Monday, June 23, 2014

Knight 2.1 V’s UK Tyranids


Well it Friday and manage another Epic game. This time it was the Knights world list(2.1) and UK Tyranids. This game was 10000 points per side.

Army Lists


Knights World 2.1
6 Paladins + Baron = 680 points
6 Paladins + Seneschal= 595 points
6 Paladins + Seneschal = 595 points

6 Paladins + Seneschal= 595 points

6 Paladins + Seneschal= 595 points
6 Errants + Seneschal= 595 points
6 Errants + Seneschal= 595 points
6 Errants + Seneschal= 595 points

6 Errants + Seneschal= 595 points

5 Lancers + Seneschal= 505 points
4 Lancers + Seneschal = 415 points
4 Lancers + Seneschal= 415 points
3 Castellan+ Seneschal= 375 points

3 Castellan+ Seneschal= 375 points

3 Castellan+ Seneschal= 375 points
Thunderbolt squads = 150 points
Thunderbolt squads= 150 points

Thunderbolt squads= 150 points

Thunderbolt squads= 150 points
Marauder squads= 250 points
Marauder squads= 250 points

Marauder squads= 250 points

Infantry Platoon= 375 points

Infantry Platoon= 375 points

Tyranids (110929)
Tyranid Warrior, 3 Raveners, Hive Tyrant, 8 Termagant, 6 Hormaguant

1 Hive Tyrant, 11 Termagant, 3 Raveners, 7 Exocrines, 2 Malefactor

1 Dominatrix, 4 Hierodule, 10 Termagant

1 Trygon and 2 Raveners, 4 Ravener

7 Lictor

1 Heirophant

1 Heirophant

1 Hydraphant

4 Tyranid Warrior, 12 Termagant, 12 Hormaguant, 2 Zoanthrope, 3 Malefactor

2 Hive Tyrants, 7 Carnifex, 13 Termagant, 5 Raveners, Zoanthrope, 3 Haruspex

10 Termagant, 8 Hormaguant, 8 Dactylis, Zoanthrope

1 Dominatrix, 4 Hierodule, 8 Termagant

1 Harridan and 4 Gargoyles,

1 Harridan and 4 Gargoyles

7 Lictor

9 Genestealer

2 Tyranid Warrior, 7 Termagant, 6 Hormaguant, Zoanthrope, 3 Raveners, 4 Gargoyles

8 Termagant, 4 Hormaguant, Zoanthrope


  • Knights world list deployment..

monday 001monday 002monday 003monday 004

  • Knights world list aircraft and scout deployment…..

monday 005monday 006monday 007

  • UK Tyranids deployment…..

monday 008monday 009monday 010monday 011

  • UK Tyranids teleporting units and scout deployment…

monday 012monday 014

Turn 1

  • UKT get first turn…
  • UKT move Tyranid swarm up into woods(Photo1)…

monday part 2 001

  • KWL bring in bombers and manage to get no hits from the AA shooting(Photo1)and target BIG BRUTE SWARM and manage to clip the BIG NEST SWARM, both units get 2 BM’s each(Photo2)

monday part 2 002monday part 2 003

  • UKT double move Tyranid swarm up into complex(Photo1)…

monday part 2 004

  • KWL bring in bombers and manage to get no hits from the AA shooting(Photo1), and manage to give the NEST SWARM 2 BM’s(Photo2)

monday part 2 005monday part 2 006

  • UKT then double move Tyranid swarm, so its in the crater section on the hill(Photo1)

monday part 2 007

  • UKT then move HARASSMENT SWARM and target Bombers with AA fire, no kills(Photo1)

monday part 2 008

  • KWL bring in bombers and manage to get no hits from the AA shooting, and manage to give the NEST SWARM 3 BM’s and do a DC to the nest(Photo1)

monday part 2 009

  • UKT then move BRUTE SWARM up(Photo1)

monday part 2 010

  • KWL then double move custodians(Photo1) and shoot the BRUTE SWARM and manage 2 BM’s

monday part 2 011monday part 2 012

  • UKT then double move HEIROPHANT BIO-TITAN, so that its was near the complex(Photo1)

monday part 2 013

  • KWL then double move the Paladin unit(Photo1),and target the HEIROPHANT BIO-TITAN and manage to get 3DC(Photo2) on the unit and this break the unit and it flees back to its deployment zone(Photo 3)

monday part 2 014monday part 2 015monday part 2 017

  • UKT double move the HARASSMENT SWARM up into the ruins(Photo1)

