Friday, June 29, 2018

Titan Legions and Imperator Class Titan..Game 3


We manage another game of Imperious Dominatus warfare in the age of Horus. It was 3000 point per side and it was between Titan Legions and Imperator Class Titan..

So our third game with the Imperator Class Titan..

This game was to test the points and other concerns of the Imperator Class Titan, we know that it wont win, if it can’t control the objectives..This game is not about that, it was about to see if the points cost is right and other stuff.. ..My gut feeling is that it maybe between 500 to 1000 points to low..I gather, that will depend on want forces it faces..…

So were are test IMPERATOR-TITAN-B version..and time to test the CAF


Armies used

Titan Legions

Warhound Scout Titan (original metal version) 300 points

Weapons: Titan Plasma Blast Gun, Titan Vulcan Mega bolter

Battle Maniple:Lucius Pattern Warlord Titan(900 points)

Lucius Pattern Warlord Titan(900 points)

Weapons: 2 x Power Ram, 2 x Two Twin linked Vulcan Megabolters

Upgrades: 2 x 2 power: Add 5cm move, plus 1 power: +1 to damage table rolls for 1 weapon

Battle Maniple:Lucius Pattern Warlord Titan(900 points)

Lucius Pattern Warlord Titan(900 points)

Weapons: 2 x Power Ram, 2 x Two Twin linked Vulcan Megabolters

Upgrades: 2 x 2 power: Add 5cm move, plus 1 power: +1 to damage table rolls for 1 weapon

Battle Maniple:Lucius Pattern Warlord Titan(900 points)

Lucius Pattern Warlord Titan(900 points)

Weapons: 2 x Power Ram, 2 x Two Twin linked Vulcan Megabolters

Upgrades: 2 x 2 power: Add 5cm move, plus 1 power: +1 to damage table rolls for 1 weapon

Titan Legions

Imperator Class Titan 3000 points

Weapons: Hellstorm Cannon, Plasma Annihilator, 8 Secondary weapons,Volcano cannon,Main Battery, 4 Gun Towers, 2 Lascannons and 8 x Antipersonnel




DSCF1904The shirt said it all…for the enemy.. 


Turn 1

Initiative Phase: Strategy roll: Imperator Class Titan

Pre-turn Notes: Greg won int.

Movement Phase

[ICT] [Imperator Class Titan] - [FIRST FIRE]


[TL] [Scout Titan 1] - [MARCH MOVE]


[TL] [Lucius Warlord Titan 1] - [MARCH MOVE]


[TL] [Lucius Warlord Titan 2] - [MARCH MOVE]



Combat Phase

[ICT] [Imperator Class Titan] - [FIRSTFIRE HOLD] [target: Lucius Warlord Titan 2] Notes: "emperor titan targeting warlord 2, with everything Hellstorm Cannon, Plasma Annihilator (both of them at maximum power) into them, 4 Gun Towers, Volcano cannon tower and Main Battery. Shredding the shields off warlord 2."


[TL] [Lucius Warlord Titan 2] - [MARCH SHOOT] [target: Imperator Class Titan] Combat Results: hits(8) saves(4) Notes: "emperor titan loses four shields from warlord titan 2."


[TL] [LWT3] - [MARCH SHOOT] [target: Imperator Class Titan] Combat Results: hits (8) saves(4)Notes: "emperor titan loses another 4 shields."


[TL] [Lucius Warlord Titan 1] - [MARCH SHOOT] Notes: "can't shoot due to line of sight and probably range."

[TL] [Scout Titan 1] - [MARCH SHOOT] Notes: "can't shoot due to LOS and range."


End phase

Post-Turn Notes: emperor titan raises one shield’s, titan legion warlord titan 2 rises a shield’s.




Turn 2

Initiative Phase: Titan Legions

Pre-turn Notes: Trent wins the int roll.

Movement Phase

[TL] [LWT3] - [MARCH MOVE] Notes: "March move through terrain made test."


[ICT] [Imperator Class Titan] - [FIRST FIRE]


[TL] [Lucius Warlord Titan 2] - [MARCH MOVE] Notes: "March through terrain rolls on chart get a 2 make the save roll and moves half."


[TL] [Lucius Warlord Titan 1] - [MARCH MOVE]

[TL] [Scout Titan 1] - [MARCH MOVE]


Combat Phase

[ICT] [Imperator Class Titan] - [FIRSTFIRE HOLD] [target: Lucius Warlord Titan 2] Notes: "emperor titan target Warlord titan 2 with everything Hellstorm Cannon, Plasma Annihilator (both of them at maximum power), 4 Gun Towers, Volcano cannon tower, Lascannons and Main Battery, losing remaining shield and taking 3DR, but no critical and the Aint-personal into warlord 3 taking out two shield’s."


