Friday, November 28, 2014

White Scars (NetEA Tournament Pack 2013) V’s Biel-Tan Craftworld (4.2)


Well it Friday again and as always manage to get another game of epic in. Our game this time was 3000 points per side and this time it White Scars (NetEA Tournament Pack 2013) V’s Biel-Tan Craftworld (4.2).

So first outing for the Biel-tan since changes…

Thread on Taccom

Armies used

White Scars (NetEA Tournament Pack 2013)

BIKE [425]
8 Bike Unit, Chaplain
2 Bombers
6 Tacticals, Rhinos, Supreme Commander
SCOUT [250]
4 Scouts, Sniper, Rhinos, 3 Razorback
5 Landspeeder
4 Annihilator, Chaplain, Hunter
4 Whirlwinds, Hunter
2 Warhound Class Titans
4 Annihilator

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Biel-Tan Craftworld (4.2)

Farseer, 4 Wave Serpents, 7 Guardians
Farseer, 4 Wave Serpents, 7 Guardians
2 Cobra
4 Falcon, 2 Fire Storm
4 Falcon, 2 Fire Storm
5 Ranger
3 Night Spinners
Farseer, 7 Guardians, 2 Wraithguards

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  • Biel-Tan Craftworld deployment

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  • White Scars deployment

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Turn 1

  • White scars go first,
  • White scars place scouts on overwatch(Photo1)

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  • Biel-Tan fail to activate the SWORDS OF VAUL TROUPE and so regroup(Photo1)

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  • White scars double move Predator formation(Photo1)

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  • Biel-Tan march move GUARDIAN WARHOST(Photo1)

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  • White scars double move landspeeders(Photo1) and shoot the GUARDIAN WARHOST, giving it a BM(Photo2)

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  • Biel-Tan then do sustain fire with NIGHT SPINNER TROUPE(Photo1) and shoot the scout formation, killing 1 and giving the formation 2 BM’s(Photo2)

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  • White scars bring on MARAUDER BOMBERS(One is shot down by AA fire)(Photo1) and so shoot the ENGINE OF VAUL TROUPE, giving it a BM(Photo2)

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  • Biel-Tan move the rangers(Photo1)

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  • White scars double move Tactical formation(Photo1)

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  • Biel-Tan double move the ENGINE OF VAUL TROUPE(Photo1) and shoot the Landspeeders, killing 3 and breaking the formation, which flees to the woods(Photo2)

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  • White scars double move Predator formation(Photo1) and shoot the ENGINE OF VAUL TROUPE, killing one of the W/E, so the formations broken and flees back to the deployment zone(Photo2)

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  • Biel-Tan double move Phantom up(Photo1) and shoot the predator formation, killing 3 and breaking the formation(Photo2). So the formation flees back to deployment zone(Photo3)

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  • White scars double move Warhound pack(Photo1) and shoots the Phantom, doing 2 DC and giving it 3 BM’s (Photo2)

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  • Biel-Tan move up the SWORDS OF VAUL TROUPE(Photo1) and shoot the Warhound pack, taking down 2 shields, doing a DC and giving it 2 BM’s(Photo2). Then the SWORDS OF VAUL TROUPE, move back(Photo1)

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  • White scars do sustain fire with WHIRLWIND formation(Photo1) and shoot the Phantom and manages to clip the rangers, both formations get a BM(Photo2),

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  • Biel-Tan double move GUARDIAN WARHOST(MOUNTED)(Photo1)

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  • White scars march move bikes(Photo1)

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  • Biel-Tan fail to activate the GUARDIAN WARHOST(MOUNTED), and so regroup(Photo1)

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  • White scars lose the MARAUDER BOMBERS, which was shot down in the disengage section…
  • Biel-Tan Craftworld don't rally ENGINE OF VAUL TROUPE .Both sides remove blast marker.


Turn 2

  • White scars go first…
  • White scars do sustain fire with the Warhound pack(Photo1) and shoots the Phantom, doing 2 DC and suffering a critical and 3 BM’s(Photo2)

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  • White scars do a engage action with bike formation and target the SWORDS OF VAUL TROUPE (Photo1). The dice are rolled and Bikes win the combat and the SWORDS OF VAUL TROUPE is wiped from the board(Photo2).The bikes get a 2 BM’s due to hits suffered and consolidate(Photo3).

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  • Biel-Tan fail to activate the SWORDS OF VAUL TROUPE and so regroup(Photo1)

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  • White scars do a engage action with Tactical formation and target the GUARDIAN WARHOST(Photo1). The dice are rolled and Tactical formation win the combat and the GUARDIAN WARHOST is broken(Photo2).The GUARDIAN WARHOST flees back to it deployment zone(Photo3).

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  • Biel-Tan then do a marshalling action with Phantom(Photo1), so shoot the warhound pack, so taking down a shield and giving the formation a BM(Photo2) The Phantom then removes all BM’s(Photo3)

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  • White scars do a move action with the Predators(Photo1) and shoots the GUARDIAN WARHOST(MOUNTED), Killing 2 and giving the formation 3 BM’s(Photo2).