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  • KWL then march move Paladin unit up, to be behind hill(Photo1)

monday part 2 019

  • UKT then double move HEIROPHANT BIO-TITAN, so that it behind hill(Photo1)

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  • KWL double move Custodians(Photo1) and target the DOMINATRIX SWARM and manage to do 3BM’s(Photo2)

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  • UKT then double move DOMINATRIX SWARM into the woods, near the objective marker(Photo1)

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  • UKT then double move DOMINATRIX SWARM(Photo1) and shoot the Custodians and give the unit a BM(Photo2)

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  • KWL then march move Paladin unit up, to be beside hill(Photo1)

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  • UKT then move GENESTEALER SWARM so it closer to the edge of the woods(Photo1)

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  • UKT the double move big brute swarm up, so its behind the complex(Photo1).

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  • KWL then march move Paladin unit up, to be beside hill and beside the Lancer unit(Photo1)

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  • UKT then double move HYDRAPHANT BIO-TITAN, so that it behind hill(Photo1)

monday part 2 031

  • KWL then march move custodians(Photo1)

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  • UKT then do sustain fire with the BIG NEST SWARM(Photo1) and target custodians and manage to kill one and do a critical hit(Photo2)..

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  • KWL march move Errant unit, so it in the ruins(Photo1)

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  • KWL double move Errant unit, into woods(Photo1)

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  • KWL then march move Paladin unit up, to be beside Paladin unit(Photo1)

monday part 2 038

  • KWL then move lancer unit up(Photo1)

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  • KWL then move lancer unit up, so its behind the other lancer unit that just moved(Photo1)

monday part 2 041

  • KWL double move Paladin unit(Photo1) and shoot the DOMINATRIX SWARM and manage to give it a BM(Photo2)

monday part 2 042monday part 2 043

  • KWL double move Infantry Platoon into woods and claim objective…(Photo1)

monday part 2 044

  • KWL then bring in fighter unit and target broken bio-titian(Photo1) and do enough hits to kill the beast(Photo2)

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  • KWL then bring in fighter unit and target BRUTE SWARM(Photo1) and manage to kill a AV and so give the unit 2BM’s(Photo2) 

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  • KWL then bring in fighter unit and target BRUTE SWARM and manage to give it a BM(Photo1)

monday part 2 049

  • KWL then put Infantry Platoon on overwatch in the ruin….(Photo1)

monday part 2 050

  • Both side remove Blast markers, UKT don't remove BM’s from BRUTE SWARM and DOMINATRIX SWARM

Turn 2

  • KWL get first turn….
  • KWL do a engage action with lancer unit and use the commander rule and brings in another Lancer unit and does a FF with the GENESTEALER SWARM (Photo1) and after the smoke clears the GENESTEALER SWARM is wiped from the board(Photo2)

monday part 2 052monday part 2 053

  • UKT then move the DOMINATRIX SWARM(Photo1) and shoot the errant unit and manage to kill one and give the unit 3BM’s(Photo2)

monday part 2 054monday part 2 055

  • UKT march move Tyranid swarm across into the ruins(Photo1)

monday part 2 056

  • KWL then doe sustain fire with Custodians and target DOMINATRIX SWARM(Photo1) and manage to give the unit 2BM’s(Photo2)

monday part 2 057monday part 2 058

  • KWL then doe sustain fire with Custodians and target BRUTE SWARM(Photo1) and manage to give the unit 2BM’s(Photo2)

monday part 2 059monday part 2 060

  • UKT then move the HARASSMENT SWARM closer to the edge of the woods(Photo1)

monday part 2 061

  • UKT then double move BIG BRUTE SWARM to be near the hill, next to the nest swarm(Photo1)

monday part 2 062

  • KWL then roll a one to activate a Paladin unit and so use the SC reroll and fails again(Photo1), and shoots the DOMINATRIX SWARM, giving it a BM(Photo2)

monday part 2 063monday part 2 064

  • UKT then do a engage action with DOMINATRIX SWARM and use the commander rule and bring in a Tyranid swarm and a HYDRAPHANT BIO-TITAN(Photo1,2), they manage to do FF/CC with the following Knights units 2 Paladin and a Custodian unit(Photo2) after calling intermingled, The tyranids get support from big brute swarm and the knights get support from a Errant unit(Photo4). The knights take 11 hits all up, three of those critical’s(Photo3), the Knights strike back and manage to get over 36 hits(Yes some out standing dice rolls here) and since most of those were cancelled by the lower life bugs, so the UKT took 24 hits all up and manage to only save 6 of them, so a total of 18 hits for them. So after the dice roll the UKT lose the battle and so the DOMINATRIX SWARM  and HYDRAPHANT BIO-TITAN are broken(Photo6, 7), the tyranid swarm is wiped off the board. The knights have the Custodian unit break and flee(Photo5)

monday part 2 065monday part 2 066monday part 2 067monday part 2 068monday part 2 069monday part 2 070monday part 2 071

