Thursday, July 31, 2014

Legio Gryphonicus (NetEA v3.23) V’s Biel-Tan Craftworld (NetEA Army Compendium v20120208)


Well it’s Friday again and another game of epic was played. So a rematch between Legio Gryphonicus (NetEA v3.23) V’s Biel-Tan Craftworld (NetEA Army Compendium v20120208). This time 5000 points per side game. Any ways on with the Report

Armies used

Legio Gryphonicus (NetEA v3.23 *UNDER DEVELOPMENT*)
2 Laser Blaster, Veteran Princeps, Sacred Icon, 2 Laser Burner

WARLORD TITAN [975] Carapace Landing Pad, 3 Quake Cannon, Veteran Princeps

REAVER TITAN [750] 2 Quake Cannon, Veteran Princeps, Carapace Landing Pad

WARHOUND TITAN PACK [525] Veteran Princeps, 2 Vulcan Megabolter, 2 Plasma Blastgun

WARHOUND TITAN PACK [525] Veteran Princeps, 2 Plasma Blastgun, 2 Vulcan Megabolter

MARAUDER SQUADRON [250] 2 Marauders

FORGE KNIGHT MANIPLE [250] 5 Forge Knights

WARHOUND TITAN PACK [525] Veteran Princeps, 2 Plasma Blastgun, 2 Vulcan Megabolter

RECON COHORT [100]  4 Sentinels

RECON COHORT [100]  4 Sentinels

RECON COHORT [100]  4 Sentinels

Biel-Tan Craftworld (NetEA Army Compendium v20120208)

Farseer, 4 Wave Serpents, 7 Guardians
Farseer, 4 Wave Serpents, 7 Guardians
5 Fire Prism, Fire Storm
5 Fire Prism, Fire Storm
5 Fire Prism, Fire Storm
8 Shining Spear, Exarch, Autarch
3 Phoenix Bombers
2 Revenant Titans
2 Void Spinner
4 Ranger
4 Ranger
8 Striking Scorpion, Exarch
8 Fire Dragon

Fridaynnn 001Fridaynnn 002Fridaynnn 003


  • Biel-Tan Craftworld deployment right(Photo1) to left flank(Photo3) and units deployed off table(Photo4)

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  • Biel-Tan Craftworld scouts deployment…

Fridaynnn 008Fridaynnn 009

  • Legio Gryphonicus deployment right(Photo1) to left flank(Photo2) and units deployed off table(Photo3)

Fridaynnn 010Fridaynnn 011Fridaynnn 014

  • Legio Gryphonicus scouts deployment…

Fridaynnn 012Fridaynnn 013

Turn 1

  • Legio Gryphonicus went first..
  • Legio Gryphonicus double move REAVER TITAN up behind ruins(Photo1) and shoots the Shinning spears, killing 2 and giving the unit 4 BM’s all up(Photo2).

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  • Legio Gryphonicus, retain turn and double move the warlord into ruins(Photo1) and shoots the REVENANT TITANS, giving the unit 2 BM’s all up(Photo2).

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  • Biel-Tan Craftworld do sustain fire with the ENGINE OF VAUL TROUPE(Photo1) and targets the REAVER TITAN and clips the RECON COHORT(Photo2), both units get 2 BM’s each and the REAVER TITAN loses a shield(Photo3)

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  • Legio Gryphonicus double move the warhound unit(Photo1),

friday5 009

  • Biel-Tan Craftworld double move the shinning spears(Photo1)

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  • Legio Gryphonicus march move the Forge Knight unit into the ruins(Photo1),

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  • Biel-Tan Craftworld double move the REVENANT TITANS(Photo1) and shoots the warhound unit and manages to give it a BM and take down shields(Photo2).

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  • Legio Gryphonicus double move with the warhound unit(Photo1) and shoot the REVENANT TITANS and manage to give the unit a BM(Photo2)

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  • Biel-Tan Craftworld double move the SWORDS OF VAUL TROUPE(Photo1) and shoots the warhound unit and manages to give it a BM and take down shields(Photo2).

