAR ENGINE LIST
1. Blitz no no
2. Break their sprit Yes no
3. Defend the Flag Yes no
4. Take and Hold no no
5. They Shall not Pass Yes Yes
Total 3

The end result doesn't tell the whole story, there were a few turns when the Fir Iolarion Titan Clan thought they would be over run by squats, but they manage to hold on and having some luck help to….

May the dice roll high for you….



Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Epic Armageddon, 1 May

Few words from the SM commander:::
We all had a wonderful time in this very enjoyable yet very tense game. The Squats presented the Ironclaws with a great number of Tactical problems that , it was hoped,, the air assets & Terminators would solve.,  Not so. While their Assault units in the ThunderHawk nearly pulled off their attack  on a Goliath War Engine, it wasn’t quite enough. Dean kept up the pressure all during the game. He came within an ace of taking out our BTS Warhound unit, crossed over into Marine turf in several places, and  we had to sacrifice unit after unit to slow down their advance. In the end it was a draw, with both sides more than pleased to get even that.
While Greg will give you a much better AAR, memorable moments for me occurred when: *The poor cursed Squat Land Train missed several activation rolls and did little most of the game. * My Tactical units attacked Squat Gyrocopters. They missed, but both my Rhinos hit!.* Greg throwing three 1’s in an attack! * The worry Dean caused us with his Gyrocopters.* Squat Bikes circling the Mega-cannons for protection.*  My Scouts holding out for so long or Greg’s Tactical unit holding the reactor despite the odds. Some good laughs and fine gaming all through the game.
Thanks for another great Epic game Greg & Dean. Trent will be disappointed he couldn’t try out all the “super-troops”.

Army lists

Iron claws forces:
2 Assault Detachment
1 ThunderHawk Gunship
2 Tactical Detachment
1 Terminator Detachment
2 Scouts Detachment
3 Predators Detachment
1 Scout Detachment with Sniper and Hunter..
5 Warhounds Titans
Armorbreaker forces
1 Colossus
1 Overlord squad (two overlords)
1 Rockbreaker League
1 Goliath mega-cannon battery
1  Leviathan &1 Hearthguard & 8 Warriors.
1  Land Train, 3 Dragon Battle Cars and 3 Berserker Battle Car
1 Gravebellows League.
1 Sky sweepers unit.
2 Iron hawk recon squadron
1 Cyclops…
1 Azdak sappers…
I’m doing something different this time, in that I have the pictures setup, so they have comments underneath them explaining wants going on in the picture. So by clicking the arrow on the right side, on each picture it will take you to the next picture. So you need do is click on the link under each turn heading, it will show the fist picture of that turn. I have done it this way so that it’s broken down and not one long run of pictures of the whole battle. I did take 105 pictures for the battle. So thought this was the best way of doing it……..
Turn 1
Turn 2
Turn 3

Victory Conditions

1. Blitz no no
2. Break their sprit no no
3. Defend the Flag no no
4. Take and Hold no no
5. They Shall not Pass no no
Total 0
A very interesting game, another turn may have well seen the squats up by 1, since they had just about achieved BTS.
Any ways may the dices roll high for you.