[TL] [Lucius Warlord Titan 1] - [MARCH SHOOT] [target: Imperator Class Titan] Notes: "Warlord titan 1 target emperor with two mega bolter, it losing three shield’s."


[TL] [Scout Titan 1] - [MARCH SHOOT] [target: Imperator Class Titan] Notes: "target with mega bolter, taking out remaining shield’s."

[TL] [Lucius Warlord Titan 2] - [MARCH SHOOT] [target: Imperator Class Titan] Combat Results: hits(11) saves(9) Notes: "warlord titan2, target with two mega bolter at emperor tian. Dealing 2 DR"

[TL] [LWT3] - [MARCH SHOOT] [target: Imperator Class Titan] Combat Results: hits(11) saves(10) Notes: "warlord 3 dealing a DR to emperor."


End phase

Post-Turn Notes: Emperor Titan rise 3 shield’s, titan legion, warlord titan 2 rise a shield’s, warlord 3 rises a shield’s.




Turn 3

Initiative Phase: Imperator Class Titan

Pre-turn Notes: Greg wins the roll

Movement Phase

[ICT] [Imperator Class Titan] - [MARCH MOVE] Notes: "into warlord 3"



[TL] [Lucius Warlord Titan 2] - [MARCH MOVE]

[TL] [Scout Titan 1] - [MARCH MOVE]

[TL] [Lucius Warlord Titan 1] - [MARCH MOVE]


Combat Phase

[ICT] [Imperator Class Titan] - [CLOSE COMBAT] [target: Lucius Warlord Titan 2] Notes: "after round of combat did a DR warlord titan 1 and Titans pass morale..Round 2: Point of DR to warlord 2, point of DR to warlord 3, plus critical weapon hit right mega bolter.. Warlord 2 fail morale and retreats. Round three warlord 3 took a DR, and fail morale and retreats…Round 4 nothing happen, Round 5 nothing, Round 6 nothing happen, Round 7 warlord titan fails morale and the knock out table is rolls and is knock back..End of Close combat..


End phase

Post-Turn Notes: emperor titan rise three shield’s, warlord titan 2 rise three shield’s, warlord titan 3 does not raise shields. We realize that we forget to shoot with Warhound…..




Turn 4

Initiative Phase: Titan Legions

Movement Phase

[TL] [Scout Titan 1] - [MARCH MOVE]

[ICT] [Imperator Class Titan] - [FIRST FIRE]

[ICT] [Imperator Class Titan] - [FIRSTFIRE OVERWATCH] [target: Scout Titan 1] Notes: "emperor titan kills Warhound scout."


[TL] [Lucius Warlord Titan 1] - [MARCH MOVE]

[TL] [Lucius Warlord Titan 2] - [MARCH MOVE]



Combat Phase

[TL] [Lucius Warlord Titan 1] - [CLOSE COMBAT] [target: Imperator Class Titan] Notes: "round 1, Warlord 1 takes a DR, Warlord 2 takes a DR all warlord make their morale, Round 2 warlord 1 takes a DR, Warlord 2 get punch in the face and takes a DR, Warlord three same warlord 2,They all failed morale and all fall back, with Warlord 3 taking extra DR..called game there…


End phase

Post-Turn Notes: emperor titan rise 2 shield’s, titan legion warlord 2 rise none shield’s.




Ok that went well..interesting the Imperator Class Titan did more damage in Close combat, then it did in shooting..

Ok the CAF of 60, well none of the Warlords got a hit, the closest result was 63 to should be 45 at most and then the Warlord would have hit and the close combat weapons would have kicked in..

Power Management Options Table, I have some concerns, so lets start with “Add 5cm move, 2 max upgrades”, it was used today and so we had three Warlords moving 25 cm’s and so that 50cm march..I’m unsure that Warlord should be moving that fast and really unsure of Mars Pattern Reaver Battle Titan should be moving 30cm.. Smile ..

There are some others but, I want to have some more test games, to see..



Friday, June 22, 2018

Titan Legions Vs Imperator Class Titan..Game 2

<![CDATA[TEMPLATE FOR LAY OWe manage another game of Imperious Dominatus warfare in the age of Horus. It was 3000 point per side and it was between Titan Legions and Imperator Class Titan..

So our second game with the Imperator Class Titan..