  • KWL then do a marshalling action on errant and move them and then manage to remove all BM’s(Photo1)

monday part 2 072

  • KWL then do a marshalling action on Paladin and move them and then manage to remove all BM’s(Photo1)

monday part 2 073

  • UKT do a marshalling action and move the brute swarm and do a manage to remove 3 BM’s(Photo1)

monday part 2 075

  • UKT then retain turn and do a engage action with tyranid swarm and target the custodians in CC(Photo1) and mange to wipe the unit off the board(Photo2)

monday part 2 076monday part 2 077

  • KWL then move a Errant unit(Photo1) and shoot the HARASSMENT SWARM, killing all the lower life bugs and giving the unit a BM(Photo2)

monday part 2 079monday part 2 080

  • KWL then double move Paladin unit and shoot the tyranid swarm and give it a blast marker(Photo1)

monday part 2 081

  • UKT then do sustain fire with the HARASSMENT SWARM and target the Errant unit and manage a BM(Photo1)

monday part 2 082

  • UKT then do sustain fire with the Big nest swarm(Photo1) and target the errant unit and manage to giving the unit 5 BM’s(Photo2)

monday part 2 083monday part 2 084

  • KWL bring in bombers and manage to get no hits from the AA shooting(Photo1), and manage to give the NEST SWARM 3 BM’s and do a DC to the nest. It manage to clip the brute swarm and give it 2 BM’s(Photo2)

monday part 2 085monday part 2 086

  • KWL bring in bombers and manage to get no hits from the AA shooting(Photo1), and manage to give the brute swarm 2 BM’s(Photo2)

monday part 2 087monday part 2 088

  • UKT then do marshalling action on nest swarm, and move less bugs around and then manages to remove all BM’s(Photo1)

monday part 2 091

  • KWL move paladin unit up(Photo1) and then shoot the brute swarm and give it a BM(Photo2)

monday part 2 092monday part 2 093

  • KWL then try and activate Errants and roll a one(Photo1) and so shoot brute swarm and give its a BM(Photo2)

monday part 2 094monday part 2 095

  • KWL then try and activate Paladin and roll a one(Photo1) and so shoot DOMINATRIX SWARM and give its a BM(Photo2)

monday part 2 096monday part 2 097

  • KWL bring in bombers and manage to get no hits from the AA shooting and manage to give the DOMINATRIX SWARM 2 BM’s, which kills some low life bugs(Photo1)

monday part 2 098

  • KWL then put infantry platoon on overwatch(Photo1)

monday part 2 099

  • KWL bring in fighters and manage to get no hits from the AA shooting and manage to give the DOMINATRIX SWARM nothing, since it didn't do enough hits(Photo1)

monday part 2 100

  • KWL then move Errant to be on edge of woods(Photo1) and shoots the Brute swarm, giving it a BM(Photo2)

monday part 2 101monday part 2 102

  • KWL bring in bombers and manage to get no hits from the AA shooting and manage to target the DOMINATRIX SWARM, which kills a W/E because of hits caused(Photo1)

monday part 2 103

  • KWL bring in Fighters and manage to get no hits from the AA shooting and manage to target the DOMINATRIX SWARM, which caused a hit on W/E(Photo1)

monday part 2 104

  • KWL try bring in Fighters and manage to roll a one.(Photo1)

monday part 2 105

  • KWL don’t rally custodians and both sides remove blast markers….

Turn 3

  • KWL get first go…
  • UKT bring in their teleports, LICTOR SWARM gets three BMs(Photo1), Second LICTOR SWARM gets no BM’s(Photo2) and the SUBTERRANEAN SWARM gets one BM(photo3)

monday part 2 107monday part 2 108monday part 2 109

  • KWL do a move(Photo1) and shoot the Lictor swarm, killing 2 stands and breaks the unit from BM’s(Photo2)

monday part 2 110monday part 2 111

  • KWL then do sustain from with Errant’s(Photo1) and target the brute swarm and manage to give the unit a BM(Photo2)

monday part 2 112monday part 2 113

  • UKT then do a engage action with DOMINATRIX SWARM and use the commander rule and bring in a Tyranid swarm and a HARASSMENT SWARM (Photo1), they manage to do FF/CC with the following Knights units 2 Paladin, 2 Errant and 2 Lancers(Photo2) after calling intermingled. The knights take 19 hits all up, 5 of those critical’s(Photo3), the Knights strike back and manage to get over 24 hits and since most of those were cancelled by the lower life bugs, so the UKT took 6 hits all up and manage to save 6 of them, so a total of 0 hits for them. So after the dice roll the UKT win the battle and so the Knights 2 Paladin, 2 Errant and 2 Lancers units are broken(Photo3).The knights units flee(Photo4, 5)

monday part 2 114monday part 2 115monday part 2 116monday part 2 117monday part 2 118

