Friday, June 20, 2014

Knights World 2.1 V’s Hive Fleet Onachus


Well it Friday and manage another Epic game. This time it was the Knights world list(2.1) and Hive Fleet Onachus. As always, its was a 5000 point game.


Armies used

Knights World 2.1
3 Paladins + Baron (BTS)
4Paladins + Seneschal
4 Paladins + Seneschal
4 Errants + Seneschal
4 Errants + Seneschal
4 Errants + Seneschal
3 Lancers + Seneschal
3 Lancers + Seneschal
3 Lancers + Seneschal
3 Lancers + Seneschal
3 Castellan
Thunderbolt squads
Thunderbolt squads
Marauder squads
Marauder squads

Hive Fleet Onachus Tyranids 5010 points
Unit Numbers Cost
NEXUS SWARM 1 Dominatrix, 5 Trygon, 7 Termagants, 7 Hormagants 930 Points
TYRANID SWARM 1 (M) Two Tyranid Warriors, 12 Termagants, Hive Tyrant 375 Points
TYRANID SWARM 2 (M) Two Tyranid Warriors, 12 Termagants, Hive Tyrant 375 Points
TYRANID SWARM 3 (M) Two Tyranid Warriors, 12 Termagants, Hive Tyrant 375 Points
TYRANID SWARM 4 (M) 2 x Two Tyranid Warriors,11 Termagants,Zoanthrop(745.M41) 380 Points
TYRANID SWARM 5 (S) Two Tyranid Warriors, 6 Termagants, Zoanthrope (745.M41) 225 Points
TYRANID SWARM 6 (M) Two Tyranid Warriors, 12 Termagants, Hive Tyrant 375 Points
EXOCRINE SWARM 1 (M) 6 Exocrine 325 Points
EXOCRINE SWARM 2 (M) 6 Exocrine 325 Points
GENESTEALER SWARM1 6 Genestealers, Brood Lord 200 Points
GENESTEALER SWARM2 10 Genestealers, Brood Lord 300 Points
LICTOR SWARM 6 Lictor 300 Points
HARRIDAN SWARM (S) 1 Harridan, 4 Gargoyles (745.M41) 250 Points
BIOVORE SWARM (M) 10 Biovore 275 Points


  • Knights deployment

friday night 077friday night 078friday night 079

  • Knights scout deployment and Aircraft

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  • Hive Fleet Onachus deployment

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  • Hive Fleet Onachus scout deployment and Teleporting units

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Turn 1

  • KWL get first turn…..
  • KWL bring bombers and target GENESTEALER SWARM2 on Objective marker(Photo1), manage to kill 4 stands and give a total of 6 BM’s all up(Photo2), this break unit and so it flees back to it deployment zone(Photo3)

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  • HFO double move EXOCRINE SWARM up through ruins(Photo1).

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  • KWL put Lancer unit on overwatch(Photo1)

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  • HFO double move Tyranids swarm up through ruins(Photo1).

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  • KWL then double move lancer unit up into woods(Photo1)

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  • HFO double move EXOCRINE SWARM up through ruins(Photo1).

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  • KWL double move errant unit up into the woods(Photo 1)

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  • HFO double move Tyranids swarm up through ruins(Photo1).

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  • KWL double move custodians(Photo1), and targets Tyranids swarm, giving it two BM’s and killing 4 low life bugs(Photo2)

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  • HFO double move Tyranids swarm up through ruins(Photo1).

friday night 101

  • KWL double move Paladin unit up and shoot GENESTEALER SWARM1, putting a BM on the unit(Photo1)

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  • HFO try and active GENESTEALER SWARM1 and fail(HFO don't use SC reroll) and so leave the unit were it is(Photo1)

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  • KWL then double move errant unit into woods(Photo1)

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  • HFO double move Tyranids swarm up through ruins(Photo1).

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  • KWL then try and active a errant unit and roll a one, so try and use the SC reroll and gets another one(Photo1)

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  • HFO double move Tyranids swarm up to claim objective(Photo1)

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  • KWL then try and active a Paladin unit and rolls a one(Photo1).

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  • HFO double move Tyranids swarm up to contest objective(Photo1)

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  • KWL try and bring fighter unit and rolls a one(Photo1)(yes photo out of syc)

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  • HFO march move HARRIDAN SWARM so its in KWL deployment zone(Photo1)

friday night 110

  • KWL try and bring Bomber unit and rolls a one(Photo1)

friday night 111

  • HFO march move NEXUS SWARM to be in woods(Photo1)

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  • KWL bring fighter unit and target the EXOCRINE SWARM , giving the unit a BM(Photo1)

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  • HFO try and active the BIOVORE SWARM and rolls a one, so uses SC reroll and rolls a One, so leave unit were they are…(Photo1) 

friday night 115

  • KWL then march moves Paladin unit up to be in front of woods, were the NEXUS SWARM is(Photo1).(out of syc)

friday night 116

  • HFO rally GENESTEALER SWARM2, and both sides re,move Blast Markers……

Turn 2

  • KWL go first
  • Teleporting unit. LICTOR SWARM (Photo1)(they receive 1 BM)

friday night 118

  • KWL then use the commander rule and take three unit into engagement(Photo1) with three Tyranids swarms(Photo2). The following round of FF/CC saw the Tyranids roll no less then four critical hits on the Knights units, so after the roll off the Knights lose the combat(Photo3) and so flee back to be between the forest and hill(Photo4)

