Monday, April 8, 2013

2nd Battle of Goldhammer's Stronghold, Epic A, 8 April

A few words from the Iron Claws commander

The 2nd Battle of Goldhammer’s Stronghold took place last night as 4000 points of revenge maddened Squats in War Engines (Dean, with occasional advice from Greg) counterattacked the Ironclaw Space Marines (Trent & Britt). Greg GM’d & Spicy was UN ‘observer’.

   From the start, the Ironclaw’s knew they were in trouble. While they’ve averaged about a 50% win/loss ratio over other armies, the Squats with their huge War Engines have dropped that to no better than 25%. Tonight would be no exception, although a draw was eked out in the end.

   At gamestart, the idea was for Trent to take the objective on his flank while I did the same on mine. He had the tougher job as most of the war engines were facing him. ‘Miracle of miracles’, our Whirlwinds actually survived the whole game. Usually they are the first thing to die as superior Squat guns obliterate them turn one. Those Mega-Cannons did their grim work all up and down our lines, with many a brave Predator Squadron coming to a untimely end…or at least running for their lives! That Cyclops wasn’t a lot of fun either. Fortunately the ‘Land Train’ did as usual, and showed little interest in getting involved.

   Anyway, Trent held the line despite overwhelming firepower and even managed to put his Scouts forward to capture an enemy objective. His Warhounds, wisely, tended to hide behind some rocks! My right flank attack through the town was successful at first, even getting a ‘Tactical’  & a Predator unit within range of a group of Mega-cannons, but we were eventually blasted back by two Colossuses & their infantry and then even routed out of the town.

   The fight continued, and the Squats even won the initiative turn 3. As neither side could make headway, and all non-baseline objectives were contested, the battle was declared a draw at the end of turn 3.

   Another excellent game. Thanks to everyone for a fun, friendly, interesting, and most enjoyable evening of wargaming!



Iron claws

5 x Warhound Titans,

4 x Predator Annihilator platoons

3 x Tactical Marine platoons.

1 x Whirlwind units

2 x scout unit



2 x Goliath Mega-Cannon Battery

1 x Iron Hawk unit

1 x Iron-breakers League + 3 Gorgon

2 x Colossus

2 x Merchant Service Journeymen

1 x Land Train with 3 Bezerker Battle Car and 2 Dragon Battle Car

1 x 1 Leviathan &1 Hearthguard & 8 Warriors

1 x Cyclops


dsfsdfsdf 001 dsfsdfsdf 002

Turn one

The Iron claws won the initiative. They move the whirlwind Battery up behind the large city block. Then they retained the initiative and then move a warhound unit behind the city on the left flank. The Armorbreaker roll to move the Land train and fail and so move it up the road. So the Iron claws march move a tactical unit on the left flank into the  city block on the left flank.Then they retained the initiative and then double move a predator unit in the centre to engage the Cyclops, taking a shield or two down. The Armorbreaker active the Colossus unit and shot the Predator unit, that just moved. The Colossus wipes the predator unit out in one round of shooting.The Iron claws then move the single warhound on the left flank into the city and shoot the Iron-breakers League, destroying a gorgon.Then they retained the initiative and then double move a predator unit up the road on the right flank and shoot the land train. Knocking shields off the unit. So the Armorbreaker then move a Merchant Service Journeymen unit up so that its behind the ridge line. The Armorbreaker breakers then retained the initiative and double move the Iron Hawk unit up to the woods on the left flank. The Iron claws then double move a Predator unit up on the left flank to shoot the Iron Hawk unit and manage to kill one of them after the smoke clears.Then they retained the initiative and then move another predator unit to middle of the table to shoot the Cyclops, again stripping shields off and doing a point of damage. So the Armorbreaker move a Colossus and then fire indirect on the predator unit on the left flank, killing one. Then they retained the initiative and then shoot with a Goliath Mega-Cannon Battery and its manages to hit two units in the city on the left flank, giving both units blast markers and killing no one. So the Iron claws move the scout unit on the left flank so that it behind the ridge line in front of the Merchant Service Journeymen. Then the Armorbreaker shoot with a Goliath Mega-Cannon Battery and target the war hounds on the right flank that had not moved yet, removing shields and adding blast markers. Then the Iron claws double move a predator unit and shoot the Colossus, giving it a blast mark for the effort. Then the Armorbreaker assault with the Iron-breakers League and take on the scouts on the left flank, after the smoke clears the scouts when the fire fight by one. Breaking the Iron-breakers League, which turns tail and runs. Then the Iron claws double move a tactical unit and shoot the Iron Hawk unit, managing only to give it a blast marker, but that's enough to break the unit and so it double moves back to were it came from. Then the Armorbreaker move the Leviathan & Warriors unit so that could shoot the predator unit in front of it, managing to kill one of them. So the Iron claws roll for the warhound group on the right flank and make the roll. So they do a marshalling action and manage to move the titans behind cover and remove all blast makers and rise all shields. Then they retained the initiative and put a tactical unit on overwatch on the right flank and fail the roll, giving it a blast marker. So then the Armorbreaker move the Merchant Service Journeymen into fire fight range of the predators on the right flank. After the smoke clears there are no predators left. The iron claws failed to rally the predator unit, the Armorbreaker failed to rally the Iron hawks, but manage to rall the Iron-breakers League. Both side remove blast markers.