This game was to test the points and other concerns of the Imperator Class Titan, we know that it wont win, if it can’t control the objectives..This game is not about that, it was about to see if the points cost is right and other stuff.. ..My gut feeling is that it maybe between 500 to 1000 points to low..I gather, that will depend on want force it faces..…

So were are test IMPERATOR-TITAN-B want change from A version…

1) Armour is 1+ (- 1 for any critical’s hits) Rear armour 2+

2) CAF went from 60 to 40

We are also testing Two Mori Quake Cannon(Sorry Two Mori Quack Cannons), after having a discussing with Peter and Since it can be class as artillery.. Yep got Rec..indirect fire..Etc..


Armies used

Titan Legions

Warhound Pack: 2 Warhound Titan Engines (600 points)

Warhound Scout Titan (original metal version) 300 points

Weapons:Titan Plasma Blast Gun, Dual turbo-laser destructor

Warhound Scout Titan (original metal version) 300 points

Weapons: Titan Plasma Blast Gun, Titan Vulcan Mega bolter

Warhound Pack: 2 Warhound Titan Engines(600 points)

Warhound Scout Titan (original metal version) 300 points

Weapons:Titan Plasma Blast Gun, Dual turbo-laser destructor

Warhound Scout Titan (original metal version) 300 points

Weapons: Titan Plasma Blast Gun, Titan Vulcan Mega bolter

Battle Maniple:Lucius Pattern Warlord Titan(900 points)

Lucius Pattern Warlord Titan(900 points)

Weapons: 2 x Sunfury Plasma Annihilator 2 x Two Twin linked Vulcan Megabolters

Upgrades: 2 x 2 power: Add 1 shield, plus 1 power: +1 to damage table rolls for 1 weapon

Battle Maniple:Lucius Pattern Warlord Titan(900 points)

Lucius Pattern Warlord Titan(900 points)

Weapons: Mori Quake Cannon,Belicosa Volcano Cannon and Two Twin linked Vulcan Megabolters

Titan Legions

Imperator Class Titan 3000 points

Weapons: Hellstorm Cannon, Plasma Annihilator, 8 Secondary weapons,Volcano cannon,Main Battery, 4 Gun Towers, 2 Lascannons and 8 x Antipersonnel


Yep use old picture, same figures were been used…





Can never have enough D10’s…..


Turn 1

Initiative Phase: Titan Legions

Pre-turn Notes: titan legion wins the int.

Movement Phase

[TL] [Scout Titan 1] - [MARCH MOVE]


[ICT] [Imperator Class Titan] - [FIRST FIRE]


[TL] [Scout Titan 2] - [MARCH MOVE]


[TL] [Scout Titan 3] - [MARCH MOVE] Notes: "roll a 2 plus 1 move through cover"


[TL] [Scout Titan 4] - [MARCH MOVE]


[TL] [Lucius Warlord Titan 1] - [ADVANCE MOVE]


[TL] [Lucius Warlord Titan 2] - [ADVANCE MOVE]


Combat Phase

[ICT] [Imperator Class Titan] - [FIRST FIRE] Notes: "no target due to los"

[TL] [Scout Titan 1] - [MARCH SHOOT] Notes: "no target due to LOS"

[TL] [Scout Titan 2] - [MARCH SHOOT] Notes: "no target due to LOS"

[TL] [Scout Titan 3] - [MARCH SHOOT] Notes: "no target due to LOS"

[TL] [Scout Titan 3] - [MARCH SHOOT] Notes: "no target due to LOS"

[TL] [Lucius Warlord Titan 1] - [ADVANCEFIRE] Notes: "no target due to LOS"

[TL] [Lucius Warlord Titan 2] - [ADVANCEFIRE] Notes: "no target due to LOS"


End phase

Post-Turn Notes: end phase nothing happens.




Turn 2

Initiative Phase: Titan Legions

Pre-turn Notes: titan legion wins Initiative after 3 rounds of rolling for it

Movement Phase

[TL] [Scout Titan 1] - [MARCH MOVE]


[ICT] [Imperator Class Titan] - [FIRST FIRE]


[TL] [Scout Titan 2] - [MARCH MOVE]


[TL] [Scout Titan 3] - [MARCH MOVE] Notes: "roll for terrain pass the test"


[TL] [Scout Titan 4] - [MARCH MOVE] Notes: "roll for terrain test passed."


[TL] [Lucius Warlord Titan 1] - [MARCH MOVE] Notes: "roll for terrain pass test."


