Monday, July 23, 2012

(4000 POINT GAME) The Ironclaw Space Marines Task Force V’S Minervan Tank Legion


Greg, Trent, & I had another Epic Armageddon 4000 point game last night. This time it was between a Greg's IG Tank & SHT force and my Ironclaw Marines.

As Hicks would say in Alien "I don't know if you're keeping up with current events, but we're getting our asses kicked" would describe turn 1 perfectly. Long range death dealt crippling blows to the Ironclaw Marines all over the battlefield. Then things got worse.

Greg's Blog will have a full battle report up later today, and I suggest you give it a look.

A moment of silence, if you please, to honour those brave Marines who gave their lives for the Emperor.



The Ironclaw Space Marines Task Force

4 x Warhound Titans,

4 x Predator Annihilator platoons

3 x Tactical Marine platoons.(Two Librarian)

2 x Whirlwind units

2 x scout unit

Minervan Tank Legion (NetEA Army Compendium v20120208)
3 Shadowsword, Griffon Battery (3 Griffons)
3 Baneblade, Griffon Battery (3 Griffons)
10 Infantry, 5 Chimera
10 Infantry, 5 Chimera
3 Manticores
2 Deathstrike Missile Launchers
3 Basilisks
3 Salamanders
3 Salamanders
3 Stormblade, Griffon Battery (3 Griffons), Salamander Command Vehicle
6 Thunderer, Vanquisher, 3 Demolisher, Tank Squadron (3 Russ Variants), 3 (Demolisher Surcharge for Tank Squadron)



The terrain was layout as follows. There was a ruin town/city on the left flank about 30cm in.This had a road running through it and that exit at three ends and the other ending in a dead end. Also layout was rugged terrain that was passable through the gaps, along with hills and forest.

fhgghfvhfgh 001 fhgghfvhfgh 002 fhgghfvhfgh 003 fhgghfvhfgh 004


The ironclaws deployed as normal, with artillery behind rugged terrain, with all other unit setting up behind cover, or doing so there was a blos pieces in front of them. The IG place their artillery behind rugged terrain(NO SURPRISE THERE).Then space out the heavy tank companies across the front line, then supported these as need with units.

fhgghfvhfgh 005 fhgghfvhfgh 006

Turn One

The Ironclaws won the initiative and move tactical unit up on the right flank and shoot the SALAMANDER SCOUT PLATOON, giving it one blast marker.Most of the actives at the start of the turn were on the Left flank as such. So then the Minervan Tank Legion Baneblade SHT unit shooting the tactical unit and killing two units and placing blast markers. Then the Minervan Tank Legion retain the initiative and moved a MECHANIZED PLATOON up and shot the tactical unit, giving it enough blast markers to break the unit. It flees back to behind the forest in their deployment  zone. So the iron claws move up a predator unit and shoot the salamander scouts, only just breaking them and so the scouts flee behind the ruins on the left flank. So then the Minervan Tank Legion fire their Manticores, at the whirlwind unit and so kill one and at add three blast markers all up. Ironclaws then move up the red predator unit on the left flank and shoot the mechanized unit kill a vehicle. Then the Minervan Tank Legion move forward the Basilisks into the woods and losing one due to dangers test and then over open sights shoot the red predator unit, killing two. So on the right flank the ironclaws move a blue predator unit forward and shot the salamander scouts. They do enough hits to wipe the unit out in one go. Minervan Tank Legion fail a couple of initiative rolls, which hold the line back and so the ironclaws artillery is out of range and is useless. So the ironclaws move their whirlwind unit up that had the blast marks and so they make it do a march order, put it behind the a rocky outcrop. Then the Minervan Tank Legion move the tank company so that its just out of artillery again and shot the blue predator unit, killing one and placing blast markers. So the ironclaws move some units up for next turn. Minervan Tank Legion then use Deathstrike Missile Launchers, targeting the warhounds on the left flank, giving each warhound two wounds. The Minervan Tank Legion rally all units in question and the ironclaws fail one rally and that was the tactical unit on the left flank. Both forces have no worries in removing blast markers.

 fhgghfvhfgh 007 fhgghfvhfgh 008 fhgghfvhfgh 009 fhgghfvhfgh 010 fhgghfvhfgh 011 fhgghfvhfgh 012 fhgghfvhfgh 013 fhgghfvhfgh 014 fhgghfvhfgh 015 fhgghfvhfgh 016 fhgghfvhfgh 017 fhgghfvhfgh 018 fhgghfvhfgh 019  fhgghfvhfgh 021 