 dsfsdfsdf 003 dsfsdfsdf 004 dsfsdfsdf 005 dsfsdfsdf 006 dsfsdfsdf 007 dsfsdfsdf 008 dsfsdfsdf 009 dsfsdfsdf 010 dsfsdfsdf 011 dsfsdfsdf 012 dsfsdfsdf 013 dsfsdfsdf 014 dsfsdfsdf 015 dsfsdfsdf 016 dsfsdfsdf 017 dsfsdfsdf 018 dsfsdfsdf 019 dsfsdfsdf 020 dsfsdfsdf 021 dsfsdfsdf 022 dsfsdfsdf 023 dsfsdfsdf 024 dsfsdfsdf 025 dsfsdfsdf 026 dsfsdfsdf 027 dsfsdfsdf 028 dsfsdfsdf 029 dsfsdfsdf 030


Turn Two

The Iron claws won the initiative and fire with the whirlwind Battery and target the iron hawk unit and getting two hits removing the unit. Then they retained the initiative and shoot the Merchant Service Journeymen, causing enough hits to break the unit. The Armorbreaker active the Merchant Service Journeymen, on the left flank and close assault the scouts on the other side of the ridge, after he smoke cleared the scouts were wipe out and the Merchant Service Journeymen lost two bases. The Iron claws then pass a roll to have the tactical unit in the city on the left flank assault the Merchant Service Journeymen, the marines manage to get 5 hits and the squats make 3 saves. So the squats roll and get no hits, rolling 4 ones. So the score was 2-0 marines favour. so the dice were rolled and the marines roll a 1 and 2, the squats roll a 6 and 5. the squats win the combat, but are broken in the process and so flee. The Armorbreaker then active the Goliath Mega-Cannon Battery fired on the war hounds behind the city, hitting also the broken tactical unit, there too. So both unit receive two blast markers each. The tactical unit loses a rhino and the war hounds lose shields. Then the Iron claws double move the tactical unit on the left flank to be in range of the Iron-breakers League and fire, causing a blast marker and a hit. Then the Armorbreaker active the train again rolling a one and so move it up to the ruins on the right flank. Iron claws move the single war hound and shoot the Iron-breakers League unit, causing enough hits to break the unit, which flees back to were the other broken units are. The Armorbreaker active Colossus and move it, to shoot the warhound on the left flank. Adding blast makers and getting a DC. Then they retained the initiative and move the Leviathan & Warriors unit up to shoot, the warhound.Doing enough hits to destroy the warhound. Then Iron claws active the war hound unit, behind the city and do a marshalling action on it, removing the blast markers and raising shields, they move to the hill in their half of the table. The Armorbreaker active the other Goliath Mega-Cannon Battery and they destroy predator unit. Iron claws then move the scout on the right flank to grab a objective marker. Then the Armorbreaker activated Colossus and moved around the woods and then fired at the predator unit and manage to put a blast marker on it. the Iron claws then roll to active the tactical squad in the right corner near the blitzkrieg objective and put it on over watch. The Armorbreaker then active the Cyclops and march move it so that its near the land train on the right flank. The rally phase starts off with the iron claws losing a predator unit and they rall everything else. The Armorbreaker rally all their units. both sides remove blast markers.