  • UKT retain the turn and do engage action with Lictor swarm and target Paladin unit(Photo1), so both sides lose big in combat, but the Paladins win and wipe the Lictors out(Photo2), but the Paladins are broken and flee back to their deployment zone(Photo3)

monday part 2 119monday part 2 120monday part 2 121

  • KWL do sustain fire with custodians(Photo1) and target brute swarm and manage to kill three of the AV’s and so giving the unit 4 BM’s all up(Photo2)

monday part 2 122monday part 2 123

  • KWL then move paladin unit up to contest the objective marker(Photo1)

monday part 2 124

  • UKT move brute swarm(Photo1) and shoot the custodians, managing to kill one and give the unit three BM’s

monday part 2 125monday part 2 126

  • UKT then do engage action with DOMINATRIX SWARM and FF the Paladin unit(Photo1), after the dice are roll the Knights win by 1 and so the DOMINATRIX SWARM is broken and flees(Photo2)

monday part 2 127monday part 2 128

  • KWL do a engage action with paladin unit and use the commander rule and bring the Lancer unit into(Photo1) and clipping three units and calls intermingled(Photo2).After the dice are rolled the UKT have lost and three units are broken(Photo3) and flee back to their deployment zone.

monday part 2 129monday part 2 130monday part 2 131

  • KWL bring in bombers(Photo1) and target the SUBTERRANEAN SWARM and manage to break the unit because of BM’s and so it flees to Ruins(Photo2).

monday part 2 132monday part 2 133

  • UKT then move tyranid swarm into crater to be closer to the infantry platoon(Photo1).

monday part 2 134

  • UKT then retain the turn and double move HYDRAPHANT BIO-TITAN and then shoot the Errant and manage a BM on the unit(Photo1)

monday part 2 135

  • KWL bring in bombers and manage to get no hits from the AA shooting and manage to target the DOMINATRIX SWARM, which kills a W/E because of hits caused(Photo1)

monday part 2 137

  • UKT then move HEIROPHANT BIO-TITAN and shoot paladin unit and manage to give the unit a BM(Photo1)

monday part 2 138

  • UKT the try and retain the turn and fail and so the Brute swarm gets BM and stays were it is(Photo1)

monday part 2 139

  • KWL bring in Fighters and manage to get no hits from the AA shooting and manage to target the DOMINATRIX SWARM, which caused no hits(Photo1)

monday part 2 140

  • UKT put nest swarm on overwatch(Photo1)

monday part 2 141

  • UKT retain turn and double move HARASSMENT SWARM (Photo1) and target the broken paladin unit and manage to do DC(Photo2)

monday part 2 142monday part 2 143

  • KWL try and active Errant unit and fail, so shoot the brute swarm in front and give it a BM(Photo1)

monday part 2 144

  • UKT the open fire with big nest swarm and target broken Paladin unit, mange's to kill one(Photo1)

monday part 2 145

  • KWL bring in bombers and manage to get no hits from the AA shooting and manage to target the DOMINATRIX SWARM, which caused no hits(Photo1)

monday part 2 146

  • KWL bring in Fighters and manage to get no hits from the AA shooting and manage to target the DOMINATRIX SWARM, which caused enough hits to kill a W/E(Photo1)

monday part 2 148

  • So both sides failed to rally units(yes that right both side failed to rally units), so that’s the following units for the UKT 2 DOMINATRIX SWARM,HARASSMENT SWARM, Lictor swarm,SUBTERRANEAN SWARM and BIG ASSAULT SWARM. The knights was  3 Paladin, 2 Errant, Custodian and 2 Lancers units. Both sides remove Blast markers.
  • Gamed called due to time, but the Knight were in front on points count 4420 to 4550


Victory Conditions

Victory Condition Knights World 2.1 UK Tyranids
1. Blitz no no
2. Break their sprit no no
3. Defend the Flag no no
4. Take and Hold no no
5. They Shall not Pass no no
Total 0 0

May the dice roll high for you
