Thursday, January 29, 2015

Biel-Tan Craftworld (NetEA v4.2) V’s Codex Astartes (NetEA Tournament Pack 2013)

Well manage another game of epic and this time, we 3000 point per side. The battle was between Codex Astartes (NetEA) V’s Biel-Tan Craftworld (NetEA v4.2).

So game 11.

Thread on Taccom

Armies used

Biel-Tan Craftworld (NetEA v4.2)
Farseer, 7 Guardians, 3x Wraithguards, 3x Wraithlords
7 Ranger
8 Ranger
4 Warp Spider, 4 Howling Banshee, Exarch, Autarch
4 Falcon, Fire Storm
4 Falcon, Fire Storm
3x Phoenix Bombers
3x Night Spinners

friday 001

Codex Astartes (NetEA Tournament Pack 2013)

4 Terminators, Chaplain
6 Tacticals, Supreme Commander, Hunter, Rhinos
6 Tacticals, 6 Razorback, Chaplain, Hunter
2 Warhound Class Titans
SCOUT [150]
4 Scouts, Rhinos
SCOUT [200]
4 Scouts, Rhinos, Chaplain
2 Maurader bombers
4 Whirlwinds

 friday 002





  • Biel-Tan Craftworld deployment from left(Phto1) to right(Photo2) and off board forces(Photo3)

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  • Biel-Tan Craftworld  scout deployment

friday 007

  • Codex Astartes deployment from left(Phto1) to right(Photo2) and off board forces(Photo3)

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  • Codex Astartes scout deployment

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  • Biel-Tan Craftworld goes first…..
  • Biel-Tan do sustain fire with the NIGHT SPINNER TROUPE(Photo1),shoots the SCOUT, killing 1 and giving the formation 2 BM’s(Photo1)

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  • Codex Astartes do a marshalling action on the SCOUTS, so moves them and then removes all BM’s(Photo1)

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  • Biel-Tan move the PHANTOM TITAN up(Photo1) and shoot the SCOUTs, killing 2 and giving the formation 3 BM’s(Photo2)

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  • Codex Astartes do a engage action with SCOUTS(1 kill, 2 BM’s to overwatch fire) and target the Rangers(Photo1).The dice are rolled and the RANGERS are the winners of the combat, the SCOUTS are Broken(Photo2).The SCOUTS flee back behind the hill(Photo3) and the Rangers get a BM(Photo4)

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  • Biel-Tan fail to activate Rangers and regroup(Photo1)

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  • Codex Astartes double move TACTICAL(Photo1)

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  • Biel-Tan fail to bring on PHOENIX BOMBERS(Photo1)

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  • Codex Astartes double move TACTICAL(Photo1)

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  • Biel-Tan double move GUARDIAN WARHOST(Photo1) and shoots TACTICAL, killing one and giving the formation 2 BM’s(Photo2)

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  • Codex Astartes bring in THUNDERHAWK and shoot the NIGHT SPINNER TROUPE,Giving the formation a BM(Photo1)

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  • Biel-Tan fail to activate SoV and regroup(Photo1)

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  • Codex Astartes bring in MARAUDER SQUADRON(1kill and BM’s, due to AA fire)(Photo1) and shoots the NIGHT SPINNER TROUPE,killing 1 and breaking the formation, which flees back down it line(Photo2)

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  • Biel-Tan do engage action with ASPECT WARRIOR WARHOST(coming through portal) and target SCOUTS and call intermingled and gets TACTICAL(Photo1) and the dice are rolled and the ASPECT WARRIOR WARHOST win combat and SCOUTS are wiped from the board and the TACTICAL are broken and flee back to their deployment zone(Photo2) and the ASPECT WARRIOR WARHOST consolidate into the Ruins and get a 2 BM’s for hit’s(Photo3).

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  • Codex Astartes do sustain fire with WHIRLWIND(Photo1) and shoot the ASPECT WARRIOR WARHOST and manages to clip the GUARDIAN WARHOST. Killing 4 in the ASPECT WARRIOR WARHOST, which breaks it.The GUARDIAN WARHOST, loses 2 and gets 3 BM’s(Photo2). The ASPECT WARRIOR WARHOST flee back near the objective marker(Photo3).

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  • Biel-Tan activate SoV and double move it up to claim Objective marker(Photo1)

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  • Codex Astartes move WARHOUND PACK(Photo1) and shoots the PHANTOM TITAN, doing  DC and giving it 2 BM’s(Photo2)

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  • Codex Astartes don’t rally SCOUTS and TACTICAL.Both side remove blast markers.
  • MARAUDER SQUADRON were shoot down in the disengaged section.