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  • KWL retain the turn and use the commander rule again and this time take a lancer and Paladin unit(Photo1)and do a engage action against the nexus swarm(Photo2).The following round of FF/CC saw the Tyranids roll no less then one critical hit on the Knights units, so after the roll off the Knights win the combat(Photo3) and the Nexus swarm flees back to its deployment zone.(Photo4)

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  • HFO then open up with the BIOVORE SWARM(Photo1) and target the Paladin unit in the woods, giving the unit 2BM’s(Photo2)

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  • HFO retain the turn and do engage action with a tyranid swarm(Photo1), and target the Errant in a FF(Photo2). After the smoke clears Errant units is broken and flees back down through the woods(Photo3)

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  • KWL bring bomber and target broken Nexus swarm, killing more low life bugs,the EXOCRINE SWARM next door is clipped by the blast templates and loses a unit and gets three BM’s all up(Photo1)

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  • KWL try and retain the turn and bring on a fighter unit and fail to do so(Photo1)

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  • HFO then do a engage action with lictors and target the custodians(Photo1), the following engagement sees the custodians win(Photo2) and so the Lictors flee down the KWL base line to be safe(Photo3)

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  • HFO tries to activate the HARRIDAN SWARM and fails to do so twice(Use SC reroll)(Photo1) and so moves the unit towards the broken unit of knights(Photo2)

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  • KWL brings in bomber unit and target broken Nexus swarm(Photo1) and manage to kill a few more units(Photo2)

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  • KWL brings in fighter and target broken Nexus swarm(Photo1) and manage to kill a few more units(Photo2)

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  • HFO double move Tyranids swarm into woods(Photo1)

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  • HFO double move Tyranids swarm into building complex and claim the objective there(Photo1) and shoot errant unit kill another of the unit(Photo2)

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  • KWL then move the custodians up(Photo1) and shoot the Tyranid swarm, killing some low life bugs and giving the unit 2 BM’s(Photo2)

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  • KWL retain the turn and do engage action with Paladin unit and target the swarm in the woods(Photo1), after the dice a rolled the Knights win, even after the Tyranids confirm critical.(Photo2) and so the swarm flees back to the ruins in its half of the table.(Photo3)

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  • HFO then double move EXOCRINE SWARM(Photo1) and shoot broken Lancer unit, managing to kill one(Photo2)

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  • HFO try and active the EXOCRINE SWARM and roll a one, so leaves the unit were it is(Photo1)

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  • KWL the shoot Errant at swarm in front of them, giving it a BM(Photo1)

friday night 155

  • HFO then double moves GENESTEALER SWARM2 up to be near Objective marker?(Photo1)

friday night 156

  • HFO then double move Tyranid swarm into woods(Photo1)

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  • KWL try and active the Paladin unit on the hill and roll a one(Photo1)

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  • HFO then double move Tyranid swarm into ruins to cover the objective marker there(Photo1)

friday night 159

  • HFO then do engage action with GENESTEALER SWARM1 and targets Paladins in the woods(Photo1), the Knights win the combat and wipe the GENESTEALER SWARM1 off the board and they are broken two and so flee back towards their deployment zone(Photo2)

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  • KWL then shoot with Lancer unit and target tyranid swarm in ruin, giving the unit a BM(Photo1)

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  • HFO then do a marshalling action with swarm and remove all BM’s and bring back two bases of low life bugs(Photo1)

friday night 163

  • KWL don't rally 2 Errant and 2 Lancer units, both sides removed Blast Markers…….

Turn 3

  • HFO get first turn…..
  • HFO then double move GENESTEALER SWARM2 up into the ruins were objective marker is(Srry no picture)
  • HFO use the commander rule and bring in two tyranid swarms(Photo1) into CC/FF against 2 knights units, the Knights get supporting fire from lancers(Photo2). The knights win the combat and break both of the Tyranid units(Photo3), which flee back to the objective marker(Photo4)

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  • KWL then do engage action with Lancers and do a FF with EXOCRINE SWARM(Photo1), after the combat is finish the Knights win and the EXOCRINE SWARM  are broken and flee back behind the ruins(Photo2)

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  • KWL bring on fighter unit and shoot the HARRIDAN SWARM, giving it a BM(Photo1)

friday night 008

  • HFO then do sustain fire with nexus swarm(Photo1) and target the Lancer unit and manage to do a DC and 2BM’s(Photo2)

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  • HFO try and retain the turn and roll a one, so move the Tyranid swarm back towards the objective marker(Photo1)

friday night 012

  • KWL double move Errant unit and target the nexus swarm and manage to do a BM(Photo1)

friday night 013

  • KWL retain the turn and double move Paladin and lose a knight to a failed DTT(Photo1) and so shoots the nexus swarm, giving it a BM(Photo2)

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  • HFO then open fire with BIOVORE SWARM(Photo1), targeting lancers near the ruins and manages to break the unit due to BM’s(Photo2)