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  • Legio Gryphonicus double move the warhound unit(Photo1),

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  • Biel-Tan Craftworld double move the SWORDS OF VAUL TROUPE(Photo1) and shoots the warhound unit and manages to kill one of the W/E and this breaks the unit due to BM’s(Photo2). The warhound flees behind hill(Photo3)

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  • Legio Gryphonicus double move the warlord unit(Photo1),

friday5 023

  • Biel-Tan Craftworld double move the SWORDS OF VAUL TROUPE(Photo1) and shoot the warhound unit and manage to take shields down and do a 2DC, and on top of that do a critical, the warhound staggers back 2cms. The unit has 3BM’s all up(Photo2)

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  • Legio Gryphonicus try’s  to active the RECON COHORT and rolls a one…… twice(SC reroll used)(Photo1)

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  • Biel-Tan Craftworld march move the GUARDIAN WARHOST (MOUNTED)(SC reroll used)(Photo1)

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  • Legio Gryphonicus put the RECON COHORT on overwatch(Photo1)

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  • Legio Gryphonicus do a marshalling action with RECON COHORT, so move the unit up and then remove all BM’s, but lose a unit to DTT(Photo1)

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  • Biel-Tan Craftworld march move the GUARDIAN WARHOST(MOUNTED)(Photo1)

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Legio Gryphonicus bring bombers and  shoot the GUARDIAN WARHOST(MOUNTED)(Photo1) and manage to give the unit 2 BM’s(Photo2).

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  • Biel-Tan Craftworld fly in Phoenix bomber unit(Photo1) and shoot the Broken warhound unit and manage to wipe the unit out(Photo2)

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  • Biel-Tan Craftworld fly in Vampire and the striking scorpions give support for the engagement on the warhound unit(Photo1). The dice are rolled and the warhound unit lose the battle and are broken(Photo2). The warhound unit flees behind the hill (Photo3). The striking scorpions move back onto the Vampire(Photo4)

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  • Biel-Tan Craftworld fly in Vampire and the Fire dragons give support for the engagement on the REAVER TITAN and they manage to get support from the GUARDIAN WARHOST(MOUNTED)(Photo1). The dice are rolled and the REAVER TITAN lose the battle and is broken(Photo2). The REAVER TITAN flees behind the hill (Photo3). The Fire Dragons move into the ruins(Photo4)

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  • both sides remove Blast Markers.

Turn 2

  • Biel-Tan Craftworld went first
  • Biel-Tan Craftworld do engage action with GUARDIAN WARHOST(MOUNTED) and target the REAVER TITAN (Photo1). The dice are rolled and the GUARDIAN WARHOST(MOUNTED) win the combat and the REAVER TITAN is broken(Photo2) and flees back towards the woods(Photo3)

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  • Biel-Tan Craftworld do sustain fire with the SWORDS OF VAUL TROUPE(Photo1) and shoot the Broken REAVER TITAN unit and manages to kill it out right(Photo2)

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  • Legio Gryphonicus do sustain fire with the warlord(Photo1) and shoots the REVENANT TITANS and manage to clip the SWORDS OF VAUL TROUPE. So both units get 3 BM’s each(Photo2)

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  • Biel-Tan Craftworld do engage action with shinning spears(Photo1) and target the RECON COHORT in a FF and after the dice are rolled the RECON COHORT are wiped from the board(Photo2)

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  • Legio Gryphonicus move the warhound unit(Photo1), and target the SWORDS OF VAUL TROUPE,and give the units a BM(Photo2).

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  • Legio Gryphonicus do sustain fire with the warhound unit(Photo1), and target the SWORDS OF VAUL TROUPE, killing 4 AV’s and breaking the unit(Photo2). So the unit flees behind the hill(Photo3)

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  • Biel-Tan Craftworld fail to fly in Vampire(Photo1)

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  • Legio Gryphonicus does a engage action with Fore Knight and target the REVENANT TITANS(Photo1), The dice are rolled and the Forge Knight lose and are broken(Photo2), so flee back behind hill(Photo3)

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  • Biel-Tan Craftworld do a marshalling with the SWORDS OF VAUL TROUPE(Photo1) and shoot the warhound unit and manage to give it a BM’s(Photo2) and the SWORDS OF VAUL TROUPE manage to remove all BM’s(Photo3)

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  • Legio Gryphonicus move the RECON COHORT(Photo1) and shoot the REVENANT TITANS, giving the unit a BM(Photo2)

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  • Biel-Tan Craftworld do sustain fire with REVENANT TITANS(Photo1), and they target the RECON COHORT, wiping it off the board(Photo2)

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  • Legio Gryphonicus bring bombers and get through the AA fire, so shoot the REVENANT TITANS(Photo1) and manage to do break the unit due to BM’s(Photo1).