dsfsdfsdf 031 dsfsdfsdf 032 dsfsdfsdf 033 dsfsdfsdf 034 dsfsdfsdf 035 dsfsdfsdf 036 dsfsdfsdf 037 dsfsdfsdf 038 dsfsdfsdf 039 dsfsdfsdf 040 dsfsdfsdf 041 dsfsdfsdf 042 dsfsdfsdf 043 dsfsdfsdf 044 dsfsdfsdf 045 dsfsdfsdf 046 dsfsdfsdf 047 dsfsdfsdf 048 dsfsdfsdf 049 dsfsdfsdf 050 dsfsdfsdf 051 dsfsdfsdf 052 dsfsdfsdf 053 dsfsdfsdf 054 dsfsdfsdf 055dsfsdfsdf 056dsfsdfsdf 057

Turn Three

ARMORBREAKER’s won the initiative and fire the Goliath Mega-Cannon Battery and target the tactical unit on the left flank, killing two infantry stands and a rhino. Then they try and move the land train and it fails it activation and so it shoots at the scouts in the ruins, killing one. The Iron claws then fire with the whirlwind Battery and target the Cyclops, but manage to hit the land train too. Taking the shields off both machines. The Armorbreaker then fire a Colossus and manage to break the predator unit in front of them, which flees back over the hill, behind it. Then they try and retain the initiative and fail with a Goliath Mega-Cannon Battery and so shoot the predator squad and manage to break the unit, with a kill and blast marker. The iron claws then active the tactical unit on the road on the left flank and shot the Goliath Mega-Cannon Battery, giving it a blast marker. The Armorbreaker double move the Iron-breakers League and fire every thing it had at the tactical unit on the road, killing two infantry and breaking the unit. So the Iron claws then double move the warhound unit and shoot the land train. After the smoke clears the land train is broken and retreats down the road. The iron claws then roll to retain the initiative and move the other warhound unit down the road to shoot the land train and they destroy it. This gives them BTS goal. So the Armorbreaker double move the Leviathan Warriors unit around so that it can shot the broken tactical unit in the city and claim the objective marker, after the smoke clears the tactical unit is down to three figures. Then the iron warriors do a marshalling action on the scout unit on the right flank, so remove all blast markers and manage to strengthen their hold on the right flank objective. Then the Armorbreaker active their Cyclops and fire the main weapon killing one warhound and so the units is broken, fleeing back down the road. The Armorbreaker retain initiative and double move the Colossus and shoot the broken war hound doing nothing too it. Then the iron claws double move a predator unit into the wood were the objective is and make their rolls for entering the woods. So then the Armorbreaker then march move a Merchant Service Journeymen up the centre of the board to contest the objective in the woods.The rally phase starts off with the iron claws rallying all unit . The Armorbreaker rally all their units. both sides remove blast markers.

dsfsdfsdf 058 dsfsdfsdf 059 dsfsdfsdf 060 dsfsdfsdf 061 dsfsdfsdf 062 dsfsdfsdf 063 dsfsdfsdf 064 dsfsdfsdf 065 dsfsdfsdf 066 dsfsdfsdf 067 dsfsdfsdf 068 dsfsdfsdf 069 dsfsdfsdf 070 dsfsdfsdf 071 dsfsdfsdf 072 dsfsdfsdf 073 dsfsdfsdf 074 dsfsdfsdf 075 dsfsdfsdf 076 dsfsdfsdf 077 dsfsdfsdf 078 dsfsdfsdf 079 dsfsdfsdf 080 dsfsdfsdf 081 dsfsdfsdf 082 dsfsdfsdf 083 dsfsdfsdf 084 dsfsdfsdf 085 dsfsdfsdf 086 dsfsdfsdf 087 dsfsdfsdf 088 dsfsdfsdf 089 dsfsdfsdf 090 dsfsdfsdf 091 dsfsdfsdf 092 dsfsdfsdf 093

Victory Conditions

1. Blitz no no
2. Break their sprit Yes no
3. Defend the Flag no no
4. Take and Hold no no
5. They Shall not Pass no Yes
Total 0 0

A very interesting game, another turn may have well seen the squats up by 1, since they mainly had their left flank covered.

Any ways may the dices roll high for you.