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  • HFO retain the turn and double move EXOCRINE SWARM(Photo1) and target the custodian's giving them a BM(Photo2)

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  • KWL then do sustain fire with custodian unit and shoots the EXOCRINE SWARM, killing two and breaking the unit due to BM”s(Photo1)

friday night 021

  • KWL then double move paladin unit and target the Lictor unit and manage to break the unit due to BM’s(Photo1)

friday night 022

  • HFO then do a engage action with HARRIDAN SWARM(Photo1) and target the broken Knight units, as he calls intermingled(Photo2). the knights units a wiped from the board after the Harridans swarm wins the combat(Photo3)

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  • HFO retain the turn and do engage action with tyranid swarm(Photo1) and target the Custodians in a FF(Photo2) and after the smoke clears the Tyranids win combat and custodians are destroyed(Photo3)

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  • KWL do sustain fire with lancers(Photo1) and target tyranid swarm and manage to kill some low life bugs(Photo2)

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  • HFO then double move Tyranid swarm up to claim objective marker in building complex(Photo1)

friday night 031

  • KWL bring in fighter unit and target the broken EXOCRINE SWARM(Photo1) and manages to kill all of them(Photo2)

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  • KWL bring bomber unit and one get shot down by AA fire, they target the nexus swarm(Photo1) and only manage to give it a BM(Photo2)

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  • HFO do a marshalling action on Tyranid swarm and move the unit into the ruins and manage remove all BM’s.(Photo1)

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  • KWL do sustain fire with Paladins unit on hill and shoot broken Lictor unit and kills in it(Photo1)

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  • KWL bring in Bomber unit and target swarm(Photo1) killing enough to break the unit because of BM’s(Photo2)

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  • Both sides remove Blast markers and the HFO rally all units……

Turn 4

  • KWL get first turn…
  • KWL do a engage action with Errant and target nexus swarm(Photo1) and after dice are rolled the Knights win combat and Nexus swarm is broken and flees behind ruins(Photo2)

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  • KWL then double move Paladin unit up and shoots BIOVORE SWARM and give it a BM(Photo1)

friday night 044

  • HFO then do a engage action with EXOCRINE SWARM(Photo1) and target Paladin unit(Photo 2), so after two rounds of combat the Knights finally win and the EXOCRINE SWARM is destroyed(Photo3)

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  • HFO then shot with the BIOVORE SWARM(Photo1) and manage to Break the paladin unit from BM’s and so it flees back to the woods(Photo2)

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  • KWL then do marshalling action with errant unit and move it closer to the Blitz, in its deployment zone and takes all BM’s off(Photo1)

friday night 050

  • KWL then move Paladin unit and shot the HARRIDAN SWARM, managing to do a Critical hit and give the unit 2 BM’s all up.(Photo1)

friday night 051

  • HFO then do a engage action with GENESTEALER SWARM2 and target the broken Paladin unit(Photo1), after the smoke clears and a critical the Tyranids win combat, by wiping the unit out(Photo 2).. Tyrainds gain BTS

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  • HFO then move tyranid swarm into ruins to be near objective marker(Photo1)

friday night 054

  • KWL then double move lancers out and place them self's on the objective marker and shoot the Tyranid swarm and mange only to give it a BM(Photo1)

friday night 055

  • KWL then bring in  bombers unit(Photo1) and target broken nexus swarm, killing low life bugs and doing a DC on W/E(Photo2)

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  • HFO then use the commander rule and bring two Tyranid swarms against a lancer unit(Photo1), they even go help from the almighty hive mind from space(Photo 2), and they win combat by wiping Lancer unit out(Photo3)

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  • HFO then do engage action with swarm and target Lancers on objective in a FF(Photo1), and after the dice are rolled the knights are wiped from the board(Photo2) and the Swarm consolidates, closer to the objective marker(Photo3)

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  • KWL bring fighter unit and target the broken Nexus swarm, they manage to get shot by AA fire and live, the fighter unit manages to DC to W/E(Photo1)

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  • KWL retain the turn and the Paladin unit does sustain fire(Photo1) and shoots swarm in ruins and manages to give it a BM(Photo2)

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  • HFO does a marshalling action on Tyranid swarm and manages to remove all BM’s(Photo1)

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  • HFO then march moves Tyranid swarm to claim objective marker(Photo1)

friday night 069

  • KWL then bring fighter unit and target broken nexus swarm and manage to kill all in the unit, gaining BTS(Photo1)

friday night 070

  • KWL try and retain the turn and fail to bring on bomber(Photo1)

friday night 071

  • HFO then march move HARRIDAN SWARM,  contest the Blitz objective…(Photo1)

friday night 072

  • HFO put tyranid swarm on overwatch(Photo1)

friday night 073

  • Both side remove Blast markers…
  • Win to the Tyranids 3 to 1


Victory Conditions

Victory Condition Knights World 2.1 Hive Fleet Onachus
1. Blitz no no
2. Break their sprit Yes Yes
3. Defend the Flag no Yes
4. Take and Hold no Yes
5. They Shall not Pass no no
Total 1 3



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