[TL] [Lucius Warlord Titan 2] - [MARCH MOVE]


Combat Phase

[ICT] [Imperator Class Titan] - [FIRSTFIRE OVERWATCH] [target: Lucius Warlord Titan 1] Combat Results: hits(10) saves(7) killed(0) add BMs(0) broken(false) destroyed(false) Notes: "emperor titan, take down three shields off warlord titan 1" Everything that was in range shot and max power on each of the main weapons were used..


[TL] [Scout Titan 1] - [MARCH SHOOT] Notes: "no target due to los"

[TL] [Scout Titan 2] - [MARCH SHOOT] Notes: "no target due to los"

[TL] [Scout Titan 3] - [MARCH SHOOT] Notes: "no target due to los"

[TL] [Scout Titan 3] - [MARCH SHOOT] Notes: "no target due to los"

[TL] [Lucius Warlord Titan 2] - [MARCH SHOOT] Notes: "no target due to los"

[TL] [Lucius Warlord Titan 1] - [MARCH SHOOT] Notes: "has LOS but not in range."

Yes only one picture..


End phase

Post-Turn Notes: titan legion, warlord titan 1 raises 1 shields.




Turn 3

Initiative Phase: Titan Legions

Pre-turn Notes: titan legion wins Initiative and go first

Movement Phase

[TL] [Scout Titan 1] - [MARCH MOVE]


[ICT] [Imperator Class Titan] - [FIRST FIRE]


[TL] [Scout Titan 2] - [MARCH MOVE]


[TL] [Scout Titan 3] - [MARCH MOVE]


[TL] [Scout Titan 3] - [MARCH MOVE]


[TL] [Lucius Warlord Titan 1] - [MARCH MOVE]


[TL] [Lucius Warlord Titan 2] - [MARCH MOVE] Notes: "fail test for terrain made it save."


Combat Phase

[ICT] [Imperator Class Titan] - [FIRSTFIRE OVERWATCH] [target: Scout Titan 3] Notes: "emperor titan targeting 5 Secondary weapons, 2 Lascannons at Warhound 3, losing both its shield’s and dealing 1DR, Warhound 4 with 4 Gun Towers losing one shield. Warlord titan 1 targeted with Hellstorm Cannon, Plasma Annihilator at max power points, Volcano cannon, Main Battery,….lose all remaining shield’s and doing 1DR but gets a 10 on a damage table roll so critical rolls for systems, gets a shield’s generator and a leg system."


[TL] [Scout Titan 1] - [MARCH SHOOT] Notes: "no target due to los"

[TL] [Scout Titan 2] - [MARCH SHOOT] Notes: "no target due to los"

[TL] [Lucius Warlord Titan 2] - [MARCH SHOOT] Notes: "no target due to los"

DSCF1878[TL] [Scout Titan 4] - [MARCH SHOOT] [target: Imperator Class Titan] Results: hits(7) saves(5) Notes: "Warhound 3 targets Imperator, emperor loses 2 shield’s."


[TL] [Lucius Warlord Titan 1] - [MARCH SHOOT] [target: Imperator Class Titan] Combat Results: hits(26) saves(19) Notes: "warlord 1, fire twin mega bolter at emperor, emperor titan loses 7 shield’s."


[TL] [Scout Titan 3] - [MARCH SHOOT] [target: Imperator Class Titan] Combat Results: hits(6) saves(4) Notes: "Warhound 4 targets emperor titan losing remaining shield’s."


End phase

Post-Turn Notes: titan legion, Warhound 3 raises 1 shield’s, Warhound 4 doesn't raise shield, warlord titan repair both leg and shield’s generator and raises 2 shields. Imperator Class Titan 8 shield’s rises.




Turn 4

Initiative Phase: Imperator Class Titan

Pre-turn Notes: emperor titan wind the initiative

Movement Phase

[ICT] [Imperator Class Titan] - [FIRST FIRE]


[TL] [Scout Titan 3] - [FIRST FIRE]

[TL] [Scout Titan 4] - [FIRST FIRE]


[TL] [Scout Titan 1] - [MARCH MOVE]

[TL] [Scout Titan 2] - [MARCH MOVE]


[TL] [Lucius Warlord Titan 1] - [FIRST FIRE]


[TL] [Lucius Warlord Titan 2] - [ADVANCE MOVE]


Combat Phase

[ICT] [Imperator Class Titan] - [FIRSTFIRE OVERWATCH] [target: Scout Titan 1] Notes: "emperor titan, 8 AP at Warhound 1 dealing 2DR and losing shield’s, plus a 2 critical rolls a reactor hit and bridge hit., Warhound 3 targeting with 5 Secondary weapons and 2 Lascannons makes it all save, Warhound 4 targeting with 4 Gun Towers last shield’s gone., warlord titan 1 targeted with Hellstorm Cannon, Plasma Annihilator at max power points, Volcano cannon, Main Battery, losing remaining shield’s and dealt 3DR and two critical rolls weapon damages the left twin mega bolter(shooters choice) and 2 Shield generator."