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  • Biel-Tan then do sustain fire with NIGHT SPINNER TROUPE(Photo1) and shoot the Warhound pack giving the formation a BM’s(Photo2)

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  • White scars move the Landspeeder formation to claim objective(Photo1)

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  • Biel-Tan move the rangers(Photo1) and then shoot warhound pack, giving it a BM(Photo2)

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  • White scars do sustain fire with WHIRLWIND formation(Photo1) and shoot the GUARDIAN WARHOST(MOUNTED), killing 1 and giving the formation 2 BM’s(Photo2),

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  • White scars double move Predator formation(Photo1) and shoot the GUARDIAN WARHOST(MOUNTED), killing 1 and giving the formation 2 BM’s(Photo1).

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  • White scars do a engage action with scouts and target the GUARDIAN WARHOST(MOUNTED)(Photo1). The dice are rolled and the first round of combat is tied(Photo2). The next round of combat is won by the GUARDIAN WARHOST(MOUNTED), the scouts are wiped out(Photo3). The GUARDIAN WARHOST(MOUNTED), gets a BM(Photo4)

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  • No aircraft were shot down in the disengage section…
  • Biel-Tan Craftworld remove blast marker of the 2 x GUARDIAN WARHOST (MOUNTED).


Turn 3

  • Biel-Tan go first.
  • Biel-Tan move Swords of Vaul Warhost(Photo1) and shoots the Warhound pack, killing a W/E and breaking the formation due to BM’s and so the formation flees behind the woods up on the hill(Photo2)

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  • Biel-Tan move Phantom(Photo1) and shoots the broken Warhound pack, killing the last W/E(Photo2)(BTS)

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  • Biel-Tan move ENGINE OF VAUL TROUPE(Photo1) and shoot the Predator formation, giving it a BM(Photo2)

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  • White scars do a engage action with bike formation and target the GUARDIAN WARHOST(MOUNTED)(Photo1). The dice are rolled and Bikes win the combat and the GUARDIAN WARHOST(MOUNTED) are broken(Photo2).The bikes get a BM due to hit suffered and consolidate(Photo3). The GUARDIAN WARHOST(MOUNTED) flees down the baseline(Photo4)

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  • White scars do a sustain fire action with the Predators and shoots the ENGINE OF VAUL TROUPE(Photo1). Doing 2 DC and breaking the formation(Photo2). The ENGINE OF VAUL TROUPE flees to it deployment zone(Photo3).

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  • Biel-Tan then do sustain fire with NIGHT SPINNER TROUPE(Photo1) and shoot the Tactical formation giving the formation 2 BM’s(Photo2)

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  • White scars double move Predator formation(Photo1) and shoot the Phantom and give it a BM(Photo2)

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  • Biel-Tan fail to activate GUARDIAN WARHOST, so regroup(Photo1)

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  • White scars double move Tactical formation(Photo1) and shoot the GUARDIAN WARHOST(MOUNTED), killing one and giving the formation 2 BM’s(Photo2)

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  • Biel-Tan place rangers on overwatch(Photo1)

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  • White scars do sustain fire with WHIRLWIND formation(Photo1) and shoot the GUARDIAN WARHOST(MOUNTED), killing 2 and breaking the formation due to BM’s(Photo2), so the GUARDIAN WARHOST(MOUNTED) flees back to it deployment zone(Photo3)

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  • White scars places the Landspeeder formation on overwatch(Photo1)

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  • No aircraft were shot down in the disengage section…
  • Biel-Tan Craftworld don't rally ENGINE OF VAUL TROUPE .Both sides remove blast marker.


Turn 4

  • White scars go first, due to tie roll…
  • White scars place WHIRLWINDS on overwatch(Photo1)

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  • White scars do sustain fire with the lone Predator(Photo1) and shoot the Phantom, killing the formation out right(Photo2)

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  • Biel-Tan then do a engage action with GUARDIAN WARHOST and target the Predator formation(Photo1). The dice are rolled and the GUARDIAN WARHOST wins the combat and the Predators are broken(Photo2) and so the predators flee behind building(Photo3)

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  • Biel-Tan then do sustain fire with NIGHT SPINNER TROUPE(Photo1) and shoot the Bike formation, killing one and giving the formation 2 BM’s(Photo2)

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  • White scars double move bike formation(Photo1)

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  • Biel-Tan fail to activate the SWORDS OF VAUL TROUPE, so regroup(Photo1)

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  • White scars move tactical formation(Photo1) and shoot the GUARDIAN WARHOST (MOUNTED), killing 2 and breaking the formation due to BM’s, so it flees back to its deployment zone(Photo2)

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  • Biel-Tan keep rangers on overwatch(Photo1)

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  • White scars keep the Landspeeder formation on overwatch(Photo1)

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  • Biel-Tan do marshalling action with GUARDIAN WARHOST(MOUNTED), so move the formation and then remove all BM’s(Photo1)

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  • No aircraft were shot down in the disengage section…
  • Biel-Tan Craftworld don't rally GUARDIAN WARHOST(MOUNTED) .Both sides remove blast marker,,
  • Game called…..
  • White Scars win 2-1


Victory Conditions

Victory Condition White Scars Biel-Tan Craftworld (4.2)
1. Blitz no no
2. Break their sprit Yes Yes
3. Defend the Flag Yes no
4. Take and Hold no no
5. They Shall not Pass no no


Well That was fun…

  • Cobra was not tested fully since the only thing with shields was down the other end of the table…
  • Phantom point dropped seams about right, it didn't help that armour saves today were not working..

Will try and run the same list next week and see how it goes…

May the dice roll high for you
