Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Epic Battle of Argo City , June 19, 4013.

Well Wednesday night was another game of Epic down at Britt's, 4000 points of knights V’s Space marines………….On with the show, but before that happens a few words from the Space marine commander……..

Greg, Trent, & I had a most interesting and enjoyable 4000 point game of Epic Armageddon tonight. Greg played the Knightworld Army while Trent & I commanded an armour heavy Ironclaw Space Marine Force(7 Predator A's, 1 Scout, 3 Tacticals, & 5 Warhound Titans). The Knightworld won by 1VP, but the whole game was hard fought and both sides had a good chance at Victory.
As usual, you'll have to wait for Greg's Pictorial AAR to really get the full picture. From the Space Marine viewpoint, memorable moments were:
* The excellent use of Sentinels by the Knightworlders. They saved one objective and helped hold the centre town (Argo City) by preventing Marines movement forward unless attacked. But with Knight backup, they could not be engaged.
*Seeing whole units of Predators wiped out by a special Reaver Titan.
*Almost destroying their main Titan, after using 2 Warhounds and 2 units of Predators, only to see it rebuild itself.
*Finding out the hard way how effective Paladin Knights were in the engage fights.
*Not taking Marines on a deep strike that could have slowed the Knights rebuilding.
*Greg rolling 1 for so many activations. This was made up for somewhat by some amazing 'saves' rolls.
This was an excellent nights entertainment, and all enjoyed the game very much. Lots of laughter, consternation at an opponents fiendish move, having a 'cunning plan' that actually worked, luck good & bad, and good company to enjoy it with. Epic Armageddon has it all!

Army lists

3 units of 6 Paladins + Senechal
2 units of 6 Errants + Senechal
1 unit of 2 Crusader with Light quake cannon
1 unit of 2 Castellan with Light quake cannon
3 units of 4 Squires(scouts)
1 Reaver Titan with 2 volcano cannons and quake cannon and a upgrade of sacred icon…
Iron claws forces:
3 Tactical Detachment
1 Scouts Detachment
7 Predators Detachment
5 Warhounds Titans

The Game
so click on the link. That is under each turn heading, so you see want happen in that turn…..
Turn 1
Turn 2
Turn 3

Victory Conditions

Victory Condition Iron Claws Knights 1.4 beta
1. Blitz no no
2. Break their sprit no no
3. Defend the Flag no Yes
4. Take and Hold no no
5. They Shall not Pass no no
Total 0 1
Well another turn may have seen a different result. In some ones having the failed activation, save my ass in some respects. so I'm looking forward to another game…..

Friday, June 14, 2013

Battle 8863 Ursae III (test of knights 1.4b and Armorbreaker forces 2.1.7)

So this battle will be the first use of the of the new tunnel rules I had written down for the squats. I have include them here for convinces…..


The transports vehicle must be deployed on table in the deployment zone, once deployed they don’t move. The tunneller/s are assumed underground at start of game. It may attempt to resurface after a full movement, after passing a successful activation. Roll a D6 - on a 1 it has struck a rocky obstruction and cannot emerge that turn. On 2+ it emerges and moves no further that turn. If the transporter can see the tunneller intended point of emergence scatter the point is D6 x 1D3cm, if the arrow is rolled. If the transporter cannot see it or is destroyed, scatter point is D6 x 6D cm for an arrow. Units that scatter off the board are destroyed. If they scatter into impassable terrain or into enemy or friendly unit/s or in an enemy zone of control, then it is assumed that on-board automatic guidance systems will divert it towards a safe re-entry point, the opposing player may then move the Tunneller/s to safe spot that’s with in the distances rolled on scatter dice .Troops may disembark from tunneller the turn it emerges, but must stay within 5cms of it. Underground they move like normal vehicles, nothing can stop a tunneller underground. Above ground they must move in a straight line and can be turned up to 45 at the end of its movement. Marshes and water are impassable overland. First movement is measured from the transports. Then from where the vehicle/s ends its turn last. While underground the tunneler can’t be shot at. The transports vehicle, maybe target and collect blast markers. The transport can only collect one blast marker for each time its shoot at. Barrages will add the number of blast markers for the for the BP size shooting. Transports vehicle are not suppressed or broken by Blast markers, instead, the next time that you want to resurface the tunneler, take the resurface test as before, but apply a -1 modifier for each Blast marker on the formation. All of the Blast markers are removed from the Transports immediately after it takes the resurface test, whether it passes the test or not. If it passes the test, it may carry out a resurface, and if it fails it may not. If the transport is engaged by an enemy unit, using the engage order then it is removed from the board and the next resurface test will fail automatically. The resurface test after the fail one, will be at -3 and this will apply for the rest of the game for the tunneller in question. Once the tunnellers surfaces the transport/s are taken off the table and the Tunnellers used their own power to move. Tunnellers underground can’t claim objective markers or contest them.

The game was between the Knight List 1.4 beta and Armorbreaker forces 2.1.7

Army lists


3 units of 6 Paladins + Senechal

2 units of 6 Errants + Senechal

1 unit of 2 Crusader with Light quake cannon

1 unit of 2 Castellan with Light quake cannon

3 units of 4 Squires(scouts)

1 Reaver Titan with 2 volcano cannons and quake cannon and a upgrade of sacred icon…


Armorbreaker forces

2 Colossus

2 Overlord squad(1 overlord)

2 Rockbreaker League

1 Leviathan &1 Hearthguard & 8 Warriors

1  Land Train, 3 Dragon Battle Cars and 3 Berserker Battle Car…

2 iron eagle squadron

1  Azdak sapper + upgrade of 4 sappers and transport of 2 mole’s


The Game

so click on the link. That is under each turn heading, so you see want happen in that turn…..

Turn 1

Turn 2

Turn 3

Turn 4

Victory Conditions

1. Blitz no no
2. Break their sprit no Yes
3. Defend the Flag no no
4. Take and Hold no no
5. They Shall not Pass no no
Total 0

The new tunnel rules work ok and had my opponent always checking on were they were. Since they could pop up from the surface with a successful activation. It may have been more fun for me if the transport marker had been targeted, since it would have made the surfacing harder to do……I will need to twit some lines etc and add that the tunneller cant go under enemy units…. I never see a game were sustained fire orders just didn’t have full effected. The amount of 1 and 2 rolled was in creditable……..