[TL] [Scout Titan 3] - [FIRSTFIRE OVERWATCH] [target: Imperator Class Titan] Notes: "Warhound 4 target emperor, with his MB and PG make him loses 1 shields."


[TL] [Scout Titan 3] - [FIRSTFIRE OVERWATCH] [target: Imperator Class Titan] Notes: "Warhound 3 making the emperor lose another a shield."


[TL] [Lucius Warlord Titan 1] - [FIRSTFIRE OVERWATCH] [target: Imperator Class Titan] Notes: "warlord 1 takes remaining shield’s for emperor but can't hit with his quack cannons at all."


[TL] [Lucius Warlord Titan 2] - [ADVANCEFIRE] [target: Imperator Class Titan] Notes: "warlord titan 2 does 4DR and 6 critical rolls, 3 shield’s gene, 2 bridge and a leg system."


[TL] [Scout Titan 1] - [MARCH SHOOT] [target: Imperator Class Titan] Notes: "Warhound 1, dealing 1DR to emperor."


[TL] [Scout Titan 2] - [MARCH SHOOT] [target: Imperator Class Titan] Notes: "Warhound 2 targeting emperor titan, does nothing to it due to saving its ass."


End phase

Post-Turn Notes: emperor titan repairs bridge hit but fails shield generator and legs, rises three shield’s. Titan legion warhound3 rise last remaining shield, Warhound 4 fails to rises shield’s, warlord titan 1 rises 4 shield’s, Warhound 1, fail to repair generator, but rises the only shields it has.




Turn 5

Initiative Phase: emperor titan,,

Emperor titan no orders, from bridge hit…..

Movement Phase

[ICT] [Imperator Class Titan] – no orders..


[TL][Scout Titan 1] - [FIRSTFIRE ]

[TL][Scout Titan 2] - [FIRSTFIRE ]

[TL][Scout Titan 3] - [FIRSTFIRE]

[TL][Scout Titan 4] - [FIRSTFIRE ]

[TL] [Lucius Warlord Titan 1] - [FIRSTFIRE]

[TL] [Lucius Warlord Titan 2] - [FIRSTFIRE]


Combat Phase

[TL][Scout Titan 3] - [FIRSTFIRE] [target: Imperator Class Titan]Warhound 3 does nothing to Imperator Class Titan

[TL][Scout Titan 4] - [FIRSTFIRE] [target: Imperator Class Titan]Warhound 4 dealing 2 DR,


[TL] [Lucius Warlord Titan 1] - [FIRSTFIRE][target: Imperator Class Titan] Warlord titan 1 does quack cannon, 1DR and critical which is leg…

[TL] [Lucius Warlord Titan 2] - [FIRSTFIRE][target: Imperator Class Titan]  Warlord titan 2, kills the emperor titan due to 3 critical hits on the legs system. titan legion wins.


End phase

Game ended…


Sorry no pic..



Ok..If I had not suffered that Bridge hit, I would have maybe taken at least three Warhounds and a Warlord. The game felt better and more damage was done to the Imperator Class Titan, although it may have gone longer, and still only suffered 10 DR,but that needs to be taken into account is 
the amount of Fire power it face too, since it meant there was 64+ shots that could effect it..last game there was about the same that could not effect it since it was 0+ armour..Enjoyable game..even through Trent’s die rolling can be a bloody pain..

1) Armour is 1+ (- 1 for any critical’s hits) Rear armour 2+: Ok the 1+ is better and I would just go 1+ all-round for armour and if there is –1 to shoot armour in the flank or rear, that should be ignored, I think. The other one is to take the –1 of the Titans DR Damage Table roll, rather than the critical titan table..Reason, well this would mean things with no bonus to the table would find it hard to muilt-critical rolls, unless they roll a ten on critical table..

2) CAF went from 60 to 40: Sorry this didn't get used it.….23/06/2018: This is typo and it still will be CAF 60..Which, will get tested soon..Might juts take CC titans and charge it… Smile

FAQ and other stuff…

1) So the question pop up about how far does the model have to be pass the 180 front to claim the flank bonus(if there is one)? We assumed it would have to have it whole base passed the 180 front arc line..