  • Teleport in Terminators(Get a BM, not shown in pic)

friday 034

  • Codex Astartes do a engage action with the Terminators and target the PHANTOM TITAN(Photo1), So dice are rolled and the PHANTOM TITAN(1 DC, so a BM) wins, the Terminators are broken(Photo2).The Terminators flee towards hill on right eldar flank(Photo3)

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  • Codex Astartes do sustain with WARHOUND PACK(Photo1) and shoots the PHANTOM TITAN, doing a DC and giving it 2 BM’s(Photo2)

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  • Biel-Tan move the PHANTOM TITAN up(Photo1) and shoot the WARHOUND PACK, killing 1 W/E and breaking the formation, which flees back to it deployment zone(Photo2)

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  • Codex Astartes move TACTICAL(Photo1) and shoots PHANTOM TITAN,giving it a BM(Photo2)

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  • Biel-Tan activate SoV and move(Photo1) then shoot broken Scouts, killing all(Photo2)

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  • Codex Astartes do sustain fire with WHIRLWIND(Photo1) and shoot the GUARDIAN WARHOST and manages to clip the ASPECT WARRIOR WARHOST. Killing 2 in the GUARDIAN WARHOST, which gives it 3 BM’s.The ASPECT WARRIOR WARHOST, breaks due to BM’s(Photo2). The ASPECT WARRIOR WARHOST flee back near the blitz objective marker(Photo3).

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  • Biel-Tan bring on PHOENIX BOMBERS(Photo1), shoots Tactical, killing 1 and giving the formation 2 BM’s(Photo2)

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  • Codex Astartes bring in THUNDERHAWK and shoot the GUARDIAN WARHOST,Giving the formation a BM(Photo1)

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  • Biel-Tan activate SoV and move(Photo1) then shoot broken Terminators, killing two all up(Photo2)

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  • Biel-Tan fail to activate Rangers and regroup(Photo1)

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  • Biel-Tan do a marshalling action with the NIGHT SPINNER TROUPE(Photo1), so shoots the Tactical, giving it a BM(Photo2), then removing all BM’s(Photo3)

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  • Biel-Tan move RANGER TROUPE to claim objective marker(Photo1)

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  • Biel-Tan do a marshalling action with the GUARDIAN WARHOST, so move and then removes all BM’s(Photo1)

friday 061

  • Codex Astartes don’t rally Terminators, Biel-Tan don’t remove blast markers from PHANTOM TITAN.
  • No aircraft were shoot down in the disengaged section.






  • Biel-Tan Craftworld goes first…..
  • Biel-Tan move the PHANTOM TITAN up(Photo1) and shoot the TACTICAL, killing 5 and giving the formation 6 BM’s(cross fire)(Photo2)

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  • Biel-Tan activate SoV and move(Photo1) then shoot TACTICAL, killing 3 and breaking the formation due to BM’s, so it flees back to its deployment zone(Photo2)

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  • Codex Astartes do sustain with WARHOUND PACK(Photo1) and shoots the PHANTOM TITAN,giving it a BM, which breaks the formation, so it flees back into it deployment zone(Photo2)

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  • Biel-Tan fail to activate Rangers and regroup(Photo1)

friday 069

  • Codex Astartes do a marshalling action on the Tactical(Photo1), so shoots the SoV(Sorry no Picture) does a BM.The TACTICAL removes 6 BM’s(Photo1)

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  • Biel-Tan place rangers on overwatch(Photo1)

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  • Codex Astartes do sustain fire with WHIRLWIND(Photo1) and shoot the SoV, killing 2 and breaking the formation due to BM’s(Photo2).The SoV move behind hill(Photo3)

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  • Biel-Tan double move AVATAR WITH COURT OF THE YOUNG KING and shot broken Tactical, doing nothing (Photo1)

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  • Codex Astartes fail to bring in THUNDERHAWK(Photo1).

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  • Biel-Tan do a marshalling action with the ASPECT WARRIOR WARHOST, so move and then removes all BM’s(Photo1)

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  • Biel-Tan do sustain fire with the NIGHT SPINNER TROUPE(Photo1),shoots the broken terminator, doing nothing(Photo2)

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  • Biel-Tan double move GUARDIAN WARHOST(Photo1) and shoots WARHOUND PACK, breaking the formation due to BM’s, so it flees back to it deployment zone(Photo2)

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  • Biel-Tan fail to bring on PHOENIX BOMBERS(Photo1)

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  • Biel-Tan activate SoV and do sustain fire(Photo1) then shoot TACTICAL, killing two, and giving the formation 2 BM’s(Photo2)

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  • Codex Astartes don’t rally WARHOUND PACK,TERMINATORS and TACTICAL.Both side remove blast markers.
  • No aircraft were shoot down in the disengaged section.
  • Game called and Win to Biel-Tan 2-0



Victory Conditions

Victory Condition Biel-Tan Craftworld Codex Astartes
1. Blitz no no
2. Break their sprit no no
3. Defend the Flag Yes no
4. Take and Hold No no
5. They Shall not Pass Yes no

Well not much to say, game plan went as planned I guess…..