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  • Biel-Tan Craftworld fly in Phoenix bomber unit(Photo1) and shoot warlord on the hill, manages to take down 3 Shields and give it a BM(Photo2)

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  • Legio Gryphonicus does a Marshalling action with the warlord, so moves and manage to remove BM’s and rise all shields that were taken down.(Photo1)

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  • Biel-Tan Craftworld double move the GUARDIAN WARHOST (MOUNTED)(Photo1)

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  • Biel-Tan Craftworld fly in Vampire and the striking scorpions give support for the engagement on the warhound unit, and intermingled is call on the Forge Knights(Photo1). The dice are rolled and the warhound unit and Forge Knights lose the battle and are broken(Photo2). The warhound unit flees down towards the hill and the Forge Knights are destroyed(Photo3).

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  • Biel-Tan Craftworld keep scouts on overwatch(Photo1)

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  • Biel-Tan Craftworld keep scouts on overwatch(Photo1)

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  • both sides remove Blast Markers.


Turn 3

  • Biel-Tan Craftworld went first…
  • Biel-Tan Craftworld do a marshalling action with the REVENANT TITANS, so move them and then manage to remove all BM’s(Photo1)

friday5 087

  • Biel-Tan Craftworld do sustain fire with the SWORDS OF VAUL TROUPE(Photo1) and shoot the warhound unit and manage to Break the unit due to BM’s(Photo2)

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  • Legio Gryphonicus move the warlord(Photo1) and shoot the GUARDIAN WARHOST(MOUNTED), Killing 3 stands and giving the unit 4 BM’s all up(Photo2)

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  • Biel-Tan Craftworld move the SWORDS OF VAUL TROUPE(Photo1) and shoot the broken warhound unit and manage to kill it out right(Photo2)

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  • Legio Gryphonicus do sustain fire with the warlord(Photo1) and shoots the GUARDIAN WARHOST (MOUNTED), killing enough hits to Break it(Photo2). So its flees behind the woods(Photo3)

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  • Biel-Tan Craftworld double move the GUARDIAN WARHOST (MOUNTED)(Photo1) and shoots the RECON COHORT on the Blitz, Killing one and giving the unit 2BM’s

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  • Biel-Tan Craftworld fly in Phoenix bomber unit(Photo1) and shoot RECON COHORT on the Blitz, breaks the unit due to BM’s and so it flees to be out side the woods(Photo2)

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  • Legio Gryphonicus fail to bring in Bombers(sorry no photo)
  • Biel-Tan Craftworld put Fire Dragons on overwatch(Photo1)

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  • Biel-Tan Craftworld put shinning spears on overwatch(Photo1)

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  • Biel-Tan Craftworld fly in Vampire and shoot the broken warhound unit, doing a DC(Photo1)

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  • Biel-Tan Craftworld fly in Vampire and the striking scorpions give support for the engagement on the warlord(Photo1), the dice are rolled and the warlord loses the FF/CC and is broken. It suffers a Critical, the Vampire takes a hit and doesn't suffer Critical(Photo2). The warlord flees towards the hill(Photo3) and the striking scorpions move into the ruins more(Photo4)

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  • Biel-Tan Craftworld keep scouts on overwatch(Photo1)

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  • Biel-Tan Craftworld double move the SWORDS OF VAUL TROUPE(Photo1) and shoot the broken warhound unit and manage to kill it out right(Photo2)

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  • Biel-Tan Craftworld keep scouts on overwatch(Photo1)

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  • Biel-Tan Craftworld don't rally GUARDIAN WARHOST (MOUNTED) and both sides remove Blast Markers.
  • Biel-Tan Craftworld win 4-0

Victory Conditions

Victory Condition Legio Gryphonicus Biel-Tan Craft
1. Blitz No Yes
2. Break their sprit no no
3. Defend the Flag no Yes
4. Take and Hold no Yes
5. They Shall not Pass no Yes
Total 0 4

Wow want a game, the ATML could not get a break. They lost all engagements and in just about all of them, it was just by a pip. The CLP and quake cannon combo, feels right, although again the dice were not with ATML. 

May the dice roll high for you.