Turn Two

No surprise who won the initiative, so the ironclaws started by shooting the Baneblade SHT unit and they manage to place blast marker on it. Minervan Tank Legion use the tank company and shoot the blue predator unit on the right flank and wiping it out. The ironclaws then fire the whirlwind unit at the tank company and manage to give it a kill and a blast marker.minervan Tank Legion order a MECHANIZED PLATOON up and engage the whirlwind unit that was in reach, a fire fight ensured and the whirlwinds were wipe out. ironclaws then double move their green titian unit so that it was just in front of a object marker on the right flank and shoot the tank company, doing a another kill. The shadowsword company targets the scout unit and kills one and add blast marker, forcing the unit to move back in squad coherence when the move. The ironclaws then move a tactical unit up into the forest and then shoot at the tank company, adding more blast markers. Then minervan Tank Legion move up the stormblade SHT and fire at the green warhound unit, capturing the tactical behind in the blast templates. So the they each got three blast markers up front and then rolls were made for kills. The warhounds lose their shields and the tactical unit lose a rhino and a infantry stand. The ironclaws move units and use the Marshall order to clean up blast markers and in one case fix shields. the tank legion then moves the bladebane sht unit up and shoots the blue predators and only giving them a blast marker. So the minervan Tank Legion move a MECHANIZED PLATOON up on the right flank and shoot at the red predators, only adding a blast marker. On the left flank the ironclaws move their warhound titian across, so they may shoot the MECHANIZED PLATOON and so they do, killing enough to break the unit and it flees behind the forest. The minervan use their scout unit and shoot at the red predator and do a hit which is saved, but it’s enough to break the unit.The Minervan Tank Legion rally all units in question and the ironclaws fail one rally and that was the tactical unit on the left flank. Both forces have no worries in removing blast markers.

fhgghfvhfgh 020fhgghfvhfgh 022fhgghfvhfgh 023 fhgghfvhfgh 024 fhgghfvhfgh 025 fhgghfvhfgh 026 fhgghfvhfgh 027 fhgghfvhfgh 028 fhgghfvhfgh 029 fhgghfvhfgh 030 fhgghfvhfgh 031 fhgghfvhfgh 032 fhgghfvhfgh 033 fhgghfvhfgh 034 fhgghfvhfgh 035 fhgghfvhfgh 036 fhgghfvhfgh 037 fhgghfvhfgh 038 fhgghfvhfgh 039 fhgghfvhfgh 040 fhgghfvhfgh 041 fhgghfvhfgh 042

Turn Three

No surprise who won the initiative again, so the iron claws start with their artillery and shoot the infantry and doing enough damage to break the unit. The minervan Tank Legion fire at the red predator unit and kill a unit and add blast marker. Then the ironclaws use their titan on the right flank to shoot the tank company and do enough kills to cause the unit to break and fall back behind the hill. So the Manticores fire at the tactical unit and capture the warhounds in the blast templates. so they both get two blast markers up front and then rolls are made for kills, the tactical unit looses a rhino and a infantry stand. The warhound lose a shield and that it. The ironclaws on the left flank shoot at the baneblade and add three blast markers. The infantry company for the minervan move up and shoot at the red predators break,the unit which flees into the ruin town. The ironclaws move the tactical unit in the ruins so that it may marshal and removes all but one blast marker. The shadowsword unit then shoots the tactical company and it causes four blast makers all up, the tactical unit holds. Then the ironclaws move a tactical unit into fire fight range with the stormblade unit and drag the warhounds into the fire fight, the tactical unit is wipe out a to a man and the warhounds break and flee back to the ironclaws deployment zone. Then the minervan Tank Legion fire their baneblade at the tactical unit in the ruins on the left flank, firing enough shoots to kill the unit.The Minervan Tank Legion rally all but one unit in question and the ironclaws rallied their units.Both forces have no worries in removing blast markers.

fhgghfvhfgh 043 fhgghfvhfgh 044 fhgghfvhfgh 045 fhgghfvhfgh 046 fhgghfvhfgh 047 fhgghfvhfgh 048 fhgghfvhfgh 049 fhgghfvhfgh 050 fhgghfvhfgh 051 fhgghfvhfgh 052 fhgghfvhfgh 053 fhgghfvhfgh 054



Turn Four

No surprise who won the initiative again, so the iron claws start with their artillery shooting and target the stormblade unit and manage to put blast markers on it. The baneblades  shoots the blue predator unit and adds a blast marker for the trouble. The ironclaws on the right flank use the red predators and shoot at the stormblades again adding more blast markers. Then the tank company moves up and shoots the red predator unit killing one and adding a blast marker. The ironclaws move their warhounds on the left flank down to the point were they could shoot the Basilisks to a man. The infantry unit shoots the blue predator unit adding another blast marker. Then the ironclaws march move a tactical unit so that it may help the scouts near the objective markers. The Minervan Tank Legion then move the stormblades, so they may shoot a scout unit that's sitting on objective marker. They manage to wipe out the unit. That end the turn for both sides and it was a draw since ironclaws had a unit in Minervan Tank half and Minervan Tank had one of objective markers in the ironclaws half. The Minervan Tank legion wins on kills, the ironclaws had only 1300 point basically left on the table. The Minervan Tank legion had lost had about 2900 points left on the table.

 fhgghfvhfgh 057  fhgghfvhfgh 059 fhgghfvhfgh 060 fhgghfvhfgh 061 fhgghfvhfgh 062 fhgghfvhfgh 063 fhgghfvhfgh 064 fhgghfvhfgh 065 fhgghfvhfgh 066 fhgghfvhfgh 067 fhgghfvhfgh 068

Hope the dice roll high
